Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 19, 2024

Title 25 - Indians last revised: Mar 22, 2024
§ 543.8 - What are the minimum internal control standards for bingo?

(a) Supervision. Supervision must be provided as needed for bingo operations by an agent(s) with authority equal to or greater than those being supervised.

(b) Bingo cards. (1) Physical bingo card inventory controls must address the placement of orders, receipt, storage, issuance, removal, and cancellation of bingo card inventory to ensure that:

(i) The bingo card inventory can be accounted for at all times; and

(ii) Bingo cards have not been marked, altered, or otherwise manipulated.

(2) Receipt from supplier. (i) When bingo card inventory is initially received from the supplier, it must be inspected (without breaking the factory seals, if any), counted, inventoried, and secured by an authorized agent.

(ii) Bingo card inventory records must include the date received, quantities received, and the name of the individual conducting the inspection.

(3) Storage. (i) Bingo cards must be maintained in a secure location, accessible only to authorized agents, and with surveillance coverage adequate to identify persons accessing the storage area.

(ii) For Tier A operations, bingo card inventory may be stored in a cabinet, closet, or other similar area; however, such area must be secured and separate from the working inventory.

(4) Issuance and returns of inventory. (i) Controls must be established for the issuance and return of bingo card inventory. Records signed by the issuer and recipient must be created under the following events:

(A) Issuance of inventory from storage to a staging area;

(B) Issuance of inventory from a staging area to the cage or sellers;

(C) Return of inventory from a staging area to storage; and

(D) Return of inventory from cage or seller to staging area or storage.

(ii) [Reserved]

(5) Cancellation and removal. (i) Bingo cards removed from inventory that are deemed out of sequence, flawed, or misprinted and not returned to the supplier must be cancelled to ensure that they are not utilized in the play of a bingo game. Bingo cards that are removed from inventory and returned to the supplier or cancelled must be logged as removed from inventory.

(ii) Bingo cards associated with an investigation must be retained intact outside of the established removal and cancellation policy.

(6) Logs. (i) The inventory of bingo cards must be tracked and logged from receipt until use or permanent removal from inventory.

(ii) The bingo card inventory record(s) must include:

(A) Date;

(B) Shift or session;

(C) Time;

(D) Location;

(E) Inventory received, issued, removed, and returned;

(F) Signature of agent performing transaction;

(G) Signature of agent performing the reconciliation;

(H) Any variance;

(I) Beginning and ending inventory; and

(J) Description of inventory transaction being performed.

(c) Bingo card sales. (1) Agents who sell bingo cards must not be the sole verifier of bingo cards for prize payouts.

(2) Manual bingo card sales: In order to adequately record, track, and reconcile sales of bingo cards, the following information must be documented:

(i) Date;

(ii) Shift or session;

(iii) Number of bingo cards issued, sold, and returned;

(iv) Dollar amount of bingo card sales;

(v) Signature, initials, or identification number of the agent preparing the record; and

(vi) Signature, initials, or identification number of an independent agent who verified the bingo cards returned to inventory and dollar amount of bingo card sales.

(3) Bingo card sale voids must be processed in accordance with the rules of the game and established controls that must include the following:

(i) Patron refunds;

(ii) Adjustments to bingo card sales to reflect voids;

(iii) Adjustment to bingo card inventory;

(iv) Documentation of the reason for the void; and

(v) Authorization for all voids.

(4) Class II gaming system bingo card sales. In order to adequately record, track and reconcile sales of bingo cards, the following information must be documented from the server (this is not required if the system does not track the information, but system limitation(s) must be noted):

(i) Date;

(ii) Time;

(iii) Number of bingo cards sold;

(iv) Dollar amount of bingo card sales; and

(v) Amount in, amount out and other associated meter information.

(d) Draw. (1) Controls must be established and procedures implemented to ensure that all eligible objects used in the conduct of the bingo game are available to be drawn and have not been damaged or altered. Verification of physical objects must be performed by two agents before the start of the first bingo game/session. At least one of the verifying agents must be a supervisory agent or independent of the bingo games department.

(2) Where the selection is made through an electronic aid, certification in accordance with 25 CFR 547.14 is acceptable for verifying the randomness of the draw and satisfies the requirements of paragraph (d)(1) of this section.

(3) Controls must be established and procedures implemented to provide a method of recall of the draw, which includes the order and identity of the objects drawn, for dispute resolution purposes.

(4) Verification and display of draw. Controls must be established and procedures implemented to ensure that:

(i) The identity of each object drawn is accurately recorded and transmitted to the participants. The procedures must identify the method used to ensure the identity of each object drawn.

(ii) For all games offering a prize payout of $1,200 or more, as the objects are drawn, the identity of the objects are immediately recorded and maintained for a minimum of 24 hours.

(e) Prize payout. (1) Controls must be established and procedures implemented for cash or cash equivalents that address the following:

(i) Identification of the agent authorized (by position) to make a payout;

(ii) Predetermined payout authorization levels (by position); and

(iii) Documentation procedures ensuring separate control of the cash accountability functions.

(2) Verification of validity. (i) Controls must be established and procedures implemented to verify that the following is valid for the game in play prior to payment of a winning prize:

(A) Winning card(s);

(B) Objects drawn; and

(C) The previously designated arrangement of numbers or designations on such cards, as described in 25 U.S.C. 2703(7)(A).

(ii) At least two agents must verify that the card, objects drawn, and previously designated arrangement were valid for the game in play.

(iii) Where an automated verification method is available, verification by such method is acceptable.

(3) Validation. (i) For manual payouts, at least two agents must determine the validity of the claim prior to the payment of a prize. The system may serve as one of the validators.

(ii) For automated payouts, the system may serve as the sole validator of the claim.

(4) Verification. (i) For manual payouts, at least two agents must verify that the winning pattern has been achieved on the winning card prior to the payment of a prize. The system may serve as one of the verifiers.

(ii) For automated payouts, the system may serve as the sole verifier that the pattern has been achieved on the winning card.

(5) Authorization and signatures. (i) At least two agents must authorize, sign, and witness all manual prize payouts above $1,200, or a lower threshold as authorized by management and approved by the TGRA.

(ii) Manual prize payouts above the following threshold (or a lower threshold, as authorized by management and approved by TGRA) must require one of the two signatures and verifications to be a supervisory or management employee independent of the operation of Class II Gaming System bingo:

(A) $5,000 for a Tier A facility;

(B) $10,000 at a Tier B facility;

(C) $20,000 for a Tier C facility; or

(D) $50,000 for a Tier C facility with over $100,000,000 in gross gaming revenues.

(iii) The predetermined thresholds, whether set at the MICS level or lower, must be authorized by management, approved by the TGRA, documented, and maintained.

(iv) A Class II gaming system may substitute for one authorization/signature verifying, validating or authorizing a winning card, but may not substitute for a supervisory or management authorization/signature.

(6) Payout records, including manual payout records, must include the following information:

(i) Date and time;

(ii) Amount of the payout (alpha & numeric for player interface payouts); and

(iii) Bingo card identifier or player interface identifier.

(iv) Manual payout records must also include the following:

(A) Game name or number;

(B) Description of pattern covered, such as cover-all or four corners;

(C) Signature of all, but not less than two, agents involved in the transaction;

(D) For override transactions, verification by a supervisory or management agent independent of the transaction; and

(E) Any other information necessary to substantiate the payout.

(f) Cash and cash equivalent controls. (1) Cash or cash equivalents exchanged between two persons must be counted independently by at least two agents and reconciled to the recorded amounts at the end of each shift or session. Unexplained variances must be documented and maintained. Unverified transfers of cash or cash equivalents are prohibited.

(2) Procedures must be implemented to control cash or cash equivalents based on the amount of the transaction. These procedures must include documentation by shift, session, or other relevant time period of the following:

(i) Inventory, including any increases or decreases;

(ii) Transfers;

(iii) Exchanges, including acknowledging signatures or initials; and

(iv) Resulting variances.

(3) Any change to control of accountability, exchange, or transfer requires that the cash or cash equivalents be counted and recorded independently by at least two agents and reconciled to the recorded amount.

(g) Technologic aids to the play of bingo. Controls must be established and procedures implemented to safeguard the integrity of technologic aids to the play of bingo during installations, operations, modifications, removal and retirements. Such procedures must include the following:

(1) Shipping and receiving.

(i) A communication procedure must be established between the supplier, the gaming operation, and the TGRA to properly control the shipping and receiving of all software and hardware components. Such procedures must include:

(A) Notification of pending shipments must be provided to the TGRA by the gaming operation;

(B) Certification in accordance with 25 CFR part 547;

(C) Notification from the supplier to the TGRA, or the gaming operation as approved by the TGRA, of the shipping date and expected date of delivery. The shipping notification must include:

(1) Name and address of the supplier;

(2) Description of shipment;

(3) For player interfaces: a serial number;

(4) For software: software version and description of software;

(5) Method of shipment; and

(6) Expected date of delivery.

(ii) Procedures must be implemented for the exchange of Class II gaming system components for maintenance and replacement.

(iii) Class II gaming system components must be shipped in a secure manner to deter unauthorized access.

(iv) The TGRA, or its designee, must receive all Class II gaming system components and game play software packages, and verify the contents against the shipping notification.

(2) Access credential control methods. (i) Controls must be established to restrict access to the Class II gaming system components, as set forth in § 543.20, Information and Technology.

(ii) [Reserved]

(3) Recordkeeping and audit processes. (i) The gaming operation must maintain the following records, as applicable, related to installed game servers and player interfaces:

(A) Date placed into service;

(B) Date made available for play;

(C) Supplier;

(D) Software version;

(E) Serial number;

(F) Game title;

(G) Asset and/or location number;

(H) Seal number; and

(I) Initial meter reading.

(ii) Procedures must be implemented for auditing such records in accordance with § 543.23, Audit and Accounting.

(4) System software signature verification. (i) Procedures must be implemented for system software verifications. These procedures must include comparing signatures generated by the verification programs required by 25 CFR 547.8, to the signatures provided in the independent test laboratory letter for that software version.

(ii) An agent independent of the bingo operation must perform system software signature verification(s) to verify that only approved software is installed.

(iii) Procedures must be implemented for investigating and resolving any software verification variances.

(iv) Internal audits must be conducted as set forth in § 543.23, Audit and Accounting. Such audits must be documented.

(5) Installation testing. (i) Testing must be completed during the installation process to verify that the player interface has been properly installed. This must include testing of the following, as applicable:

(A) Communication with the Class II gaming system;

(B) Communication with the accounting system;

(C) Communication with the player tracking system;

(D) Currency and vouchers to bill acceptor;

(E) Voucher printing;

(F) Meter incrementation;

(G) Pay table, for verification;

(H) Player interface denomination, for verification;

(I) All buttons, to ensure that all are operational and programmed appropriately;

(J) System components, to ensure that they are safely installed at location; and

(K) Locks, to ensure that they are secure and functioning.

(ii) [Reserved]

(6) Display of rules and necessary disclaimers. The TGRA or the operation must verify that all game rules and disclaimers are displayed at all times or made readily available to the player upon request, as required by 25 CFR part 547;

(7) TGRA approval of all technologic aids before they are offered for play.

(8) All Class II gaming equipment must comply with 25 CFR part 547, Minimum Technical Standards for Gaming Equipment Used With the Play of Class II Games; and

(9) Dispute resolution.

(h) Operations—(1) Malfunctions. Procedures must be implemented to investigate, document and resolve malfunctions. Such procedures must address the following:

(i) Determination of the event causing the malfunction;

(ii) Review of relevant records, game recall, reports, logs, surveillance records;

(iii) Repair or replacement of the Class II gaming component;

(iv) Verification of the integrity of the Class II gaming component before restoring it to operation; and

(2) Removal, retirement and/or destruction. Procedures must be implemented to retire or remove any or all associated components of a Class II gaming system from operation. Procedures must include the following:

(i) For player interfaces and components that accept cash or cash equivalents:

(A) Coordinate with the drop team to perform a final drop;

(B) Collect final accounting information such as meter readings, drop and payouts;

(C) Remove and/or secure any or all associated equipment such as locks, card reader, or ticket printer from the retired or removed component; and

(D) Document removal, retirement, and/or destruction.

(ii) For removal of software components:

(A) Purge and/or return the software to the license holder; and

(B) Document the removal.

(iii) For other related equipment such as blowers, cards, interface cards:

(A) Remove and/or secure equipment; and

(B) Document the removal or securing of equipment.

(iv) For all components:

(A) Verify that unique identifiers, and descriptions of removed/retired components are recorded as part of the retirement documentation; and

(B) Coordinate with the accounting department to properly retire the component in the system records.

(v) Where the TGRA authorizes destruction of any Class II gaming system components, procedures must be developed to destroy such components. Such procedures must include the following:

(A) Methods of destruction;

(B) Witness or surveillance of destruction;

(C) Documentation of all components destroyed; and

(D) Signatures of agent(s) destroying components attesting to destruction.

(i) Vouchers. (1) Controls must be established and procedures implemented to:

(i) Verify the authenticity of each voucher redeemed.

(ii) If the voucher is valid, verify that the patron is paid the appropriate amount.

(iii) Document the payment of a claim on a voucher that is not physically available or a voucher that cannot be validated such as a mutilated, expired, lost, or stolen voucher.

(iv) Retain payment documentation for reconciliation purposes.

(v) For manual payment of a voucher of $500 or more, require a supervisory employee to verify the validity of the voucher prior to payment.

(2) Vouchers paid during a period while the voucher system is temporarily out of operation must be marked “paid” by the cashier.

(3) Vouchers redeemed while the voucher system was temporarily out of operation must be validated as expeditiously as possible upon restored operation of the voucher system.

(4) Paid vouchers must be maintained in the cashier's accountability for reconciliation purposes.

(5) Unredeemed vouchers can only be voided in the voucher system by supervisory employees. The accounting department will maintain the voided voucher, if available.

(j) All relevant controls from § 543.20, Information and Technology will apply.

(k) Revenue Audit. Standards for revenue audit of bingo are contained in § 543.24, Revenue Audit.

(l) Variance. The operation must establish, as approved by the TGRA, the threshold level at which a variance, including deviations from the mathematical expectations required by 25 CFR 547.4, will be reviewed to determine the cause. Any such review must be documented.

authority: 25 U.S.C. 2702(2), 2706(b)(1-4), 2706(b)(10)
source: 77 FR 58712, Sept. 21, 2012, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 25 CFR 543.8