Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 09, 2025

Title 26 - Internal Revenue last revised: Feb 28, 2025
§ 31.6011(a)-1 - Returns under Federal Insurance Contributions Act.

(a) Requirement—(1) In general. Except as otherwise provided in paragraphs (a)(3) and (a)(5) of this section and in § 31.6011(a)-5 every employer is required to make a return for the first calendar quarter in which the employer pays wages, other than wages for agricultural labor, subject to the tax imposed by the Federal Insurance Contributions Act, and is required to make a return for each subsequent calendar quarter (whether or not wages are paid therein) until the employer has filed a final return in accordance with § 31.6011(a)-6. Except as otherwise provided in § 31.6011(a)-8 and in paragraphs (a)(3), (a)(4), and (a)(5) of this section, Form 941, “Employer's QUARTERLY Federal Tax Return,” is the form prescribed for making the return required by this paragraph (a)(1). Such return shall not include wages for agricultural labor required to be reported on any return prescribed by paragraph (a)(2) of this section. The return shall include wages received by an employee in the form of tips only to the extent of the tips reported by the employee to the employer in a written statement furnished to the employer pursuant to section 6053(a).

(2) Employers of agricultural workers. Every employer who pays wages for agricultural labor with respect to taxes imposed by the Federal Insurance Contributions Act must make a return for the first calendar year in which the employer pays such wages and for each subsequent calendar year (whether or not wages are paid) until the employer has filed a final return in accordance with § 31.6011(a)-6. Form 943, “Employer's Annual Federal Tax Return for Agricultural Employees,” is the form prescribed for making the annual return required by this section, except that, if the employer's principal place of business is in Puerto Rico, or if the employer has employees who are subject to income tax withholding for Puerto Rico, the return must be made on Form 943-PR, “Planilla para la Declaración ANUAL de la Contribución Federal del Patrono de Empleados Agrícolas.” However, Form 943 is the form prescribed for making such return in the case of every employer of agricultural workers who is required pursuant to § 31.6011(a)-4 to make a return of income tax withheld from wages.

(3) Employers of domestic workers. Schedule H (Form 1040), “Household Employment Taxes,” is the form prescribed for use by every employer in making a return as required under paragraph (a)(1) of this section in respect of wages, as defined in the Federal Insurance Contributions Act, paid by the employer in any calendar year for domestic service as defined in section 3510. Schedule H (Form 1040) is generally filed as an attachment to an income tax return; however, if the employer does not otherwise have an obligation to file an income tax return, Schedule H (Form 1040) may be filed as a separate return. If, however, the employer is required under paragraph (a)(1) of this section to make a return on Form 941, “Employer's QUARTERLY Federal Tax Return,” or under paragraph (a)(2) of this section to make a return on Form 943, “Employer's Annual Federal Tax Return For Agricultural Employees,” or under paragraph (a)(5) of this section to make a return on Form 944, “Employer's ANNUAL Federal Tax Return,” the employer may choose instead to report wages with respect to domestic workers on such Form 941, Form 943, or Form 944. If such wages are included on Form 941, Form 943, or Form 944, the employer must also include Federal unemployment tax for the employee(s) on Form 940, “Employer's Annual Federal Unemployment (FUTA) Tax Return,” under the provisions of § 31.6011(a)-3.

(4) Employers in Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, or the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (a)(5), Form 941-PR, “Planilla para la Declaracion Federal TRIMESTRAL del Patrono,” is the form prescribed for use in making the return required under paragraph (a)(1) of this section in the case of every employer whose principal place of business is in Puerto Rico, or if the employer has employees who are subject to income tax withholding for Puerto Rico. Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (a)(5), Form 941-SS, “Employer's QUARTERLY Federal Tax Return (American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands),” is the form prescribed for use in making the return required under paragraph (a)(1) of this section in the case of every employer whose principal place of business is in the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, or the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, or if the employer has employees who are subject to income tax withholding for these U.S. possessions. Form 941 (or Form 944, as described under paragraph (a)(5) of this section, if the IRS notified the employer that Form 944 must be filed in lieu of Form 941) is the form prescribed for making the return in the case of every employer who is required pursuant to § 31.6011(a)-4 to make a return of income tax withheld from wages.

(5) Employers in the Employers' Annual Federal Tax Program (Form 944)—(i) In general. Employers notified of their qualification for the Employers' Annual Federal Tax Program (Form 944) are required to file Form 944, “Employer's ANNUAL Federal Tax Return,” instead of Form 941 (or Form 941-SS or Form 941-PR under paragraph (a)(4) of this section) to make a return as required by paragraph (a)(1) of this section. Upon proper request by the employer, the IRS will notify employers in writing of their qualification for the Employers' Annual Federal Tax Program (Form 944). The IRS will notify employers when they no longer qualify for the Employers' Annual Federal Tax Program (Form 944) and must file Forms 941 instead. Qualified employers are those with an estimated annual employment tax liability (that is, social security, Medicare, and withheld Federal income taxes) of $1,000 or less for the entire calendar year, except employers required under—

(A) Paragraph (a)(2) of this section to make a return on Form 943, “Employer's Annual Federal Tax Return for Agricultural Employees”; or

(B) Paragraph (a)(3) of this section to make a return on Schedule H (Form 1040), “Household Employment Taxes.”

(ii) Requests to opt in or opt out of the Employers' Annual Federal Tax Program (Form 944). The IRS has established procedures in Revenue Procedure 2009-51 published in the Internal Revenue Bulletin for employers to follow to request to participate in the Employers' Annual Federal Tax Program (Form 944) (to opt in) and to request to be removed from the Employers' Annual Federal Tax Program (Form 944) after becoming a participant in order to file Forms 941 instead (to opt out). The IRS will notify employers that their filing requirements have changed to Form 944 or Forms 941. Employers must follow the procedures in Revenue Procedure 2009-51 or its successor to request to opt in or opt out of the Employers' Annual Federal Tax Program (Form 944).

(b) When to report wages. Wages with respect to which taxes are imposed by the Federal Insurance contributions Act shall be reported in the return of such taxes required under this section or § 31.6011(a)-5 for the return period in which they are actually paid unless they were constructively paid in a prior return period, in which case such wages shall be reported only in the return for such prior period. However, if such wages are deemed to be paid in a later return period, they shall be reported only in the return for such later period. See § 31.3121(a)-2 relating to the time when wages are paid or deemed to be paid.

(c) Adjustments and refunds. For rules applicable to adjustments and refunds of employment taxes, see sections 6205, 6402, 6413, and 6414, and the applicable regulations.

(d) Returns by employees in respect of tips. If—

(1) An employee, during a calendar year, is paid wages in the form of tips which are subject to the tax under section 3101, and

(2) Any portion of the tax under section 3101 in respect of such wages cannot be collected by the employer from wages (exclusive of tips) of such employee or from funds turned over by the employee to the employer,

the employee shall make a return for the calendar year in respect of the employee tax not collected by the employer. Except as otherwise provided in this subparagraph, the return shall be made on Form 1040. The form to be used by residents of the Virgin Islands, Guam, or American Samoa is Form 1040SS. In the case of a resident of Puerto Rico who is not required to make a return of income under section 6012(a), the form to be used is Form 1040SS, except that Form 1040PR shall be used if it is furnished by the Internal Revenue Service to such resident for use in lieu of Form 1040SS.

(e) Time and place for filing returns. For provisions relating to the time and place for filing returns, see §§ 31.6071 (a)-1 and 31.6091-1, respectively.

(f) Wages paid in nonconvertible foreign currency. For provisions relating to returns filed by certain employers who pay wages in nonconvertible foreign currency, see § 301.6316-7 of this chapter (Regulations on Procedure and Administration).

(g) Returns by employees in respect of Additional Medicare Tax. An employee who is paid wages, as defined in section 3121(a), subject to the tax under section 3101(b)(2) (Additional Medicare Tax), must make a return for the taxable year in respect of such tax. The return shall be made on Form 1040, “U.S. Individual Income Tax Return.” The form to be used by residents of the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, or the Northern Mariana Islands is Form 1040-SS, “U.S. Self-Employment Tax Return (Including Additional Child Tax Credit for Bona Fide Residents of Puerto Rico).” The form to be used by residents of Puerto Rico is either Form 1040-SS or Form 1040-PR, “Planilla para la Declaración de la Contribución Federal sobre el Trabajo por Cuenta Propia (Incluyendo el Crédito Tributario Adicional por Hijos para Residentes Bona Fide de Puerto Rico).”

(h) Effective/applicability dates. Paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(5)(i) of this section apply to taxable years beginning on or after December 30, 2008. Paragraph (a)(4) of this section applies to taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2012. Paragraph (a)(5)(ii) of this section applies to taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2010. The rules of paragraph (a)(1) of this section that apply to taxable years beginning before December 30, 2008, are contained in § 31.6011(a)-1 as in effect prior to December 30, 2008. The rules of paragraph (a)(4) of this section that apply to taxable years beginning before January 1, 2012, are contained in § 31.6011(a)-1 as in effect prior to January 1, 2012. The rules of paragraph (a)(5)(ii) of this section that apply to taxable years beginning before January 1, 2010, but on or after December 30, 2008, are contained in § 31.6011(a)-1T as in effect on or after December 30, 2008. The rules of paragraph (a)(5) of this section that apply to taxable years beginning before December 30, 2008, are contained in § 31.6011(a)-1T as in effect prior to December 30, 2008. Paragraph (g) of this section applies to taxable years beginning on or after November 29, 2013.

[T.D. 6516, 25 FR 13032, Dec. 20, 1960, as amended by T.D. 7001, 34 FR 1004, Jan. 23, 1969; T.D. 7001, 34 FR 1826, Feb. 7, 1969; T.D. 7200, 37 FR 16544, Aug. 16, 1972; T.D. 7351, 40 FR 17144, Apr. 17, 1975; T.D. 7396, 41 FR 1903, Jan. 13, 1976; T.D. 9239, 71 FR 14, Jan. 3, 2006; T.D. 9405, 73 FR 37375, July 1, 2008; T.D. 9440, 73 FR 79357, Dec. 29, 2008; T.D. 9566, 76 FR 77674, Dec. 14, 2011; T.D. 9645, 78 FR 71473, Nov. 29, 2013; T.D. 9645, 79 FR 4623, Jan. 29, 2014]
authority: 26 U.S.C. 7805.
source: T.D. 6516, 25 FR 13032, Dec. 20, 1960; 25 FR 14021, Dec. 31, 1960, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 26 CFR 31.6011