Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 26 - Internal Revenue last revised: Feb 28, 2025
§ 49.4261-1 - Imposition of tax; in general.

(a) In general. Section 4261 of the Internal Revenue Code (Code) imposes three separate taxes on amounts paid for certain transportation of persons by air. Tax attaches at the time of payment for any transportation taxable under section 4261. The applicability of each section 4261 tax is generally determined on a flight-by-flight basis.

(1) Percentage tax. Section 4261(a) imposes a 7.5 percent tax on the amount paid for the taxable transportation of any person. See section 4262(a) of the Code and § 49.4262-1(a) for the definition of the term taxable transportation.

(2) Domestic segment tax. Section 4261(b)(1) imposes a $3 tax (indexed annually for inflation pursuant to section 4261(e)(4)) on the amount paid for each domestic segment of taxable transportation. See section 4261(b)(2) for the definition of the term domestic segment. The domestic segment tax does not apply to a domestic segment beginning or ending at an airport that is a rural airport for the calendar year in which the segment begins or ends (as the case may be). See section 4261(e)(1)(B) for the definition of the term rural airport.

(3) International travel facilities tax. Section 4261(c) imposes a $12 tax (indexed annually for inflation pursuant to section 4261(e)(4)) on any amount paid (whether within or without the United States) for any transportation by air that begins or ends in the United States. The international travel facilities tax does not apply to any transportation that is entirely taxable under section 4261(a) (determined without regard to sections 4281 and 4282). See section 4261(c)(2). A special rule applies to Alaska and Hawaii flights. See section 4261(c)(3).

(b) Payment and collection obligations—(1) In general. The taxes imposed by section 4261 are collected taxes. In general, the person making the payment subject to tax is the taxpayer. See section 4261(d). The person receiving the payment is the collector (also commonly referred to as the collecting agent). See section 4291 of the Code. The collector must collect the applicable tax from the taxpayer, report the tax on Form 720, Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Return, and remit the tax to the Internal Revenue Service. See sections 4291, 6011, and 7501 of the Code. See § 40.6011(a)-1 of this chapter and § 49.4291-1. The collector must also make semimonthly deposits of the taxes imposed by section 4261. See section 6302(e) of the Code. See §§ 40.0-1(c), 40.6302(c)-1, and 40.6302(c)-3 of this chapter. See section 4263(a) and (c) of the Code for special rules relating to the payment and collection of tax.

(2) Failure to collect tax. If any tax imposed by section 4261 is not paid at the time payment for transportation is made, then, to the extent the tax is not collected under any other provision of subchapter C of chapter 33 of the Code, the tax must be paid by the carrier providing the initial segment of transportation that begins or ends in the United States. See section 4263(c). See section 6672 of the Code for rules relating to the application of the trust fund recovery penalty.

(c) Type of aircraft. The taxes imposed by section 4261 generally apply regardless of the type of aircraft on which the transportation is provided, provided all of the other conditions for liability are present and no specific statutory exemption applies. See paragraph (f) of this section for a list of statutory exemptions from tax. Amounts paid for the transportation of persons by air cushion vehicles, also known as hovercraft, are not subject to the taxes imposed by section 4261.

(d) Purpose of transportation. The purpose of the transportation (for example, business or pleasure) is not a factor in determining taxability under section 4261.

(e) Routes. Amounts paid for transportation may be taxable even if the transportation is not between two definite points. Unless otherwise exempt, a payment for continuous transportation that begins and ends at the same point is subject to tax. See section 4281 of the Code and § 49.4281-1 for the exemption for small aircraft on nonestablished lines.

(f) Exemptions from tax; cross-references—(1) Aircraft management services. For the exemption for certain aircraft management services, see section 4261(e)(5) of the Code and § 49.4261-10.

(2) Hard minerals, oil, and gas. For the exemption for certain uses related to the exploration, development, or removal of hard minerals, oil, or gas, see section 4261(f)(1).

(3) Trees and logging operations. For the exemption for certain uses related to trees and logging operations, see section 4261(f)(2).

(4) Air ambulances. For the exemption for air ambulances providing certain emergency medical transportation, see section 4261(g).

(5) Skydiving. For the exemption for certain skydiving uses, see section 4261(h).

(6) Seaplanes. For the exemption for certain seaplane segments, see section 4261(i).

(7) Fractionally-owned aircraft. For the exemption for certain aircraft in fractional ownership aircraft programs, see section 4261(j).

(8) Small aircraft on nonestablished lines. For the exemption for certain small aircraft on nonestablished lines, see section 4281 of the Code and § 49.4281-1.

(9) Affiliated groups. For the exemption for certain transportation of members of an affiliated group, see section 4282.

(10) United States and territories. For exemptions authorized by the Secretary of the Treasury or his delegate for the exclusive use of the United States, see section 4293.

(g) Applicability date. This section applies to amounts paid on and after January 19, 2021. For rules that apply before that date, see 26 CFR part 49, revised as of April 1, 2020.

[T.D. 9948, 86 FR 5001, Jan. 19, 2021]
authority: 26 U.S.C. 7805.
cite as: 26 CFR 49.4261-1