(a) The Secretary shall issue a notice of consultation which includes:
(1) Sufficient information on the topic to be discussed, in an accessible language and format, and context for the consultation topic, to facilitate meaningful consultation;
(2) Identification of a timeline of the process and possible outcomes for Departmental action under consideration;
(3) The date, time, and location of the consultation;
(4) If consulting virtually or by telephone, links to join or register in advance;
(5) An explanation of any time constraints known to the Department at that time;
(6) Deadlines for Tribes and Consortia to submit written comments on the topic; and
(7) The names and contact information for Departmental staff who can provide additional information on the consultation.
(b) The Secretary shall provide notice of at least 30 days to Tribes and Consortia of any planned consultation sessions.
(c) The Secretary shall distribute such notice under this section to each Tribe/Consortium through:
(1) Email to a point of contact for each Tribe and Consortium; and
(2) Posting the notice on the website for the Department and/or OSG.
(d) The Secretary should, to the greatest extent practical, provide appropriate, available information on the subject of consultation including, where consistent with applicable law, a proposed agenda, framing paper, and other relevant documents to assist in the consultation process.