The Secretary's report will:
(a) Identify:
(1) The relative costs and benefits of self-governance;
(2) With particularity, all funds that are specifically or functionally related to the provision by the Secretary of services and benefits to self-governance Indian Tribes and members of Indian Tribes;
(3) The funds transferred to each Tribe/Consortium and the corresponding reduction in the Federal employees and workload; and
(4) The funding formula for individual Tribal shares of all Central Office funds, together with the comments of affected Indian Tribes, developed for the report to Congress as required by 25 U.S.C. 5372(d).
(b) Include the separate views and comments of each Indian Tribe or Tribal organization; and
(c) Include a list of:
(1) All such programs that the Secretary determines, in consultation with Indian Tribes participating in self-governance, are eligible for negotiation to be included in a funding agreement at the request of a participating Indian Tribe;
(2) All such programs which Indian Tribes have formally requested to include in a funding agreement under section 403(c) (25 U.S.C. 5363(c)) due to the special geographic, historical, or cultural significance of the program to the Indian Tribe, indicating whether each request was granted or denied, and stating the grounds for any denial; and
(d) Include in this report, in the aggregate, a description of the internal controls that were inadequate, the technical assistance provided, and a description of Secretarial actions taken to address any remaining inadequate internal controls after the provision of technical assistance and implementation of the plan required by 25 U.S.C. 5324(q)(1).
(e) Programmatic targets established by the Secretary, after consulting with participating Tribes/Consortia, to encourage bureaus of the Department, other than the BIA, the BIE, the BTFA, or the Office of Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs to ensure that an appropriate portion of those programs are available to be included in funding agreements.