Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 26 - Internal Revenue last revised: Oct 10, 2024
§ 48.4101-1 - Taxable fuel; registration.

(a) In general. (1) This section provides rules relating to registration under section 4101 for purposes of the federal excise tax on taxable fuel imposed by sections 4041(a)(1) and 4081 and the credit or payment allowed to certain ultimate vendors of diesel fuel and kerosene under section 6427.

(2) A person is registered under section 4101 only if the district director has issued a registration letter to the person and the registration has not been revoked or suspended. However, the United States is treated as registered under section 4101.

(3) A refiner that is registered under section 4101 may, with respect to the bulk removal of any batch of gasohol from its refinery, treat itself as a person that is not registered. See § 48.4081-3(b)(1)(iii).

(4) Each business unit that has, or is required to have, a separate employer identification number is treated as a separate person. Thus, two business units (for example, a parent corporation and a subsidiary corporation, or a proprietorship and a related partnership), each of which has a different employer identification number, are two persons.

(5) A registration in effect on December 31, 1993, with respect to the tax on gasoline or diesel fuel is subject to the district director's review, and to revocation or suspension, under the standards set forth in this section, but remains in effect until the earlier of—

(i) The effective date of a registration issued under paragraph (g)(3) of this section; or

(ii) The effective date of the revocation or suspension of the registration under paragraph (i) of this section.

(6)(i) A person is treated as a taxable fuel registrant if on June 30, 1998, the person—

(A) Is an enterer, refiner, terminal operator, or throughputter with respect to kerosene and is registered under section 4101 as a producer or importer of aviation fuel;

(B) Operates one or more terminals that store kerosene (and no other type of taxable fuel); or

(C) Is a commercial airline, an operator of aircraft in noncommercial aviation, or a fixed base operator and is also a position holder with respect to kerosene.

(ii) A person treated as registered under paragraph (a)(6)(i) of this section is treated as registered from July 1, 1998, until the earlier of—

(A) The date of a subsequent denial of an application for registration under paragraph (g)(2) of this section;

(B) The effective date of a subsequent registration issued under paragraph (g)(3) of this section;

(C) The effective date of a subsequent revocation or suspension of registration under paragraph (i) of this section; or

(D) July 1, 1999.

(b) Definitions—(1) Applicant. An applicant is a person that has applied for registration under paragraph (e) of this section.

(2) Bonded registrant. A bonded registrant is a person that has given a bond to the district director under paragraph (j) of this section as a condition of registration.

(3) Gasohol bonding amount. The gasohol bonding amount is the product of—

(i) The rate of tax applicable to later separation, as described in § 48.4081-6(f)(1)(iii); and

(ii) The total number of gallons of gasoline expected to be bought at the gasohol production tax rate by the gasohol blender during a representative 6-month period (as determined by the district director).

(4) Penalized for a wrongful act. A person has been penalized for a wrongful act if the person has—

(i) Been assessed any penalty under chapter 68 of the Internal Revenue Code (or similar provision of the law of any State) for fraudulently failing to file any return or pay any tax, and the penalty has not been wholly abated, refunded, or credited;

(ii) Been assessed any penalty under chapter 68 of the Internal Revenue Code, such penalty has not been wholly abated, refunded, or credited, and the district director determines that the conduct resulting in the penalty is part of a consistent pattern of failing to deposit, pay, or pay over a substantial amount of tax;

(iii) Been convicted of a crime under chapter 75 of the Internal Revenue Code (or similar provision of the law of any State), or of conspiracy to commit such a crime, and the conviction has not been wholly reversed by a court of competent jurisdiction;

(iv) Been convicted, under the laws of the United States or any State, of a felony for which an element of the offense is theft, fraud, or the making of false statements, and the conviction has not been wholly reversed by a court of competent jurisdiction;

(v) Been assessed any tax under section 4103 and the tax has not been wholly abated, refunded, or credited; or

(vi) Had its registration under section 4101 or 4222 revoked.

(5) Related person. A related person is a person that—

(i) Directly or indirectly exercises control over an activity of the applicant if the activity is described in paragraph (c)(1) or (d) of this section;

(ii) Owns, directly or indirectly, five percent or more of the applicant;

(iii) Is under a duty to assure the payment of a tax for which the applicant is responsible;

(iv) Is a member, with the applicant, of a group of organizations (as defined in § 1.52-1(b) of this chapter) that would be treated as a group of trades or businesses under common control for purposes of § 1.52-1 of this chapter; or

(v) Distributed or transferred assets to the applicant in a transaction in which the applicant's basis in the assets is determined by reference to the basis of the assets in the hands of the distributor or transferor.

(6) Registrant. A registrant is a person that the district director has, in accordance with paragraph (g)(3) of this section, registered under section 4101 and whose registration has not been revoked or suspended.

(7) Pipeline operator. A pipeline operator is any person that operates a pipeline within the bulk transfer/terminal system.

(8) Vessel operator. A vessel operator is any person that operates a vessel within the bulk transfer/terminal system. However, for purposes of this definition, vessel does not include a deep draft ocean-going vessel (as defined in § 48.4042-3(a)).

(9) Other definitions. For other definitions relating to taxable fuel, see §§ 48.4081-1, 48.4081-6(b), 48.4082-5(b), 48.4082-6(b), 48.4082-7(b), 48.6427-9(b), 48.6427-10(b), and 48.6427-11(b).

(c) Persons required to be registered—(1) In general. A person is required to be registered under section 4101 if the person is—

(i) A blender;

(ii) An enterer;

(iii) A pipeline operator;

(iv) A position holder;

(v) A refiner;

(vi) A terminal operator; or

(vii) A vessel operator.

(2) Bus and train operators. Every operator of a bus or train is required to be registered under section 4101 at any time it incurs any liability for tax under section 4041 at the bus rate (as described in § 48.4082-4(b)(3)(i)) or the train rate (as described in § 48.4082-4(b)(3)(ii)).

(3) Consequences of failing to register. For the criminal penalty imposed for failure to register, see section 7232. For the civil penalty imposed for failure to register, see section 7272.

(d) Persons that may, but are not required to, be registered. A person may, but is not required to, be registered under section 4101 if the person is—

(1) A feedstock user;

(2) A gasohol blender;

(3) An industrial user;

(4) A throughputter that is not a position holder;

(5) An ultimate vendor; or

(6) An ultimate vendor (blocked pump).

(e) Application instructions. Application for registration under section 4101 must be made in accordance with the instructions for Form 637 (or such other form as the Commissioner may designate).

(f) Registration tests—(1) In general—(i) Persons other than ultimate vendors, pipeline operators, and vessel operators. Except as provided in paragraph (f)(1)(ii) of this section, the district director will register an applicant only if the district director determines that the applicant meets the following three tests (collectively, the registration tests):

(A) The activity test of paragraph (f)(2) of this section.

(B) The acceptable risk test of paragraph (f)(3) of this section.

(C) The adequate security test of paragraph (f)(4) of this section.

(ii) Ultimate vendors, pipeline operators, and vessel operators. The district director will register an applicant as an ultimate vendor, ultimate vendor (blocked pump), pipeline operator, or vessel operator only if the district director—

(A) Determines that the applicant meets the activity test of paragraph (f)(2) of this section; and

(B) Is satisfied with the filing, deposit, payment, and claim history for all federal taxes of the applicant and any related person.

(2) The activity test. An applicant meets the activity test of this paragraph (f)(2) only if the district director determines that the applicant—

(i) Is, in the course of its trade or business, regularly engaged as an operator of a bus or train or in the characteristic activity of a person described in paragraph (c)(1) or (d) of this section; or

(ii) Is likely to be (because of such factors as the applicant's business experience, financial standing, or trade connections), in the course of its trade or business, regularly engaged as an operator of a bus or train or in the characteristic activity of a person described in paragraph (c)(1) or (d) of this section within a reasonable time after becoming registered under section 4101.

(3) Acceptable risk test—(i) In general. An applicant meets the acceptable risk test of this paragraph (f)(3) only if—

(A) Neither the applicant nor a related person has been penalized for a wrongful act; or

(B) Even though the applicant or a related person has been penalized for a wrongful act, the district director determines, after review of evidence offered by the applicant, that the registration of the applicant does not create a significant risk of nonpayment or late payment of the tax imposed by sections 4041(a)(1) and 4081.

(ii) Significant risk of nonpayment or late payment of tax. In making the determination described in paragraph (f)(3)(i)(B) of this section, the district director may consider factors such as the following:

(A) The time elapsed since the applicant or related person was penalized for a wrongful act.

(B) The present relationship between the applicant and any related person that was penalized for any wrongful act.

(C) The degree of rehabilitation of the person penalized for any wrongful act.

(D) The amount of bond given by the applicant. In this regard, the district director may accept a bond under paragraph (j) of this section, without regard to the limits on the amount of the bond set by paragraph (j)(2) of this section.

(4) Adequate security test—(i) In general. An applicant meets the adequate security test of this paragraph (f)(4) only if the district director determines that the applicant has both adequate financial resources and a satisfactory tax history, or the applicant gives the district director a bond (under the provisions of paragraph (j) of this section).

(ii) Adequate financial resources—(A) In general. An applicant has adequate financial resources only if the district director determines that the applicant is financially capable of paying—

(1) Its expected tax liability under sections 4041(a)(1) and 4081 for a representative 6-month period (as determined by the district director);

(2) In the case of a terminal operator, the expected tax liability under section 4081 of persons other than the terminal operator with respect to taxable fuel removed at the racks of its terminals during a representative 1-month period (as determined by the district director); and

(3) In the case of a gasohol blender, the gasohol bonding amount.

(B) Basis for determination. The determination under § 48.4101-1(f)(4)(ii) must be based on all information relevant to the applicant's financial status.

(iii) Satisfactory tax history. An applicant has a satisfactory tax history only if the district director is satisfied with the filing, deposit, and payment history for all federal taxes of the applicant and any related person.

(g) Action on the application by the district director—(1) Review of application. The district director may investigate the accuracy and completeness of any representations made by an applicant, request any additional relevant information from the applicant, and inspect the applicant's premises during normal business hours without advance notice.

(2) Denial. If the district director determines that an applicant does not meet all of the applicable registration tests described in paragraph (f) of this section, the district director must notify the applicant, in writing, that its application for registration is denied and state the basis for the denial.

(3) Approval. If the district director determines that an applicant meets all of the applicable registration tests described in paragraph (f) of this section, the district director must register the applicant under section 4101 and issue the applicant a letter of registration containing the effective date of the registration. The effective date of the registration must be no earlier than the date on which the district director signs the letter of registration. A copy of an application for registration (Form 637) is not a letter of registration.

(h) Terms and conditions of registration—(1) Affirmative duties. Each registrant must—

(i) Make deposits, file returns, and pay taxes required by the Internal Revenue Code and the regulations;

(ii) Keep records sufficient to show the registrant's tax liability under sections 4041(a)(1) and 4081 and payments or deposits of such liability;

(iii) Make all information reports required under section 4101(d);

(iv) Make available for inspection on demand by the Internal Revenue Service during normal business hours records relevant to a determination of tax liability under sections 4041(a)(1) and 4081; and

(v) Notify the district director of any change (such as a change in ownership) in the information the registrant submitted in connection with its application for registration, or previously submitted under this paragraph (h)(1)(v), within 10 days after the change occurs.

(2) Prohibited actions. A registrant may not—

(i) Sell, lease or otherwise allow another person to use its registration;

(ii) Make any false statement to the district director in connection with a submission under paragraph (h)(1) or (h)(3) of this section;

(iii) Make any false statement on, or violate the terms of, any certificate given to another person to support an exemption from, or a reduced rate of, the tax imposed by section 4081; or

(iv) In the case of an ultimate vendor (blocked pump), deliver kerosene (or allow kerosene to be delivered) into the fuel supply tank of a diesel-powered highway vehicle or diesel-powered train from a blocked pump.

(3) Additional terms and conditions for terminal operators—(i) Notice required with respect to dyed diesel fuel and dyed kerosene. A legible and conspicuous notice stating “DYED DIESEL FUEL, NONTAXABLE USE ONLY, PENALTY FOR TAXABLE USE” must be provided by each terminal operator to any person that receives dyed diesel fuel at a terminal rack of that operator. A legible and conspicuous notice stating “DYED KEROSENE, NONTAXABLE USE ONLY, PENALTY FOR TAXABLE USE” must be provided by each terminal operator to any person that receives dyed kerosene at a terminal rack of that operator. These notices must be provided by the time of the removal and must appear on all shipping papers, bills of lading, and similar documents that are provided by the terminal operator to accompany the removal of the fuel.

(ii) Records to be maintained relating to removals of diesel fuel or kerosene. Each terminal operator must keep the following information with respect to each rack removal of diesel fuel or kerosene at each terminal it operates:

(A) The bill of lading or other shipping document.

(B) The record of whether the fuel was dyed and marked in accordance with § 48.4082-1.

(C) The volume and date of the removal.

(D) The identity of the person, such as a common carrier, that physically received the fuel.

(E) Any other information required by the Commissioner.

(iii) Records to be maintained relating to dye. With respect to each of its terminals, a terminal operator must keep records relating to dye inventories and usage.

(iv) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 48.4101-1T(h)(3)(iv).

(v) Prohibition on providing incorrect information. In connection with the removal of diesel fuel or kerosene that is not dyed and marked in accordance with § 48.4082-1, a terminal operator may not provide any person (including the position holder with respect to the fuel) with any bill of lading, shipping paper, or similar document indicating that the diesel fuel or kerosene is dyed and marked in accordance with § 48.4082-1.

(i) Adverse actions by the district director against a registrant—(1) Mandatory revocation or suspension. The district director must revoke or suspend the registration of any registrant if the district director determines that the registrant, at any time—

(i) Does not meet one or more of the applicable registration tests under paragraph (f) of this section and has not corrected the deficiency within a reasonable period of time after notification by the district director;

(ii) Has used its registration to evade, or attempt to evade, the payment of any tax imposed by section 4041(a)(1) or 4081, or to postpone or in any manner to interfere with the collection of any such tax, or to make a fraudulent claim for a credit or payment;

(iii) Has aided or abetted another person in evading, or attempting to evade, payment of any tax imposed by section 4041(a)(1) or 4081, or in making a fraudulent claim for a credit or payment; or

(iv) Has sold, leased, or otherwise allowed another person to use its registration.

(2) Remedial action permitted in other cases. If the district director determines that a registrant has, at any time, failed to comply with the terms and conditions of registration under paragraph (h) of this section, made a false statement to the district director in connection with its application for registration or retention of registration, or otherwise used its registration in a manner that creates a significant risk of nonpayment or late payment of tax, then the district director may—

(i) Revoke or suspend the registrant's registration;

(ii) In the case of a registrant other than an ultimate vendor or an ultimate vendor (blocked pump), require the registrant to give a bond under the provisions of paragraph (j) of this section as a condition of retaining its registration; and

(iii) In the case of a registrant other than an ultimate vendor or an ultimate vendor (blocked pump), require the registrant to file monthly or semimonthly returns under § 40.6011(a)-1(b) of this chapter as a condition of retaining its registration.

(3) Action by the district director to revoke or suspend a registration. If the district director revokes or suspends a registration, the district director must so notify the registrant in writing and state the basis for the revocation or suspension. The effective date of the revocation or suspension may not be earlier than the date on which the district director notifies the registrant.

(j) Bonds—(1) Form. Each bond given to the district director as a condition of registration under paragraph (f)(4)(i) or (i)(2)(ii) of this section must be executed in the form prescribed by the district director. Each bond must be—

(i) A public debt obligation of the United States Government;

(ii) An obligation the principal and interest of which are unconditionally guaranteed by the United States Government;

(iii) A bond executed by a surety company listed in Department of the Treasury Circular 570 as an acceptable surety or reinsurer of federal bonds (a surety bond); or

(iv) Any other bond with security (including liens under section 4101(b)(1)(B)) considered acceptable by the district director.

(2) Amount of bond. A bond given under this paragraph (j) must be in an amount that the district director determines will ensure timely collection of the taxes imposed by sections 4041(a)(1) and 4081, taking into account the applicant's financial capabilities, tax history, and expected liability under sections 4041(a)(1) and 4081. The district director may increase or decrease the amount of the required bond to take into account changes in the applicant's financial capabilities, tax history, and expected liability under sections 4041(a)(1) and 4081. However, in no case may the amount of the bond be greater than the amount that the district director determines is equal to—

(i) The applicant's expected tax liability under sections 4041(a)(1) and 4081 for a representative 6-month period (as determined by the district director);

(ii) In the case of a terminal operator, the expected tax liability of persons other than the terminal operator under section 4081 with respect to taxable fuel removed at the racks of its terminals (determined as if all removals of taxable fuel were taxable) during a representative 1-month period (as determined by the district director); and

(iii) In the case of a gasohol blender, the gasohol bonding amount.

(3) Collection of taxes from a bond. If a bonded registrant does not pay the amount of tax it incurs under section 4041(a)(1) or 4081 by the time prescribed in section 6151 for paying that tax, the district director may collect the amount of the unpaid tax (including penalties and interest with respect to that tax) from the bonded registrant's bond.

(4) Termination of bonds—(i) Surety bonds. A surety on a bond may give written notice to the district director and the bonded registrant that the surety desires to be relieved of liability under the bond after a certain date, which date must be at least 60 days after the receipt of the notice by the district director. The surety will be relieved of any liability that the bonded registrant incurs after the date named in the notice. However, the surety remains liable for the amount of tax that the bonded registrant incurred under sections 4041(a)(1) and 4081 during the term of the bond and for penalties and interest with respect to that tax.

(ii) Other bonds. A bond (other than a surety bond) given to the district director may be returned to the bonded registrant only after the earlier of—

(A) The district director's determination that the bonded registrant has paid all taxes that the bonded registrant incurred under sections 4041(a)(1) and 4081 during the period covered by the bond and any penalties and interest with respect to the taxes;

(B) The expiration of the period for assessment of the taxes that the bonded registrant incurred under sections 4041(a)(1) and 4081 taxes during the period covered by the bond, as determined under the provisions of subchapter A of chapter 66 of the Internal Revenue Code; or

(C) The date that the district director receives from the registrant a substitute bond given under this paragraph (j).

(5) Determination that bond is no longer required. If the district director determines that the bonded registrant meets the adequate security test of paragraph (f)(4) of this section without a bond, the registrant is to be released from the obligation to give a bond as a condition of registration under section 4101.

(k) Cross references. For a rule relating to the filing of monthly and semimonthly returns by certain persons that are registered under section 4101, see § 40.6011(a)-1(b)(2) of this chapter. For rules relating to the tax on taxable fuel, see §§ 48.4081-1 through 48.4083-1. For rules relating to claims by registered ultimate vendors, see § 48.6427-9. For rules relating to claims by registered ultimate vendors (blocked pump), see § 48.6427-10.

(l) Effective dates. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph (l), this section is applicable as of January 1, 1994.

(2) Paragraph (c)(1) of this section (relating to persons required to be registered) is applicable as of January 1, 1995, except that paragraphs (c)(1)(iii) and (c)(1)(vii) of this section are applicable after March 31, 2001.

(3) Paragraph (h)(3)(iii) of this section (relating to certain recordkeeping requirements) is applicable as of July 1, 1996.

(4) References in this section to kerosene are applicable after June 30, 1998.

(5) Applicability date. Paragraph (f)(4)(ii)(B) of this section applies on and after July 6, 2011.

[T.D. 8659, 61 FR 10459, Mar. 14, 1996; 61 FR 28053, June 4, 1996, as amended by T.D. 8879, 65 FR 17159, Mar. 31, 2000; 65 FR 26488, May 8, 2000; T.D. 9199, 70 FR 21334, Apr. 26, 2005; T.D. 9533, 76 FR 39283, July 6, 2011; 78 FR 9637, 78 FR 54761, Sept. 6, 2013]
authority: 26 U.S.C. 7805,unless
cite as: 26 CFR 48.4101-1