In carrying out Tribal self-governance under title IV, it is the policy of the Secretary:
(a) To fully support and implement the foregoing policies to the full extent of the Secretary's authority.
(b) To recognize and respect the unique government-to-government relationship between Tribes, as sovereign governments, and the United States.
(c) To have all bureaus of the Department work to further and protect the trust responsibility of the United States with respect to Tribes and individual Indians that exists under treaties, Executive orders, other laws, or court decisions.
(d) To have all bureaus of the Department work cooperatively and pro-actively with Tribes/Consortia on a government-to-government basis within the framework of the Act and any other applicable provision of law, so as to make the ideals of self-determination and self-governance a reality.
(e) To have all bureaus of the Department work to streamline the process for Tribes/Consortia participating in or applying to participate in self-governance to establish administrative efficiencies and consistency with the processes under title IV and title V of Public Law 93-638, as amended.
(f) To have all bureaus of the Department actively share information with Tribes and Tribal Consortia to encourage Tribes and Tribal Consortia to become knowledgeable about the Department's programs and the opportunities to include them in a funding agreement.
(g) To interpret each Federal law and regulation, including this part, in a manner that facilitates the inclusion of programs in funding agreements and the implementation of funding agreements.
(h) That all bureaus of the Department will negotiate in good faith, to maximize implementation of the Self-Governance policy and carry out title IV and this part in a manner that maximizes the policy of Tribal self-governance.
(i) That, subject to Public Law 116-180, title I, § 101(a), Oct. 21, 2020, 134 Stat. 857, (25 U.S.C. 5361 Note), each provision of title IV and each provision of a compact or funding agreement shall be liberally construed for the benefit of the Tribe or Consortium participating in self-governance, and that any ambiguity be resolved in favor of the Tribe or Consortium to facilitate the inclusion of programs in each funding agreement authorized.
(j) To timely enter into funding agreements under title IV, whenever possible.
(k) To afford Tribes and Tribal Consortia the maximum flexibility and discretion necessary to meet the needs of their communities consistent with their diverse demographic, geographic, economic, cultural, health, social, religious, and institutional needs. This includes recognition of and support for Indigenous Knowledge, and the Tribes' and Tribal Consortia's authority to apply such knowledge when performing PSFAs under this part. These policies are designed to facilitate and encourage Tribes and Tribal Consortia to participate in the planning, conduct, and administration of those Federal programs, included, or eligible for inclusion in a funding agreement.
(l) To the extent of the Secretary's authority, to maintain active communication with Tribal governments regarding budgetary matters applicable to programs subject to the Act, and that are included in an individual funding agreement.
(m) To implement policies, procedures, and practices at the Department to ensure that the letter, spirit, and goals of the Act are fully and successfully implemented to the maximum extent allowed by law.
(n) To ensure that Executive Order 13175 on Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments and any subsequent Executive Orders regarding consultation will apply to the implementation of these regulations.