Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 12, 2025

Title 26 - Internal Revenue last revised: Feb 28, 2025
§ 301.6103(j)(1)-1 - Disclosures of return information reflected on returns to officers and employees of the Department of Commerce for certain statistical purposes and related activities.

(a) General rule. Pursuant to the provisions of section 6103(j)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code and subject to the requirements of paragraph (d) of this section, officers or employees of the Internal Revenue Service will disclose return information (as defined by section 6103(b)(2) but not including return information described in section 6103(o)(2)) reflected on returns to officers and employees of the Department of Commerce to the extent, and for such purposes as may be, provided by paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section. Further, in the case of any disclosure of return information reflected on returns so provided by paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, the tax period or accounting period to which such information relates will also be disclosed. “Return information reflected on returns” includes, but is not limited to, information on returns, information derived from processing such returns, and information derived from the Social Security Administration and other sources for the purposes of establishing and maintaining taxpayer information relating to returns. To the extent a particular form, schedule, or other document filed with the Internal Revenue Service is referenced in this section, such information shall continue to be disclosable pursuant to this section even if subsequently reported in a substantially similar format or on a substantially similar document filed with the Internal Revenue Service.

(b) Disclosure of return information reflected on returns to officers and employees of the Bureau of the Census. (1) Officers or employees of the Internal Revenue Service will disclose the following return information reflected on returns to officers and employees of the Bureau of the Census for purposes of, but only to the extent necessary in, the structuring of censuses and national economic accounts and conducting related statistical activities authorized by law.

(i) With respect to returns filed by individual taxpayers:

(A) Taxpayer identity information (as defined in section 6103(b)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code (Code)), validity code with respect to the taxpayer identifying number (as described in section 6109 of the Code), and taxpayer identity information of spouse and dependents, if reported.

(B) Filing status.

(C) Number and classification of reported exemptions.

(D) Wage and salary income.

(E) Dividend income.

(F) Interest income.

(G) Gross rent and royalty income.

(H) Total of—

(1) Wages, salaries, tips, etc.;

(2) Interest income;

(3) Dividend income;

(4) Alimony received;

(5) Business income;

(6) Pensions and annuities;

(7) Income from rents, royalties, partnerships, estates, trusts, etc.;

(8) Farm income;

(9) Unemployment compensation; and

(10) Total Social Security benefits.

(I) Adjusted gross income.

(J) Type of tax return filed.

(K) Entity code.

(L) Code indicators for Form 1040, Form 1040 (Schedules A, C, D, E, F, and SE), and Form 8814.

(M) Posting cycle date relative to filing.

(N) Social Security benefits.

(O) Earned income (as defined in section 32(c)(2) of the Code).

(P) Number of Earned income credit-eligible qualifying children.

(Q) Electronic filing system indicator.

(R) Return processing indicator.

(S) Paid preparer code.

(T) Dependent Social Security numbers.

(U) Total income.

(V) Ordinary dividends.

(W) Taxable refunds, credits, or offsets of State and local income taxes.

(X) Business income or (loss).

(Y) Capital gain or (loss).

(Z) Other gains or (losses).

(AA) Individual Retirement Arrangement (IRA) distributions.

(BB) Taxable amount of IRA distributions.

(CC) Pensions and annuities.

(DD) Taxable amount of pensions and annuities.

(EE) Rental real estate, royalties, partnerships, S corporations, trusts, etc.

(FF) Farm income or (loss).

(GG) Earned income credit.

(HH) Taxable amount of Social Security benefits.

(II) Other income.

(JJ) Itemized deductions.

(KK) Taxable income.

(LL) Tax.

(MM) Credit for child and dependent care expenses.

(NN) Education credits.

(OO) Retirement savings contributions credit.

(PP) Child tax credit.

(QQ) Nontaxable combat pay election.

(RR) Additional Child Tax Credit.

(SS) American Opportunity Tax Credit.

(TT) Medical and dental expenses.

(UU) State and local income taxes.

(VV) State and local general sales taxes.

(WW) State and local personal property taxes.

(XX) State and local real estate taxes.

(YY) Other taxes (amount).

(ZZ) Home mortgage interest and points.

(AAA) Mortgage interest not on a Form 1098.

(BBB) Points not on a Form 1098.

(CCC) Investment interest.

(DDD) Total gifts to charity, including carryover from prior year.

(EEE) Casualty and theft losses.

(FFF) Total itemized deductions.

(GGG) Ordinary dividends.

(HHH) Qualified dividends.

(III) Tax-exempt interest.

(JJJ) Unemployment compensation.

(KKK) From Form 1098—

(1) Borrower taxpayer identification number;

(2) Mortgage interest;

(3) Outstanding mortgage principal;

(4) Refund of overpaid interest;

(5) Mortgage insurance premiums;

(6) Points paid on purchase of principal residence;

(7) Payee/payer/employee taxpayer identification number;

(8) Payee/payer/employee name (first, middle, last, suffix);

(9) Street address;

(10) City;

(11) State;

(12) Zip code (9 digit);

(13) Posting cycle week;

(14) Posting cycle year; and

(15) Document code.

(LLL) From Form 1098-E—Student loan interest.

(MMM) From Form 1098-T—

(1) Payments received for qualified tuition and related expenses;

(2) Scholarships or grants;

(3) Check box indicating that the amount in box 1 or 2 includes amounts for an academic period beginning in the following year;

(4) Check box indicating that student is at least a half-time student; and

(5) Check box indicating that student is a graduate student.

(NNN) From Form 5498—

(1) IRA contributions (other than amounts in certain boxes);

(2) Rollover contributions;

(3) Roth IRA conversion amount;

(4) Fair market value of account;

(5) Checkboxes: IRA, Simplified Employee Pension (SEP), Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees of Small Employers (SIMPLE), Roth IRA;

(6) SEP contributions; and

(7) SIMPLE contributions.

(OOO) From Form SSA-1099/RRB-1099—

(1) Net benefits;

(2) Address; and

(3) Trust fund description.

(PPP) From Form 1099-G—Unemployment compensation.

(QQQ) From Form 1099-K—

(1) Filer name;

(2) Filer address;

(3) Filer taxpayer identification number;

(4) Payee taxpayer identification number;

(5) Payee name;

(6) Payee address;

(7) Gross payments;

(8) Card not present transactions;

(9) Merchant category code;

(10) Number of payment transactions; and

(11) Payments by month.

(RRR) From Form 1099-MISC—Nonemployee compensation.

(SSS) From Form 1099-NEC—Nonemployee compensation.

(TTT) From Form 1099-Q—

(1) Gross distribution; and

(2) Plan type checkboxes.

(UUU) From Form 1099-R/RRB-1099-R—

(1) Gross distribution;

(2) Distribution code(s); and

(3) Plan type checkboxes.

(VVV) From Form W-2—

(1) Employee's Social Security number;

(2) Employer identification number;

(3) Employer's name, address, and Zip code;

(4) Employee's name and address;

(5) Social Security tips;

(6) Medicare wages and tips;

(7) Box 12 codes and values; and

(8) Statutory employee, retirement plan, and third-party sick pay checkboxes.

(WWW) From Form 1040, Schedule D—

(1) Net short-term capital gain/loss; and

(2) Net long-term capital gain/loss.

(XXX) From Form 1040, Schedule E—

(1) Total rental real estate and royalty income or (loss); and

(2) Total estate and trust income or (loss).

(YYY) From Form 1040, Schedule F—

(1) Gross income;

(2) Total expenses;

(3) Net farm profit (or loss); and

(4) Gross income (accrual).

(ii) With respect to taxpayers filing a return on behalf of a trade or business—

(A) The taxpayer name directory and entity records consisting of taxpayer identity information (as defined in section 6103(b)(6) of the Code) with respect to taxpayers engaged in a trade or business.

(B) The principal industrial activity code.

(C) The filing requirement code.

(D) The employment code.

(E) The physical location.

(F) Monthly corrections of, and additions to, the information described in paragraphs (b)(1)(ii)(A) through (E) of this section.

(G) From Form SS-4, all information reflected on such form.

(H) From an employment tax return—

(1) Taxpayer identifying number of the employer;

(2) Total compensation reported;

(3) Master file tax account code (MFT);

(4) Taxable period covered by such return;

(5) Employer code;

(6) Document locator number;

(7) Record code;

(8) Total number of individuals employed in the taxable period covered by the return;

(9) Total taxable wages paid for purposes of chapter 21 of the Code;

(10) Total taxable tip income reported for purposes of chapter 21 of the Code;

(11) If a business has closed or stopped paying wages;

(12) Final date a business paid wages; and

(13) If a business is a seasonal employer and does not have to file a return for every quarter of the year.

(I) From Form 1040, Schedule C—

(1) Purchases less cost of items withdrawn for personal use;

(2) Materials and supplies;

(3) Gross income;

(4) Total expenses; and

(5) Net profit or loss.

(J) From Form 1040 (Schedule SE)—

(1) Taxpayer identifying number of self-employed individual;

(2) Business activities subject to the tax imposed by chapter 21 of the Code;

(3) Net earnings from farming;

(4) Net earnings from nonfarming activities;

(5) Total net earnings from self-employment;

(6) Taxable self-employment income for purposes of chapter 2 of the Code;

(7) Net profit and loss; and

(8) Church employee income.

(K) Total Social Security taxable earnings.

(L) Quarters of Social Security coverage.

(M) From Form 940—

(1) State of state unemployment tax; and

(2) Total payments to all employees.

(N) From Form 941—

(1) Number of employees who received wages, tips, or other compensation for the pay period including: March 12 (Quarter 1), June 12 (Quarter 2), September 12 (Quarter 3), or December 12 (Quarter 4); and

(2) Wages, tips, and other compensation.

(O) From Form 943—

(1) Agricultural employees; and

(2) Total wages subject to Social Security tax.

(P) Taxpayer identity information (as defined in section 6103(b)(6) of the Code) including parent corporation, shareholder, partner, and employer identity information.

(Q) Gross income, profits, or receipts.

(R) Returns and allowances.

(S) Cost of labor, salaries, and wages.

(T) Total expenses or deductions, including totals of the following components thereof:

(1) Repairs (and maintenance) expense;

(2) Rents (or lease) expense;

(3) Taxes and licenses expense;

(4) Interest expense, including mortgage or other interest;

(5) Depreciation expense;

(6) Depletion expense;

(7) Advertising expense;

(8) Pension and profit-sharing plans (retirement plans) expense;

(9) Employee benefit programs expense;

(10) Utilities expense;

(11) Supplies expense;

(12) Contract labor expense; and

(13) Management (and investment advisory) fees.

(U) Total assets.

(V) Beginning- and end-of-year inventory.

(W) Royalty income.

(X) Interest income, including portfolio interest.

(Y) Rental income, including gross rents.

(Z) Tax-exempt interest income.

(AA) Net gain from sales of business property.

(BB) Other income.

(CC) Total income.

(DD) Percentage of stock owned by each shareholder.

(EE) Percentage of capital ownership of each partner.

(FF) Principal industrial activity code, including the business description.

(GG) Consolidated return indicator.

(HH) Wages, tips, and other compensation.

(II) Social Security wages.

(JJ) Deferred wages.

(KK) Social Security tip income.

(LL) Total Social Security taxable earnings.

(MM) From Form 1099-R—Gross distributions from employer-sponsored and individual retirement plans.

(NN) From Form 3921—

(1) Date option granted;

(2) Date option exercised;

(3) Exercise price paid per share;

(4) Fair market value per share on exercise date; and

(5) Number of shares transferred.

(OO) From Form 6765 (when filed with corporation income tax returns)—

(1) Indicator that total qualified research expenses is greater than zero, but less than $1 million; greater than or equal to $1 million, but less than $3 million; or, greater than or equal to $3 million;

(2) Cycle posted; and

(3) Research tax credit amount to be carried over to a business return, schedule, or form.

(PP) Total number of documents reported on Form 1096 transmitting Forms 1099—MISC.

(QQ) Total amount reported on Form 1096 transmitting Forms 1099—MISC.

(RR) From Form 1125—A, purchases.

(SS) From Form 1041—

(1) Interest income;

(2) Total ordinary dividends;

(3) Total income;

(4) Charitable deduction; and

(5) Taxable income.

(TT) From Form 1041, Schedule K-1—

(1) Beneficiary identifying number;

(2) Beneficiary name;

(3) Interest income;

(4) Total ordinary dividends;

(5) Net short-term capital gain;

(6) Net long-term capital gain;

(7) Other portfolio and non-business income;

(8) Ordinary business income;

(9) Net rental and real estate income; and

(10) Other rental income.

(UU) From Form 1120—

(1) Cost of goods sold;

(2) Compensation of officers; and

(3) Salaries and wages (less employment credits).

(VV) From Form 1120-REIT—

(1) Compensation of officers;

(2) Salaries and wages (less employment credits);

(3) Total assets;

(4) Principal Business Activity (PBA) code; and

(5) Type of real estate investment trust (REIT).

(WW) From Form 1120-S—

(1) Cost of goods sold; and

(2) Salaries and wages (less employment credits).

(XX) From Form 1120-S, Schedule K-1—

(1) Ordinary business income (loss);

(2) Net rental real estate income;

(3) Other net rental income;

(4) Interest income;

(5) Total ordinary dividends;

(6) Royalties;

(7) Net short-term capital gain;

(8) Net long-term capital gain;

(9) Other income (loss); and

(10) Current year allocation percentage.

(YY) From Form 1065—

(1) Gross receipts or sales less returns and allowances;

(2) Cost of goods sold; and

(3) Ordinary dividends.

(ZZ) From Form 1065, Schedule K-1—

(1) Publicly-traded partnership indicator;

(2) Partner's share of nonrecourse, qualified nonrecourse, and recourse liabilities;

(3) Ordinary business income;

(4) Net rental real estate income;

(5) Other net rental income;

(6) Total guaranteed payments;

(7) Interest income;

(8) Total ordinary dividends;

(9) Dividend equivalents;

(10) Royalties;

(11) Net short-term capital gain;

(12) Net long-term capital gain; and

(13) Other income.

(AAA) From Form 3800 Part II (Current Year General Business Credit from Form 6765).

(BBB) From Form 3800, Part III, Increasing research activities (Form 6765).

(CCC) Dividends, including ordinary or qualified.

(iii) With respect to returns filed on behalf of a tax-exempt organization—

(A) Taxpayer identity information (as defined in section 6103(b)(6) of the Code).

(B) Activity codes.

(C) Filing requirement code.

(D) Monthly corrections of, and additions to, the information described in paragraphs (b)(1)(iii)(A) through (C) of this section.

(E) From Form 990, Salaries, other compensation, employee benefits.

(F) From Form 990-PF—

(1) Compensation of officers, directors, trustees, etc.; and

(2) Pension plans, employee benefits.

(G) From Form 990-EZ, Salaries, other compensation, employee benefits.

(iv) With respect to taxpayers filing information returns relating to health insurance:

(A) From Form 1095-A—

(1) Marketplace information;

(2) Policy issuer's name;

(3) Recipient's name;

(4) Recipient's Social Security number;

(5) Recipient's spouse's name;

(6) Recipient's spouse's Social Security number;

(7) Policy start date;

(8) Policy termination date;

(9) Covered individual Social Security number;

(10) Coverage start date;

(11) Coverage termination date;

(12) Monthly enrollment premium;

(13) Monthly second lowest cost silver plan premium;

(14) Monthly advance payment of premium tax credit;

(15) Annual premium;

(16) Annual second lowest cost silver plan premium; and

(17) Annual advance payment of premium tax credit.

(B) From Form 1095-B—

(1) Name;

(2) Social Security number;

(3) Date of birth;

(4) Origin of health coverage;

(5) Employer name;

(6) Employer identification number of issuer or other coverage provider;

(7) Employer address;

(8) Employer identification number;

(9) Name control validation;

(10) Social Security number of covered individuals;

(11) Date of birth of covered individuals; and

(12) Coverage by month of covered individuals.

(C) From Form 1095-C—

(1) Name of employee;

(2) Social Security number or other taxpayer identification number of employee;

(3) Address of employee;

(4) Name of employer;

(5) Employer identification number;

(6) Employer address;

(7) Offer of coverage code;

(8) Checkbox for employer provided self-insured coverage;

(9) Employee required contribution, all 12 months;

(10) Name control validation;

(11) Social Security number or other taxpayer identification number of covered individuals; and

(12) Coverage by month of covered individuals.

(v) With respect to taxpayers filing information returns related to health savings accounts, from Form 5498-SA—

(A) Taxpayer identification number;

(B) Total contributions;

(C) Fair market value of accounts; and

(D) Account type checkboxes.

(2) Subject to the requirements of paragraph (d) of this section and § 301.6103(p)(2)(B)-1, officers or employees of the Social Security Administration to whom the following return information reflected on returns has been disclosed as provided by section 6103(l)(1)(A) or (l)(5) may disclose such information to officers and employees of the Bureau of the Census for necessary purposes described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section:

(i) From Form SS-4, all information reflected on such form.

(ii) From Form 1040 (Schedule SE)—

(A) Taxpayer identifying number of self-employed individual;

(B) Business activities subject to the tax imposed by chapter 21 of the Code;

(C) Net earnings from farming;

(D) Net earnings from nonfarming activities;

(E) Total net earnings from self-employment; and

(F) Taxable self-employment income for purposes of chapter 2 of the Code.

(iii) From Form W-2, and related forms and schedules—

(A) Social Security number;

(B) Employer identification number;

(C) Wages, tips, and other compensation;

(D) Social Security wages; and

(E) Deferred wages.

(iv) Total Social Security taxable earnings.

(v) Quarters of Social Security coverage.

(3)(i) Officers or employees of the Internal Revenue Service will disclose the following return information (but not including return information described in section 6103(o)(2)) reflected on returns of corporations with respect to the tax imposed by chapter 1 of the Code to officers and employees of the Bureau of the Census for purposes of, but only to the extent necessary in, developing and preparing, as authorized by law, the Quarterly Financial Report:

(A) From the business master files of the Internal Revenue Service—

(1) Taxpayer identity information (as defined in section 6103(b)(6) of the Code), including parent corporation identity information;

(2) Document code;

(3) Consolidated return and final return indicators;

(4) Principal industrial activity code;

(5) Partial year indicator;

(6) Annual accounting period;

(7) Gross receipts less returns and allowances; and

(8) Total assets.

(B) From Form SS-4—

(1) Month and year in which such form was executed;

(2) Taxpayer identity information (as defined in section 6103(b)(6) of the Code); and

(3) Principal industrial activity, geographic, firm size, and reason for application codes.

(C) From Form 1120-REIT—

(1) Type of REIT; and

(2) Gross rents from real property.

(D) From Form 1120F, corporation's method of accounting.

(E) From Form 1096, total amount reported.

(ii) Subject to the requirements of paragraph (d) of this section and § 301.6103(p)(2)(B)-1, officers or employees of the Social Security Administration to whom return information reflected on returns of corporations described in paragraph (b)(3)(i)(B) of this section has been disclosed as provided by section 6103(l)(1)(A) or (l)(5) may disclose such information to officers and employees of the Bureau of the Census for a purpose described in paragraph (b)(3)(i) of this section.

(iii) Return information reflected on employment tax returns disclosed pursuant to paragraphs (b)(1)(ii)(H)(1), (2), (4), (9), or (10) of this section may be used by officers and employees of the Bureau of the Census for the purpose described in and subject to the limitations of paragraph (b)(3)(i) of this section.

(c) Disclosure of return information reflected on returns of corporations to officers and employees of the Bureau of Economic Analysis.

(1) As authorized by law for purposes of, but only to the extent necessary in, conducting and preparing statistical analyses, the Internal Revenue Service will disclose to officers and employees of the Bureau of Economic Analysis all return information, regardless of format or medium and including edited information from the Statistics of Income sample, of designated classes or categories of corporations with respect to the tax imposed by chapter 1 of the Internal Revenue Code.

(2) [Reserved]

(3) The Internal Revenue Service will disclose the following return information reflected on returns filed by corporations to officers and employees of the Bureau of Economic Analysis:

(i) From the business master files of the Internal Revenue Service—

(A) Taxpayer identity information (as defined in section 6103(b)(6)) with respect to corporate taxpayers;

(B) Business or industry activity codes;

(C) Filing requirement code; and

(D) Physical location.

(ii) From Form SS-4, “Application for Employer Identification Number,” filed by an entity identifying itself on the form as a corporation or a private services corporation—

(A) Taxpayer identity information (as defined in section 6103(b)(6), including legal, trade, and business name);

(B) Physical location;

(C) State or country of incorporation;

(D) Entity type (corporate only);

(E) Estimated highest number of employees expected in the next 12 months;

(F) Principal activity of the business;

(G) Principal line of merchandise;

(H) Posting cycle date relative to filing; and

(I) Document code.

(iii) From an employment tax return filed by a corporation—

(A) Taxpayer identity information (as defined in section 6103(b)(6));

(B) Total compensation reported;

(C) Taxable wages paid for purposes of Chapter 21 to each employee;

(D) Master file tax account code (MFT);

(E) Total number of individuals employed in the taxable period covered by the return;

(F) Posting cycle date relative to filing;

(G) Accounting period covered; and

(H) Document code.

(iv) From returns of corporate taxpayers, including Form 1120, “U.S. Corporation Income Tax Return,” Form 851, “Affiliations Schedule,” and other business returns, schedules and forms that the Internal Revenue Service may issue—

(A) Taxpayer identity information (as defined in section 6103(b)(6)), including that of a parent corporation, affiliate, or subsidiary; a shareholder; a foreign corporation of which one or more U.S. shareholders (as defined in section 951(b)) own at least 10% of the voting stock; a foreign trust; and a U.S. agent of a foreign trust;

(B) Gross sales and receipts;

(C) Gross income, including life insurance company gross income;

(D) Gross income from sources outside the U.S.;

(E) Gross rents from real property;

(F) Other Gross Rents;

(G) Total Gross Rents;

(H) Returns and allowances;

(I) Percentage of foreign ownership of corporations and trusts;

(J) Fact of ownership of foreign partnerships;

(K) Fact of ownership of foreign entity disregarded as a foreign entity;

(L) Country of the foreign owner;

(M) Gross value of the portion of the foreign trust owned by filer;

(N) Country of incorporation;

(O) Cost of labor, salaries, and wages;

(P) Total assets;

(Q) The quantity of certain forms attached that are returns of U.S. persons with respect to foreign disregarded entities, partnerships, and corporations.

(R) Posting cycle date relative to filing;

(S) Accounting period covered;

(T) Master file tax account code (MFT);

(U) Document code; and

(V) Principal industrial activity code.

(d) Procedures and restrictions. (1) Disclosure of return information reflected on returns by officers or employees of the Internal Revenue Service or the Social Security Administration as provided by paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section will be made only upon written request to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue by the Secretary of Commerce describing—

(i) The particular return information reflected on returns to be disclosed;

(ii) The taxable period or date to which such return information reflected on returns relates; and

(iii) The particular purpose for which the return information reflected on returns is to be used, and designating by name and title the officers and employees of the Bureau of the Census or the Bureau of Economic Analysis to whom such disclosure is authorized.

(2) No officer or employee of the Bureau of the Census or the Bureau of Economic Analysis to whom return information reflected on returns is disclosed pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (b) or (c) of this section may disclose such information to any person, other than, pursuant to section 6103(e)(1), the taxpayer to whom such return information reflected on returns relates or other officers or employees of such bureau whose duties or responsibilities require such disclosure for a purpose described in paragraph (b) or (c) of this section, except in a form that cannot be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer. If the Internal Revenue Service determines that the Bureau of the Census or the Bureau of Economic Analysis, or any officer or employee thereof, has failed to, or does not, satisfy the requirements of section 6103(p)(4) of the Code or regulations in this part or published procedures (see § 601.601(d)(2) of this chapter), the Internal Revenue Service may take such actions as are deemed necessary to ensure that such requirements are or will be satisfied, including suspension of disclosures of return information reflected on returns otherwise authorized by section 6103(j)(1) and paragraph (b) or (c) of this section, until the Internal Revenue Service determines that such requirements have been or will be satisfied.

(3) All projects using returns or return information disclosed to the Bureau of Census under this section must be approved by the Internal Revenue Service Director of Statistics of Income, the Director's successor, or the Director's delegate, prior to the release of such information.

(4) In its sole discretion, the Internal Revenue Service may authorize the use of the Bureau of Census's disclosure review processes prior to any public disclosure by the Bureau of Census of a project using information provided pursuant to this section. Any Bureau of Census disclosure review process authorized under this paragraph (d)(4) must ensure that all releases meet or exceed all requirements set by the Internal Revenue Service for protecting the confidentiality of returns and return information. Additionally, in its sole discretion, the Internal Revenue Service Statistics of Income Disclosure Review Board may review a Bureau of Census project using information provided pursuant to this section prior to disclosure of that project to the public to ensure that any proposed releases meet or exceed all requirements set by the Internal Revenue Service for protecting the confidentiality of returns and return information. This review requirement may be imposed at any stage of the project.

(e) Applicability date. This section applies to disclosures of return information made on or after November 26, 2024.

[T.D. 9037, 68 FR 2693, Jan. 21, 2003, as amended by T.D. 9188, 70 FR 12141, Mar. 11, 2005; T.D. 9267, 71 FR 38263, July 6, 2006; T.D. 9372, 72 FR 73262, Dec. 27, 2007; T.D. 9439, 73 FR 79361, Dec. 29, 2008; T.D. 9500, 75 FR 52459, Aug. 26, 2010; T.D. 9631, 78 FR 52857, Aug. 27, 2013 T.D. 9754, 81 FR 9767, Feb. 26, 2016; T.D. 9856, 84 FR 14011, Apr. 9, 2019; T.D. 10013, 89 FR 93175, Nov. 26, 2024]
authority: Section 301.1474-1 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 1474(f)
source: 32 FR 15241, Nov. 3, 1967, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 26 CFR 301.6103