Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 24 - Housing and Urban Development last revised: Sep 16, 2024
§ 905.505 - Program requirements.

(a) Written approval. A PHA shall obtain written HUD approval for all Capital Fund financing transactions that pledge, encumber, or otherwise provide a security interest in public housing assets or other property, including Capital Funds, and use Capital Funds for the payment of debt service or other financing costs. HUD approval shall be based on:

(1) The ability of the PHA to complete the financing transaction along with the associated improvements;

(2) The reasonableness of the provisions in the Capital Fund Financing Proposal considering the other pledges or commitments of public housing assets, the PHA's capital needs, and the pledge being proposed; and

(3) Whether the PHA meets the requirements of this subpart.

(b) Antideficiency. Any pledge of future year Capital Fund grants under this section is subject to the availability of appropriations by Congress for that year. All financing documents related to future year Capital Fund amounts must include a statement that the pledging of funds is subject to the availability of appropriations.

(c) Conditions on use—(1) Development. Any public housing that is developed using amounts under this part (including proceeds from financing authorized under this part) shall be operated under the terms and conditions applicable to public housing during the 40-year period that begins on the date on which the project becomes available for occupancy, except as otherwise provided in the 1937 Act.

(2) Modernization. Any public housing or portion of public housing that is modernized using amounts under this part (including proceeds from financing authorized under this part) shall be maintained and operated during the 20-year period that begins on the latest date on which the modernization is completed, except as otherwise provided in the 1937 Act.

(3) Applicability of latest expiration date. Public housing subject to the use conditions described in paragraph (c) of this section, or to any other provision of law mandating the operation of housing as public housing for a specific length of time, shall be maintained and operated as required until the latest such expiration date.

(4) Declaration of Trust. All public housing rental projects must show evidence satisfactory to HUD of an effective Declaration of Trust being recorded in first position, meeting the requirements of paragraph (c) of this section and covering the term of the financing. If part of a mixed-finance project, this evidence will be with the mixed-finance evidentiary documents.

(d) Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS) designation. Generally, a PHA shall be designated a standard performer or high performer under PHAS (24 CFR part 902), and must be a standard performer or higher on the management and financial condition indicators. HUD will consider requests from a PHA designated as troubled under PHAS when the PHA is able to show that it has developed appropriate management and financial capability and controls that demonstrate its ability to successfully undertake the Capital Fund Financing Proposal. The PHA must comply with all applicable fair housing and civil rights requirements in 24 CFR 5.105(a). If a PHA has received a letter of findings, charge, or lawsuit involving ongoing systemic noncompliance under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Fair Housing Act, or Section 109 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, and the letter of findings, charge, or lawsuit has not been resolved to HUD's satisfaction, then unless the Capital Fund Financing Proposal is part of a plan to address such findings, charge, or lawsuit, the PHA will not be eligible for financing pursuant to the CFFP. HUD will determine if actions to resolve the charge, lawsuit, or letter of findings taken are sufficient to resolve the matter.

(e) Management capacity. A PHA shall have the capacity to undertake and administer private financing and construction or modernization of the size and type contemplated. In order to determine capacity, HUD may require the PHA to submit a management assessment conducted by an independent third party, in a form and manner prescribed by HUD.

(f) Existing financing. A PHA shall identify the nature and extent of any existing encumbrances, pledges, or other financing commitments of public housing funds undertaken by the PHA.

(g) Need for financing. (1) A PHA must complete a physical needs assessment at the project level, in the form and manner prescribed by HUD that covers the PHA's entire public housing portfolio for the term of the financing and that takes into consideration existing needs and the lifecycle repair and replacement of major building components. The activity to be financed must be identified as a need in the physical needs assessment.

(2) Based on the assessment under paragraph (g)(1) of this section, the PHA must demonstrate that the financing will not negatively impact the ability of the PHA to meet the ongoing needs of its public housing portfolio over the term of the financing. In making this demonstration, PHAs must reduce any projected future Capital Fund grants to account for planned or anticipated activities that would have the effect of reducing or otherwise limiting the availability of future Capital Fund grants. PHA projections must be detailed on the portfolio schedule form prescribed by HUD, and shall project a stabilized number of units (Stabilized Base Unit Count) to be reached in no more than 5 years after all planned or anticipated activities have been completed that would reduce future Capital Fund grants. PHAs must also take into consideration projected use of Capital Funds for other eligible activities under part 905, and may take into consideration alternative sources of financing that are available to help meet its needs.

(3) For PHAs that are proposing to borrow more than $2 million on a cumulative basis, to the extent that:

(i) Capital and other eligible Capital Fund needs exceed projected Capital Fund program funding amounts, and the PHA is not leveraging non-public housing funds as part of its Capital Fund Financing Proposal transaction, then

(ii) The PHA must demonstrate that it has considered leveraging non-public housing funds, and state why the proposed financing is appropriate in light of alternative sources available.

(iii) Notwithstanding paragraphs (g)(3)(i) and (ii) of this section, PHAs that size their financing by utilizing only replacement housing factor (RHF) funds, or PHAs that propose to use their Capital Fund Financing Proposal proceeds as part of a mixed-finance modernization transaction, are not required to comply with § 905.505(g).

(h) CFP Plan. (1) The use of the CFFP proceeds shall be included in a form and manner as required by HUD for CFP planning and budgeting and in a same manner as a Capital Fund grant. The CFFP proceeds shall be included as a separate Capital Fund grant to the same extent that PHAs are required to plan and budget Capital Fund grants. The use of Capital Funds for the payment of debt service and related costs shall be planned and budgeted as would other eligible uses of Capital Funds.

(2) As part of its Capital Fund Financing Proposal, the PHA shall submit a Capital Fund financing budget, in the form and manner required by HUD, detailing the proposed use of the Capital Fund Financing Proposal proceeds. There shall be no requirement for PHAs to submit a Capital Fund financing budget as part of their Capital Fund financing proceeds where the sizing of the financing is based upon the use of RHF funds for debt service, or where the Capital Fund Financing Proposal proceeds are being used as part of a mixed-finance transaction. Approval letters for mixed-finance and RHF-related Capital Fund financing transactions shall be conditioned upon the approval of the mixed-finance proposal, or, in the case of conventional development, upon the approval of the development proposal and the execution of an associated construction contract with which the Capital Fund financing proceeds would be used.

(3) The work financed with Capital Funds and described in the Capital Fund financing budget will be based on the physical needs assessment. The Capital Fund financing budget shall list the work items (e.g., roof replacement, window replacement, accessibility modifications) by development. These work items will constitute performance measures upon which the PHA's performance will be evaluated. A general representation of the work (e.g., “rehabilitation of the development”) is not sufficient.

(4) The CFP Plan (submission (as described in paragraph (h) of this section) shall include a copy of the physical needs assessment described in § 905.505(g).

(5) Financing proceeds under this part may be used only for the modernization or development of public housing and related costs including the modernization or development of non-dwelling space. Financing proceeds may not be used for administration or central office cost center costs (except for mixed-finance projects), management improvements, or upon non-viable projects, such as those subject to required conversion. Financing proceeds may be used to reimburse predevelopment costs, but only to the extent they were incurred in conformance with applicable regulatory requirements.

(i) Debt Coverage Percentage. (1) Except as stated in § 905.505(i)(2), a PHA shall not pledge more than 33 percent of its annual future Capital Fund grants for debt service payments, assuming level Capital Fund appropriations over the term of the debt obligation and any reduction attributable to activities projected by the PHA to occur during the term of the financing such as demolition, disposition, or conversion of public housing units or other occurrences that could limit the availability of Capital Funds, including a voluntary compliance agreement. This percentage of Capital Funds dedicated for debt service, taking into account adjustments for activities that would reduce the receipt of Capital Funds, is called the “Debt Coverage Percentage.”

(2) A PHA may pledge up to 100 percent of any projected replacement housing factor (RHF) grants for debt service payments, provided that the pledge extends to the formula fund portion of its Capital Fund grants also, but that not more than 50 percent of its overall projected Capital Fund grants (including formula funds and RHF funds) are pledged. RHF projections shall account for any projected reductions in RHF over the term of the financing. Unless otherwise approved by HUD, PHAs shall be limited to sizing their loans based upon increments of RHF currently being received by the PHA. CFFP transactions pledging RHF funds shall include accelerated amortization provisions, requiring all RHF funds received by the PHA to pay debt service as those RHF funds are received. A RHF grant shall be used only to develop or pay financing costs for the development of replacement public housing units in accordance with § 905.10.

(3) Subject to the reasonableness test in § 905.505(a)(2), PHAs may exceed 33 percent when pledging existing Capital Fund grants and RHF grants for the payment of debt service. Existing grants are grants that have been received by the PHA at the time of HUD's approval of the Capital Fund Financing Proposal.

(j) Terms and conditions of financing. The terms and conditions of all financing shall be reasonable based on current market conditions. The financing documents shall include the following, as applicable:

(1) Term. The term of the Capital Fund financing transaction shall not be more than 20 years. All Capital Fund financing transactions shall be fully amortizing. Bridge loans and other short-term loans are permitted; however, unless otherwise approved by HUD, the CFFP Financing transaction may not be structured in a manner that generates program income.

(2) Acceleration. Unless otherwise approved by HUD, the financing documents shall provide that HUD approval is required before a lender may accelerate a PHA's debt obligation, for default or otherwise.

(3) Public housing assets. A PHA may not pledge any public housing assets unless specifically approved in writing by HUD. PHAs seeking approval of a pledge of public housing assets must submit documentation to HUD that details the nature and priority of the pledge.

(4) Variable interest rate. All variable-rate transactions shall include an interest-rate cap. The financing documents must specify that the PHA shall not be liable to pay debt service with public housing funds, and that there shall be no recourse to public housing assets, beyond the interest-rate cap. The limitation on the pledge of Capital Funds specified in § 905.505(i) shall be calculated based on the interest-rate cap.

(5) Other pledges or commitments. PHAs seeking approval of a pledge of public housing assets must describe the nature and extent of existing commitments or pledges of public housing assets, providing documentation of such other commitments or pledges to the extent required by HUD.

(6) Terms and conditions. Financing documents must include any other terms and conditions as required by HUD.

(k) Fairness opinion. The PHA shall provide an opinion, in a form and manner prescribed by HUD, from a qualified, independent, third-party financial advisor attesting that the terms and conditions of the proposed financing transaction are reasonable given current market conditions with respect to such matters as interest rate, fees, costs of issuance, call provisions, and reserve fund requirements.

(l) Financial controls and construction management. (1) The PHA shall have a financial control and construction management plan describing how the PHA will ensure that:

(i) Adequate controls are in place regarding the use of the Capital Fund financing proceeds; and

(ii) The improvements will be developed and completed in a timely manner consistent with the contract documents.

(2) This plan shall contain protocols and financial control mechanisms that address the design of the improvements, construction inspections, construction draws, and requisition approval checks and balances. A PHA that is designated troubled under PHAS, or other PHAs as determined by HUD, may be required to institute risk mitigation measures to ensure that the funds are used properly and for the purposes intended.

(m) Work items. To the extent that any changes in work items financed by Capital Fund financing proceeds meet or exceed the following threshold requirements determined by HUD, PHAs must obtain written approval of amendments to their Capital Fund financing budget from HUD:

(1) A change in the type of activity being financed (for example, if the approved Capital Fund financing budget contemplated the proceeds being used for modernization, but after the proposal is approved, the PHA decides instead to pursue development);

(2) A change in the project being modernized or developed with the proceeds;

(3) A reduction in 20 percent or more in the number of public housing units being modernized; or

(4) An increase of 20 percent or more of the cost of non-dwelling space.

(n) Applicability of other Federal requirements. The proceeds of the Capital Fund financing are subject to all laws, regulations, and other requirements applicable to the use of Capital Fund grants made under 24 CFR part 905, unless otherwise approved by HUD in writing. PHAs undertaking CFFP transactions shall be subject to the following requirements, which shall be further enumerated in a Capital Fund Financing Amendment to the Annual Contributions Contract (CFF ACC Amendment):

(1) Amounts payable to the PHA by HUD pursuant to the CFFP and pledged to the payment of debt service by the PHA shall be used exclusively for debt service in accordance with the debt service schedule approved by HUD and shall not be available for any other purpose;

(2) The financing does not constitute a debt or liability of HUD or the United States, the full faith and credit of the United States are not pledged to the payment of debt service, and debt service is not guaranteed by HUD or the United States;

(3) Nothing in this CFF ACC Amendment or 24 CFR part 905 is intended to diminish HUD's authority to administer, monitor, and regulate the public housing program, including HUD's authority to exercise any administrative sanction or remedy provided by law; provided, however, that except as required by law, HUD will not assert any claim or right under the ACC, including the exercise of administrative sanctions and remedies, if and to the extent that the effect of such claim or right would be to reduce the payment of Capital Fund moneys to the PHA below the level necessary to pay debt service or delay the time for payment of such moneys such that required amounts would not be available to pay debt service when due;

(4) The financing is subject to mandatory prepayment prior to the obligation end date and expenditure end date of the Capital Fund financing proceeds to the extent necessary for the Capital Fund Financing Proposal proceeds to comply with section 9(j) of the 1937 Act (42 U.S.C. 1437g(j)). Bond and loan documents shall include appropriate provisions such that prepayment shall be made by the lender, trustee, or appropriate third-party servicer approved by HUD, without any action by HUD post-approval;

(5) HUD agrees, subject to the availability of appropriations, to approve immediately upon receipt from the PHA (subject to any legal requirements or constraints applicable at the time), a CFP Plan document (as described in 24 CFR 905.505(h)) and/or an annual CFF ACC Amendment, to the extent and in an amount sufficient to make the applicable debt service payment;

(6) Prior to cumulatively reducing its inventory of public housing units by more than 5 percent of the Stabilized Base Unit Count, if, after the removal of units from inventory, the Debt Coverage Percentage under § 905.505(i)(1) would constitute more than 33 percent of future Capital Funds, the PHA shall prepay the financing such that the reduction in inventory shall not cause the Debt Coverage Percentage to increase. If the reduction in inventory is required by law or public housing requirements, the prepayment is not required to be made prior to the reduction in inventory, but instead shall be made as soon as possible after the PHA becomes aware of the requirement of law or public housing requirements, but only to the extent that Capital Funds are not otherwise needed by the PHA to address the health and safety issues or other requirements of law in the PHA's public housing portfolio, all as determined by HUD. For PHAs that size their loans based upon the projected receipt of RHF funds, prior to undertaking an activity that will reduce its RHF units below the number of units projected in the Capital Fund Financing Proposal as required by § 905.505(i)(3), the PHA shall prepay its loan such that debt service does not exceed 100 percent of projected RHF after accounting for the reduction in RHF units, all as determined by HUD.

(o) Performance measures. Pursuant to 24 CFR 905.505(h) a PHA is required to identify in its CFP Plan documents specific items of work that will be accomplished using the proceeds of the proposed financing. The identified items, which shall be quantifiable, shall be the basis on which HUD evaluates a PHA's performance. HUD may also utilize the Capital Fund financing budget, and Capital Fund Financing Proposal approval documents as the basis to evaluate a PHA's performance. Failure to meet performance measures may result in:

(1) Failure to receive HUD approval for future financing transactions;

(2) Failure to be considered for future competitive grant programs; and

(3) Other sanctions HUD deems appropriate and authorized by law or regulation.

(p) Reporting requirements. (1) The use of the CFFP proceeds shall be reported in the same manner as a Capital Fund grant. The PHA shall submit a performance and evaluation report on a quarterly basis. PHAs that utilize their Capital Fund financing proceeds as part of a mixed-finance transaction, and PHAs that size their financing based upon RHF in their Capital Fund financing transactions, are not required to submit quarterly reports.

(2) Each CFFP transaction and/or development project is subject to fiscal closeout in the same manner of a Capital Fund grant. Fiscal closeout includes the submission of an Actual Modernization Cost Certificate (AMCC) or Actual Development Cost Certificate (ADCC), an audit, if applicable, a final quarterly report, and a final Performance and Evaluation report.

authority: 42 U.S.C. 1437g,42.S.C. 1437z-2, 42 U.S.C. 1437z-7,and
source: 65 FR 14426, Mar. 16, 2000, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 24 CFR 905.505