Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 09, 2025

Title 26 - Internal Revenue last revised: Feb 28, 2025
§ 31.6081(a)-1 - Extensions of time for filing returns and other documents.

(a) Federal Insurance Contributions Act; income tax withheld from wages; and Railroad Retirement Tax Act—(1) In general. Except as otherwise provided in subparagraphs (2) and (3) of this paragraph, no extension of time for filing any return or other document required in respect of the Federal Insurance Contributions Act, income tax withheld from wages, or the Railroad Retirment Tax Act will be granted.

(2) Information returns of employers on Forms W-2 and W-3In general. The Commissioner may grant an extension of time in which to file the Social Security Administration copy of Forms W-2 and the accompanying transmittal form which constitutes an information return under § 31.6051-2(a). For further guidance regarding extensions of time to file the Social Security Administration copy of Forms W-2 and W-3, see § 1.6081-8 of this chapter.

(ii) Automatic Extension of Time. The Commissioner may, in appropriate cases, publish procedures for automatic extensions of time to file Forms W-2 where the employer is required to file the Form W-2 on an expedited basis.

(b) Federal Unemployment Tax Act. The Commissioner may, upon application of the employer, grant a reasonable extension of time (not to exceed 90 days) in which to file any return required in respect of the Federal Unemployment Tax Act. Any application for an extension of time for filing the return shall be in writing, properly signed by the employer or his duly authorized agent. Except as provided in paragraph (b) of § 301.6091-1 (relating to hand-carried documents), each application shall be addressed to the internal revenue officer with whom the employer will file the return. Each application shall contain a full recital of the reasons for requesting the extension, to aid such officer in determining the period of the extension, if any, which will be granted. Such a request in the form of a letter to such internal revenue officer will suffice as an application. The application shall be filed on or before the due date prescribed in paragraph (c) of § 31.6071(a)-1 for filing the return, or on or before the date prescribed for filing the return in any prior extension granted. An extension of time for filing a return does not operate to extend the time for payment of the tax or any part thereof.

(c) Duly authorized agent. In any case in which an employer is unable, by reason of illness, absence, or other good cause, to sign a request for an extension, any person standing in close personal or business relationship to the employer may sign the request on his behalf, and shall be considered as a duly authorized agent for this purpose, provided the requests sets forth the reasons for a signature other than the employer's and the relationship existing between the employer and the signer.

(d) Effective date. Paragraph (a)(2)(i) of this section applies to requests for extensions of time to file the Social Security Administration copy of Forms W-2 and W-3 due after December 7, 2004.

[T.D. 6516, 25 FR 13032, Dec. 20, 1960, as amended by T.D. 6950, 33 FR 5358, Apr. 4, 1968; T.D. 7351, 40 FR 17146, Apr. 17, 1975; T.D. 9061, 68 FR 34799, June 11, 2003; T.D. 9163, 69 FR 70549, 70550, Dec. 7, 2004]
authority: 26 U.S.C. 7805.
source: T.D. 6516, 25 FR 13032, Dec. 20, 1960; 25 FR 14021, Dec. 31, 1960, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 26 CFR 31.6081