(a) In general. This section provides rules for classifying cloud transactions (as defined in paragraph (b) of this section). The rules of this section apply for purposes of Internal Revenue Code sections 59A, 245A, 250, 267A, 367, 404A, 482, 679, and 1059A; subchapter N of chapter 1; chapters 3 and 4; and sections 842 and 845 (to the extent involving a foreign person), and apply with respect to transfers to foreign trusts not covered by section 679.
(b) Cloud transaction defined. A cloud transaction is a transaction through which a person obtains on-demand network access to computer hardware, digital content (as defined in § 1.861-18(a)(2)), or other similar resources. A cloud transaction does not include network access to download digital content for storage and use on a person's computer or other electronic device.
(c) Classification of cloud transactions—(1) In general. A cloud transaction is classified as the provision of services.
(2) Transaction with multiple elements. Taking into account the overall transaction and the surrounding facts and circumstances, a transaction that has multiple elements, one or more of which would be a cloud transaction if considered separately, is classified in its entirety as a cloud transaction if the predominant character of the transaction as determined under § 1.861-18(b)(3) is a cloud transaction.
(d) Examples. The examples in this paragraph (d) illustrate the provisions of this section. Unless otherwise specified, assume that Corp A is a domestic corporation, no rights described in § 1.861-18(c)(2) (copyright rights) are transferred as part of the transactions described, and all facts in each example occur as part of a single transaction.
(1) Example 1: Computing capacity—(i) Facts. Corp A operates data centers on its premises in various locations. Corp A provides Corp B computing capacity on Corp A's servers in exchange for a monthly fee based on the amount of computing power made available to Corp B. Corp B provides its own software to run on Corp A's servers.
(ii) Analysis. The provision of on-demand network computing capacity by Corp A to Corp B is a cloud transaction with one element. Therefore, the transaction is treated solely as a cloud transaction under paragraph (b) of this section and is classified as the provision of services under paragraph (c)(1) of this section.
(2) Example 2: Computing capacity on dedicated on-premises servers—(i) Facts. The facts are the same as in paragraph (d)(1)(i) of this section (the facts in Example 1), except that, in order to offer more security to Corp B, Corp A provides Corp B computing capacity exclusively through designated servers, which are owned and operated by Corp A and located at Corp B's facilities. Corp A agrees not to use the designated server for any other customer for the duration of its arrangement with Corp B. Although the server is located at Corp B's facilities, Corp B accesses the server through Corp A's network and the monthly fee is based on the amount of computing power made available to Corp B.
(ii) Analysis. As in paragraph (d)(1) of this section (Example 1), the transaction between Corp A and Corp B is the provision of on-demand network computing capacity and is therefore a cloud transaction with one element. Therefore, the transaction is treated solely as a cloud transaction under paragraph (b) of this section and is classified as the provision of services under paragraph (c)(1) of this section. If the transaction between Corp A and Corp B involved only the provision of a server by Corp A for use by Corp B, and not on-demand network access to computing capacity, the transaction would not be a cloud transaction and this section would not apply.
(3) Example 3: Access to software development platform and website hosting—(i) Facts. Corp A provides Corp B a software platform that Corp B uses to develop and deploy websites with a range of features, including blogs, message boards, and other collaborative knowledge bases. The software development platform consists of an operating system, web server software, scripting languages, libraries, tools, and back-end relational database software and allows Corp B to use in its websites certain visual elements subject to copyrights held by Corp A. The software development platform is hosted on servers owned by Corp A and located at Corp A's facilities. Corp B's finished websites are also hosted on Corp A's servers. Corp B accesses the software development platform via a standard web browser. Corp B has no ability to alter the software code. A small amount of copyrighted scripting code is downloaded onto Corp B's computers to facilitate secure logins and access to the software development platform. All other functions of the software development platform execute on Corp A's servers, and no portion of the core software code is ever downloaded by Corp B or Corp B's customers. Corp A has ascertained that the primary benefit or value to Corp B from the transaction is the right to use the software development platform. Corp B pays Corp A a monthly fee for the platform and website hosting.
(ii) Analysis. (A) There is one transaction with multiple elements between Corp A and Corp B. One element is Corp A's provision to Corp B of on-demand network access to the software platform, which would be a cloud transaction described in paragraph (b) of this section if considered separately. Another element is Corp A's hosting of Corp B's finished websites, which would be a cloud transaction described in paragraph (b) of this section if considered separately. A third element is the grant by Corp A to Corp B of the right to use in Corp B's websites certain visual elements subject to copyrights held by Corp A, which would be a transfer of copyright rights under § 1.861-18(b)(1)(i) if considered separately. A fourth element is the download of scripting code by Corp B, which would be a transfer of a copyrighted article under § 1.861-18(b)(1)(ii) if considered separately.
(B) Because the transaction has multiple elements, one or more of which would be a cloud transaction if considered separately, paragraph (c)(2) of this section provides that the transaction is classified as a cloud transaction if its predominant character is a cloud transaction. Pursuant to § 1.861-18(b)(3), the predominant character of the transaction is based on the primary benefit or value of the transaction to the customer, if it is reasonably ascertainable. The predominant character of this transaction is therefore a cloud transaction because the primary benefit or value received by Corp B is the right to use the software development platform. Accordingly, this transaction is classified solely as a cloud transaction described in paragraph (b) of this section and is classified as the provision of services under paragraph (c)(1) of this section.
(4) Example 4: Access to online software via an application—(i) Facts. Corp A provides Corp B word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation software and allows employees of Corp B to access the software over the internet through a web browser or an application (“app”) that can be downloaded from Corp A's servers onto a computer or mobile device. Corp B's employees usually download Corp A's app onto their mobile devices. To access the full functionality of the app, the device must be connected to the internet. Only a limited number of features on the app are available without an internet connection. Corp B has no ability to alter the software code. The software is hosted on servers owned by Corp A and located at Corp A's facilities and is used concurrently by other Corp A customers in addition to Corp B. Corp B pays a monthly fee based on the number of employees with access to the software. Users have the option to save files either online using the storage provided by Corp B, or offline on their own hard drives. Corp B's employees can also download updates to the app as part of the monthly fee arrangement. Upon termination of the arrangement, Corp A activates an electronic lock preventing Corp B's employees from further utilizing the app, and Corp B's employees are no longer able to access the software via a web browser. Corp A has ascertained that the primary benefit or value to Corp B from the transaction is the right to access Corp A's software over the internet, whether via web browser or after downloading the app.
(ii) Analysis. (A) There is one transaction with multiple elements between Corp A and Corp B. One element is Corp A's provision to Corp B of on-demand network access to Corp A's computer hardware and software resources for the purpose of fully utilizing Corp A's software, which would be a cloud transaction described in paragraph (b) of this section if considered separately. Another element is the download of Corp A's app by Corp B employees, which would be a transfer of a copyrighted article under § 1.861-18(b)(1)(ii) if considered separately.
(B) Because the transaction has multiple elements, one or more of which would be a cloud transaction if considered separately, paragraph (c)(2) of this section provides that the transaction is classified as a cloud transaction if its predominant character is a cloud transaction. Pursuant to § 1.861-18(b)(3), the predominant character of the transaction is based on the primary benefit or value of the transaction to the customer, if it is reasonably ascertainable. The predominant character of this transaction is therefore a cloud transaction because the primary benefit or value received by Corp B is the right to access Corp A's software over the internet. Accordingly, this transaction is classified solely as a cloud transaction described in paragraph (b) of this section and is classified as the provision of services under paragraph (c)(1) of this section.
(5) Example 5: Access to offline software with limited online functions—(i) Facts. Corp A provides Corp B word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation software that is functionally similar to the software in paragraph (d)(4) of this section (Example 4). The software is made available for access over the internet but only to download the software from servers owned by Corp A onto a computer or mobile device in the form of an app. The downloaded software contains all the core functions of the software. Employees of Corp B can use the software on their computers or mobile devices regardless of whether their computer or mobile device is online. When online, the software provides a few ancillary functions that are not available offline, such as access to document templates and data collection for diagnosing problems with the software. Whether working online or offline, Corp B employees can store their files only on their own computer or mobile device, and not on Corp A's data storage servers. Corp B's employees can also download updates to the software as part of the monthly fee arrangement. Upon termination of the arrangement, an electronic lock is activated so that the software can no longer be accessed. Corp A has ascertained that the primary benefit or value to Corp B from the transaction is the right to download and use Corp A's software offline.
(ii) Analysis. (A) The transaction between Corp A and Corp B contains multiple elements. One element is the transfer of a copy of Corp A's software via download, which would be a transfer of a copyrighted article described under § 1.861-18(b)(1)(ii) if considered separately. Another element is the provision of online ancillary functionality of the software, which would be a cloud transaction described in paragraph (b) of this section if considered separately.
(B) Because the transaction has multiple elements, one or more of which would be a cloud transaction if considered separately, paragraph (c)(2) of this section provides that the transaction is classified as a cloud transaction if its predominant character is a cloud transaction. Pursuant to § 1.861-18(b)(3), the predominant character of the transaction is based on the primary benefit or value of the transaction to the customer, if it is reasonably ascertainable. The predominant character of this transaction is therefore the transfer of a copyrighted article because the primary benefit or value received by Corp B is the right to download and use Corp A's software offline. Accordingly, this transaction is classified solely as a transfer of a copyrighted article described in § 1.861-18(b)(1)(ii). The provision of the software constitutes a lease of a copyrighted article under § 1.861-18 because access to the app is terminated when the monthly fee is no longer paid, even though Corp B employees retain the locked files on their devices. See § 1.861-18(h)(4).
(6) Example 6: Data storage, separate from access to offline software—(i) Facts. The facts are the same as in paragraph (d)(5)(i) of this section (the facts in Example 5), except that Corp A also provides on-demand network data storage to Corp B on Corp A's servers in exchange for a monthly fee based on the amount of data storage used by Corp B. Under the data storage terms, Corp B employees may store files created by Corp B employees using Corp A's software or other software. Although Corp A's word processing software is compatible with Corp A's data storage systems, the core functionality of Corp A's software is not dependent on Corp B's purchase of the storage plan. Corp A's provision of software and data storage capacity constitute separate transactions.
(ii) Analysis. (A) As explained in paragraph (d)(5)(ii) of this section, Corp B's download of fully functional software, along with on-demand network access to certain limited online features, does not constitute a cloud transaction, but rather constitutes a lease of a copyrighted article under § 1.861-18.
(B) The provision of on-demand network data storage by Corp A to Corp B is a cloud transaction with one element. Therefore, the transaction is treated solely as a cloud transaction under paragraph (b) of this section and is classified as the provision of services under paragraph (c)(1) of this section.
(7) Example 7: Streaming and temporary download of digital content using third-party servers—(i) Facts. Corp A offers via stream or temporary download digital content in the form of videos and music to customers from servers located in data centers owned and operated by Data Center Operator. Each customer uses a computer or other electronic device to access unlimited streaming or temporary downloads of video and music in exchange for payment of a flat monthly fee to Corp A. The customer may select from among the available content the particular video or song to be streamed or downloaded. Corp A continually updates its content catalog, replacing content with higher quality versions and adding new content at no additional charge to the customer. It also provides additional functionality such as various methods of filtering and sorting the library, a watchlist, and recommendations based on a customer's preferences. Content that is streamed to the customer is not stored locally on the customer's computer or other electronic device and therefore can be played only while the customer's computer or other electronic device is connected to the internet. Content that is temporarily downloaded is stored on the customer's computer or other electronic device for 1 week and therefore can be played while the customer's computer or other electronic device is not connected to the internet. Corp A cannot reasonably ascertain the primary benefit or value that its specific customers derive from accessing Corp A's catalog of digital content. Data collected by Corp A indicates that the vast majority of customers stream digital content rather than temporarily download the content. Corp A pays Data Center Operator a fee based on the amount of data storage used and computing power made available in connection with Corp A's content offerings.
(ii) Analysis. (A) The provision of data storage and computing power by Data Center Operator to Corp A is a cloud transaction with one element. Therefore, the transaction is treated solely as a cloud transaction under paragraph (b) of this section, and is classified as the provision of services under paragraph (c)(1) of this section.
(B) A transaction between Corp A and a customer has two elements. One element is streaming access to a curated and routinely updated library of digital content, which would be a cloud transaction described in paragraph (b) of this section if considered separately. Another element is the transfer of a copy of digital content via temporary download, which would be a transfer of a copyrighted article under § 1.861-18(b)(1)(ii) if considered separately.
(C) Because the transaction has multiple elements, one or more of which would be a cloud transaction if considered separately, paragraph (c)(2) of this section provides that the transaction is classified as a cloud transaction if its predominant character is a cloud transaction. Pursuant to § 1.861-18(b)(3), the predominant character of the transaction is based on the primary benefit or value of the transaction to the customer if it is reasonably ascertainable. However, Corp A cannot reasonably ascertain the primary benefit or value derived by a specific customer from Corp A's offering. In such situations, § 1.861-18(b)(3)(ii) provides that the predominant character of a transaction may be determined based on the primary benefit or value to a typical customer of a substantially similar transaction. This primary benefit or value to a typical customer can be identified through actual data about use or access pursuant to § 1.861-18(b)(3)(ii)(A), or if that data is not available, by using other evidence indicative of the primary benefit or value to a typical customer pursuant to § 1.861-18(b)(3)(ii)(B). Because Corp A has data that shows the typical customer streams digital content rather than temporarily downloading it, the primary benefit or value received by a typical customer is streaming access to digital content. Therefore, the predominant character of the transaction is a cloud transaction. Under paragraph (c)(1) of this section, the cloud transaction is classified as the provision of services.
(8) Example 8: Access to online database—(i) Facts. Corp A offers an online database of industry-specific materials. Customers access the materials through Corp A's website, which aggregates and organizes information topically and hosts a proprietary search engine. Corp A hosts the website and database on its own servers and provides multiple customers access to the website and database concurrently. Most materials in Corp A's database are publicly available by other means, but Corp A's website offers an efficient way to locate and obtain the information on demand. Certain materials in Corp A's database constitute digital content within the meaning of § 1.861-18(a)(2), and Corp A pays the copyright owners a license fee for using them. Each customer may download any of the materials to its own computer and keep such materials without further payment. The customer pays Corp A a fee based on the number of searches or the amount of time spent on the website, and such fee is not dependent on the amount of materials the customer downloads. The fee that the customer pays is substantially higher than the stand-alone charge for accessing the same digital content outside of Corp A's system. Corp A cannot reasonably ascertain the primary benefit or value that a specific customer derives from accessing Corp A's database. Corp A does not have data indicating whether the typical customer downloads materials from the database. Corp A markets its website and online database as user-friendly and an efficient way to find relevant materials because of its proprietary search engine. Developing the proprietary search engine was the largest cost Corp A incurred in creating its website and online database.
(ii) Analysis. (A) The transaction between Corp A and a customer has multiple elements. One element is Corp A's provision to a customer of access to Corp A's website and online database, which is a cloud transaction described in paragraph (b) of this section if considered separately. Another element is the transfer of digital content via download, which is the transfer of a copyrighted article under § 1.861-18 if considered separately.
(B) Because the transaction has multiple elements, one or more of which would be a cloud transaction if considered separately, paragraph (c)(2) of this section provides that the transaction is classified as a cloud transaction if its predominant character is a cloud transaction. Pursuant to § 1.861-18(b)(3), the predominant character of the transaction is based on the primary benefit or value of the transaction to the customer, if it is reasonably ascertainable. However, Corp A cannot reasonably ascertain the primary benefit or value derived by a specific customer from access to Corp A's database. In such situations, § 1.861-18(b)(3)(ii) provides that the predominant character of a transaction may be determined based on the primary benefit or value to a typical customer of a substantially similar transaction. This primary benefit or value to a typical customer can be identified through actual data about use or access pursuant to § 1.861-18(b)(3)(ii)(A), or if that data is not available, by using other evidence indicative of the primary benefit or value to a typical customer pursuant to § 1.861-18(b)(3)(ii)(B). That Corp A focuses on its proprietary search engine when marketing its website and database, as well as the facts that the search engine was the most expensive cost incurred by Corp A in creating its website and database, and that customers pay a substantially higher fee to access Corp A's system than they would otherwise pay to access the content outside of Corp A's system, indicates that the primary benefit or value received by a typical customer is the right to use the search engine. Therefore, under paragraph (c)(2) of this section, the predominant character of the transaction between Corp A and a customer is a cloud transaction. Under paragraph (c)(1) of this section the cloud transaction is classified as the provision of services.
(9) Example 9: Temporary or perpetual access to a single movie via stream or download—(i) Facts. Corp A hosts movies on its website and allows customers to view a single movie for a limited period or perpetually for a one-time fee, with perpetual viewing rights costing a higher fee. Corp A does not charge customers a separate fee for access to the website. In addition, Corp A's website provides recommendations for movies based on a customer's search for a particular title and/or the customer's purchase history. Customers have no ability to alter the servers, website, or movies available on the website. The movies in Corp A's database constitute digital content within the meaning of § 1.861-18(a)(2), and Corp A pays the copyright owners a license fee for using them. Corp A allows customers to view the movies by either streaming the movies from Corp A's servers, or by downloading the movies onto the customer's computer or other electronic device. The file size of movies offered by Corp A is generally large and so customers may be expected to download movies only in certain situations such as when traveling without internet access. Upon the expiration of the rental period, customers will no longer have access to stream the movies, and any movie that was downloaded onto a customer's computer or other electronic device will auto-delete from the customer's computer or other electronic device. Whether a customer chooses to view the movie via stream or download, Corp A charges the same one-time fee. Corp A cannot reasonably ascertain the primary benefit or value that a specific customer derives from accessing Corp A's website. Corp A maintains aggregate data on whether a given movie is viewed via stream or download, and this data shows that most movies are viewed by streaming, even in the case where a customer pays for the right to view a movie in perpetuity.
(ii) Analysis. (A) A transaction between Corp A and a customer contains multiple elements. One element is Corp A's provision to a customer of access to Corp A's website in order to view a movie via stream, which is a cloud transaction described in paragraph (b) of this section if considered separately. Another element is Corp A's provision to a customer of access to Corp A's website in order to download a movie, which is the transfer of a copyrighted article under § 1.861-18 if considered separately.
(B) Because the transaction has multiple elements, one or more of which would be a cloud transaction if considered separately, paragraph (c)(2) of this section provides that the transaction is classified as a cloud transaction if its predominant character is a cloud transaction. Pursuant to § 1.861-18(b)(3), the predominant character of the transaction is based on the primary benefit or value of the transaction to the customer, if it is reasonably ascertainable. However, Corp A cannot reasonably ascertain the primary benefit or value derived by a specific customer from access to Corp A's database. In such situations, § 1.861-18(b)(3)(ii) provides that the predominant character of a transaction may be determined based on the primary benefit or value to a typical customer of a substantially similar transaction. This primary benefit or value to a typical customer can be identified through actual data about use or access pursuant to § 1.861-18(b)(3)(ii)(A), or if that data is not available, by using other evidence indicative of the primary benefit or value to a typical customer pursuant to § 1.861-18(b)(3)(ii)(B). Corp A has data that shows that the typical customer views movies by streaming rather than download. Accordingly, under paragraph (c)(2) of this section, the predominant character of the transaction is a cloud transaction because the primary benefit or value a typical customer receives is access to stream movies on Corp A's website. Under paragraph (c)(1) of this section, the cloud transaction is classified as the provision of services.
(10) Example 10: Reseller of software as a service—(i) Facts. Corp A owns the copyright to software (Program S). Corp A hosts Program S on its servers. Customers access Program S only through an internet connection. Corp A grants Corp B, a foreign corporation wholly owned by Corp A, the right to sell access to Program S to Corp B's customers that are located in Corp B's country. Corp B is responsible for managing the purchase/sale interaction with Corp B's customers, including invoicing and collections. Corp A is responsible for providing customers with access to Program S. Corp B does not perform any functions to provide access to Program S.
(ii) Analysis. (A) The transaction between Corp A and Corp B is treated as Corp A providing on-demand access to Program S to Corp B even though Corp B resells that access. This transaction is a cloud transaction with one element. Under paragraph (c)(1) of this section, the cloud transaction is classified as the provision of services. The transaction does not involve the transfer of any copyright rights described in § 1.861-18(c)(2), and therefore is governed solely by this section.
(B) The transaction between Corp B and its customers is the provision of on-demand access to Program S by Corp B, which is a cloud transaction with one element. Under paragraph (c)(1) of this section, the cloud transaction is classified as the provision of services. The transaction does not involve the transfer of any copyright rights described in § 1.861-18(c)(2), and therefore is governed solely by this section.
(11) Example 11: Computer game with online functionality and in-game purchases—(i) Facts. Corp A owns the copyright to a computer game (Game X). Customers can purchase Game X for a one-time fee and download it onto their computers. A customer may play certain aspects of Game X while not connected to the internet, but most of the core functionality of Game X is available only when the customer is connected to the internet, including the ability to play with other customers. In order to access the additional online functionality specific to Game X, customers must pay a monthly fee to Corp A. The additional functionality of Game X is hosted on servers owned by Corp A. Customers may also pay a one-time fee to access an in-game item that can be utilized only when playing Game X online.
(ii) Analysis. (A) There are three transactions between Corp A and a customer. The first transaction is the transfer of a copy of Game X, which is a digital content transaction with one element because a customer receives from Corp A access only to offline content in exchange for purchasing a copy of the game. Therefore, this transaction is treated solely as a transfer of a copyrighted article under § 1.861-18.
(B) The second transaction between Corp A and a customer is the payment of a monthly fee to play Game X online on Corp A's servers, which is a cloud transaction with one element. Therefore, this transaction is treated solely as a cloud transaction, and is classified as the provision of services under paragraph (c)(1) of this section.
(C) The third transaction between Corp A and a customer is the payment of a one-time fee in exchange for an in-game item. Because a customer can utilize the item only when playing Game X through an internet connection, the transaction is a cloud transaction with one element. Therefore, this transaction is treated solely as a cloud transaction, and is classified as the provision of services under paragraph (c)(1) of this section.
(e) Applicability date—(1) In general. This section applies to taxable years beginning on or after January 14, 2025.
(2) Early application. A taxpayer can apply this section to taxable years beginning on or after August 14, 2019 and all subsequent taxable years not described in paragraph (e)(1) (early application years) if—
(i) The taxpayer also applies § 1.861-18 to the early application years;
(ii) This section and § 1.861-18 are applied to the early application years by all persons related to the taxpayer (within the meaning of sections 267(b) and 707(b));
(iii) The period of limitations on assessment for each early application year of the taxpayer and all related parties (within the meaning of sections 267(b) and 707(b)) is open under section 6501; and
(iv) The taxpayer would not be required under this section to change its method of accounting as a result of such election.
(f) Change in method of accounting required by this section. In order to comply with this section, a taxpayer may be required to change its method of accounting. If so required, the taxpayer must secure the consent of the Commissioner in accordance with the requirements of § 1.446-1(e) and the applicable administrative procedures for obtaining the Commissioner's consent under section 446(e) for voluntary changes in methods of accounting.
[T.D. 10022, 90 FR 2999, Jan. 14, 2025]