Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 26 - Internal Revenue last revised: Oct 10, 2024
§ 1.367(b)-10 - Acquisition of parent stock or securities for property in triangular reorganizations.

(a) In general—(1) Scope. Except as provided in paragraphs (a)(2)(i) through (iii) of this section, this section applies to a triangular reorganization if P or S (or both) is a foreign corporation and, in connection with the reorganization, S acquires in exchange for property all or a portion of the P stock or P securities (P acquisition) that are used to acquire the stock, securities or property of T in the triangular reorganization. This section applies to a triangular reorganization regardless of whether P controls (within the meaning of section 368(c)) S at the time of the P acquisition. See § 1.367(b)-3(g) for the treatment of certain inbound nonrecognition transactions following transactions described in this section. See § 1.367(b)-4(g) for rules applicable to certain exchanging shareholders that exchange stock of T in connection with a transaction described in this section.

(2) Exceptions. This section shall not apply if—

(i) P and S are foreign corporations and neither P nor S is a controlled foreign corporation (within the meaning of § 1.367(b)-2(a)) immediately before or immediately after the triangular reorganization;

(ii) S is a domestic corporation, P is not a controlled foreign corporation (within the meaning of § 1.367(b)-2(a)), P's stock in S is not a United States real property interest (within the meaning of section 897(c)), and the deemed distribution that would result from the application of this section would not be treated as a dividend under section 301(c)(1) that would be subject to U.S. tax under either section 881 (for example, by reason of an applicable treaty or by reason of an absence of earnings and profits) or section 882; or

(iii) In an exchange under section 354 or 356, one or more U.S. persons exchange stock or securities of T and the amount of gain in the T stock or securities that would otherwise be recognized under section 367(a)(1) is equal to or greater than the sum of the amount of the deemed distribution under this section that would be treated and subject to U.S. tax as a dividend under section 301(c)(1) (or would give rise to an inclusion under section 951(a)(1)(A) or 951A(a) that would be subject to U.S. tax) and the amount of such deemed distribution that would be treated and subject to U.S. tax as gain from the sale or exchange of property under section 301(c)(3) (or would give rise to an inclusion under section 951(a)(1)(A) or 951A(a) that would be subject to U.S. tax) if this section would otherwise apply to the triangular reorganization. The exception provided in this paragraph (a)(2)(iii) does not apply if T is a foreign corporation. See § 1.367(a)-3(a)(2)(iv) (providing a similar rule that excludes certain transactions from the application of section 367(a)(1)).

(3) Definitions. For purposes of this section, the following definitions apply:

(i) The terms P, S, and T have the meanings set forth in § 1.358-6(b)(1)(i), (ii), and (iii), respectively.

(ii) The term property has the meaning set forth in section 317(a), except that the term property also includes—

(A) A liability assumed by S to acquire the P stock or securities;

(B) S stock (or any rights to acquire S stock) to the extent such S stock (or rights to acquire S stock) is used by S to acquire P stock or securities from a person other than P; and

(C) Stock of S that is nonqualified preferred stock (as defined in section 351(g)(2)).

(iii) The term security means an instrument that constitutes a security for purposes of section 354 or 356.

(iv) The term triangular reorganization has the meaning set forth in § 1.358-6(b)(2).

(b) General rules—(1) Deemed distribution. If this section applies, adjustments shall be made that have the effect of a distribution of property (with no built-in gain or loss) from S to P under section 301 (deemed distribution). The amount of the deemed distribution shall equal the sum of the amount of money transferred by S, the amount of any liabilities that are assumed by S and constitute property, and the fair market value of other property transferred by S in the P acquisition in exchange for the P stock or P securities described in paragraph (i) or (ii), respectively, of this paragraph (b)(1)—

(i) P stock received by T shareholders or securityholders in an exchange to which section 354 or 356 applies.

(ii) P securities received by T shareholders or securityholders to the extent such securities are “other property” (within the meaning of section 356(d)).

(2) Timing of deemed distribution. If P controls (within the meaning of section 368(c)) S at the time of the P acquisition, the adjustments described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section are made as if the deemed distribution is a separate transaction occurring immediately before the P acquisition. If P does not control (within the meaning of section 368(c)) S at the time of the P acquisition, the adjustments described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section are made as if the deemed distribution is a separate transaction occurring immediately after P acquires control of S, but before the reorganization.

(3) Application of other provisions. Nothing in this section shall prevent the application of other provisions of the Internal Revenue Code from applying to the P acquisition. For example, section 304 may apply to the P acquisition. Furthermore, section 1001 or 267 may apply to S's transfer of property to acquire P stock or securities from P or a person other than P. In addition, generally applicable provisions that apply to triangular reorganizations, such as § 1.358-6 and § 1.1032-2, shall apply to the triangular reorganization in a manner consistent with S acquiring the P stock or securities in exchange for property from P or a person other than P, as the case may be. Thus, P's adjustment to the basis in its S stock under § 1.358-6 is determined as if P provided the P stock or securities pursuant to the plan of reorganization, notwithstanding that S acquired the P stock or securities in exchange for property in the P acquisition. See also § 1.367(b)-13.

(4) Example. The rules of this paragraph (b) are illustrated by the following example:

(i) Facts. P, a publicly traded domestic corporation, owns all of the outstanding stock of FS, a foreign corporation, and all of the outstanding stock of US1, a domestic corporation that is a member of the P consolidated group. US1 owns all of the outstanding stock of FT, a foreign corporation, the fair market value of which is $100x. US1's basis in the FT stock is $100x, such that there is a no built-in gain or loss in the FT stock. FS has earnings and profits in excess of $100x. FS purchases $100x of P stock from the public on the open market in exchange for $100x of cash. Pursuant to foreign law, FT merges with and into FS in a triangular reorganization that qualifies under section 368(a)(1)(A) by reason of section 368(a)(2)(D). In an exchange to which section 354 applies, US1 exchanges all the outstanding stock of FT for the $100x of P stock purchased by FS on the open market.

(ii) Analysis. The triangular reorganization is described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section. P is a domestic corporation and FS is a foreign corporation. In connection with FS purchasing the $100x of P stock in exchange for property (cash), FS uses the P stock to acquire the FT property in a triangular reorganization, and US1 receives the P stock in an exchange to which section 354 applies. Furthermore, none of the exceptions of paragraphs (a)(2)(i) through (iii) of this section apply. Therefore, pursuant to paragraph (b)(1) of this section, adjustments are made that have the effect of a deemed distribution of property (with no built-in gain or loss) in the amount of $100x from FS to P under section 301. Pursuant to paragraph (b)(2) of this section, adjustments are made that have the effect of a deemed contribution of property (with no built-in gain or loss) in the amount of $100x by P to FS. Pursuant to paragraph (b)(2) of this section, the adjustments described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section are made as if the deemed distribution is a separate transaction occurring immediately before FS's purchase of the P stock on the open market. Generally applicable provisions apply to FS's purchase of the P stock on the open market (see, for example, section 304) and in determining certain tax consequences to P and FS as a result of the triangular reorganization (see, for example, § 1.358-6(d) and § 1.1032-2(c)). US1's transfer of its FT stock in exchange for P stock is subject to § 1.367(b)-4(g). If, contrary to the facts in this paragraph (b)(4), US1 had built-in gain with respect to its FT stock, then such gain would be recognized in accordance with § 1.367(b)-4(g).

(c) Collateral adjustments. This paragraph (c) provides additional rules that apply by reason of the deemed distribution described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section. A deemed distribution described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section is treated as occurring for all purposes of the Internal Revenue Code. Thus, for example, the ordering rules of section 301(c) apply to characterize the deemed distribution to P as a dividend from the earnings and profits of S, return of stock basis, or gain from the sale or exchange of property, as the case may be. Furthermore, section 959 may apply to the deemed distribution if S is a foreign corporation, and section 881, 882, 897, 1442, or 1445 may apply to the deemed distribution if S is a domestic corporation. Appropriate corresponding adjustments must be made to S's earnings and profits consistent with the principles of section 312.

(d) Anti-abuse rule—(1) Rule. Appropriate adjustments must be made pursuant to this section if, in connection with a triangular reorganization, a transaction is engaged in with a view to avoid the purpose of this section. For example, if S is created, organized, or funded to avoid the application of this section with respect to the earnings and profits of another corporation, the earnings and profits of S (or any successor corporation) may be deemed to include the earnings and profits of such other corporation (or any successor corporation) for purposes of determining the consequences of the adjustments provided in this section, and appropriate corresponding adjustments may be made to account for the application of this section to the earnings and profits of such other corporation (or any successor corporation). Adjustments may be made under this paragraph (d) whether S is funded before or after a triangular reorganization, and such funding may include capital contributions, loans, and distributions. The following examples illustrate the application of this paragraph (d), the application of which is not limited to the particular situations described in the examples.

(2) Example 1: Deemed increase to S's earnings and profits—(i) Facts. FP is a foreign corporation that owns all of the stock of USS, a domestic corporation. USS has no assets, liabilities, or earnings and profits. FP issues $10x of voting stock to USS in exchange for $10x of newly issued stock of USS, and FP also issues $90x of voting stock to USS in exchange for a note newly issued by USS with a fair market value of $90x (USS note). FP would be subject to U.S. tax under section 881 on a distribution from USS if, contrary to the facts, USS had earnings and profits for purposes of applying section 301(c) to the distribution. USS acquires all the stock of UST, a domestic corporation that is unrelated to FP and USS, from a foreign person in exchange for the $100x of voting stock of FP in a triangular reorganization described in section 368(a)(1)(B) (triangular B reorganization). UST has $100x of earnings and profits. USS's purchase of the $90x of stock of FP in exchange for the USS note in connection with the triangular B reorganization is engaged in with a view to avoid the purpose of this section.

(ii) Analysis. Because USS's purchase of the $90x of stock of FP in exchange for the USS note is engaged in with a view to avoid the purpose of this section, the anti-abuse rule applies and appropriate adjustments are made. In particular, for purposes of determining the consequences of the deemed distribution provided for in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the earnings and profits of USS are deemed to include the earnings and profits of UST. USS is therefore treated as having made a deemed distribution equal to $90x, which reflects the portion of the stock of FP that USS acquired in exchange for property (the USS note). Because USS is deemed to have $100x of earnings and profits, the entire $90x deemed distribution is treated as a dividend under section 301(c)(1). The deemed distribution is treated as separate from, and occurring immediately before, USS's acquisition of the stock of FP used in the triangular B reorganization. No adjustments are made by FP to the basis in its stock of USS except as provided in § 1.358-6. Under paragraph (b)(3) of this section, FP's adjustment to the basis in its stock of USS under § 1.358-6 is determined as if FP provided all $100x of the stock of FP pursuant to the plan of reorganization.

(3) Example 2: Downstream property transfer—(i) Facts. USP is a domestic corporation that owns all of the stock of FS1, a foreign corporation, FS1 holds a note receivable issued by USP with a fair market value of $100x (USP note), and FS1 has more than $100x of earnings and profits. USP has no income inclusion under section 951(a)(1)(B) with respect to the USP note after the application of § 1.956-1(a)(2). FS1 forms USS Newco, a domestic corporation, to which it transfers the USP note in exchange for voting stock of USS Newco. USS Newco then forms FS2 Newco, a foreign corporation, and FS1 transfers all of its remaining assets (except for its stock in USS Newco) to FS2 Newco in exchange for additional voting stock of USS Newco in a transaction intended to qualify as a triangular reorganization described in section 368(a)(1)(C) (triangular C reorganization). FS1 liquidates into USP pursuant to the triangular C reorganization, and USP receives the stock of USS Newco held by FS1. FS1's transfer of the USP note to USS Newco in connection with the intended triangular C reorganization is engaged in with a view to avoid the purpose of this section.

(ii) Analysis. Because FS1's transfer of the USP note to USS Newco is in connection with a triangular reorganization and is engaged in with a view to avoid the purpose of this section, the anti-abuse rule applies and appropriate adjustments are made. FS1's formation of USS Newco and transfer of the USP note to USS Newco, together with the distribution of the shares of USS Newco pursuant to the liquidation of FS1, is treated under the anti-abuse rule as a distribution of $100x, consistent with its substance. Accordingly, adjustments are made consistent with there having been such a distribution. Because FS1 has more than $100x of earnings and profits, the adjustments made are consistent with USS Newco having received a $100x dividend from FS1 separate from, and immediately before, the triangular C reorganization. USS Newco must therefore include $100x in gross income as if it had received that amount as a dividend and increase its earnings and profits by the same amount. FS1 must decrease its earnings and profits by $100x. For purposes of determining USS Newco's basis in its stock of FS2 Newco, § 1.367(b)-13 applies by treating USS Newco as P (within the meaning of § 1.367(b)-13(a)(2)(ii)). Under paragraph (b)(3) of this section, USS Newco's adjustment to the basis in its FS2 Newco stock under § 1.367(b)-13 is determined as if USS Newco provided the stock of USS Newco stock pursuant to the plan of reorganization.

(4) Example 3: Taxable debt exchange—(i) Facts. USP is a domestic corporation that owns all of the stock of FP, a foreign corporation, and USS, a domestic corporation. Furthermore, FP owns all of the stock of FS, a foreign corporation, and USS owns all of the stock of UST, a domestic corporation. FP has no earnings and profits, and FS has more than $100x of earnings and profits. USP will not satisfy the requirements of sections 245A and 246(c) with respect to dividends received from FP. FS transfers a note issued by FS with a fair market value of $100x (FS note) to FP in exchange for $100x of voting stock of FP, and FS then uses the stock of FP to acquire all of the stock of UST held by USS in a triangular reorganization described in section 368(a)(1)(B) (triangular B reorganization). Because a dividend from FS to FP would not constitute foreign personal holding company income under section 954(c)(6), the taxpayer asserts that the exception in paragraph (a)(2)(iii) of this section applies and therefore does not make any adjustments pursuant to this section. FP then transfers the FS note to USP in exchange for a note issued by USP with a fair market value of $100x (USP note). The USP note constitutes United States property within the meaning of section 956(c), and USP would otherwise have an inclusion under section 951(a)(1)(B) and § 1.956-1(a)(2) if FP had earnings and profits. FS's transfer of the FS note to FP, and FP's subsequent transfer of the FS note to USP in connection with the triangular B reorganization, are engaged in with a view to avoid the purpose of this section.

(ii) Analysis. Because the transfers of the FS note are in connection with a triangular reorganization and are engaged in with a view to avoid the purpose of this section, the anti-abuse rule applies and appropriate adjustments are made. FS is therefore treated as having made a distribution to FP of $100x, reflecting the value of the stock of FP that FS acquired in exchange for property (the FS note). The deemed distribution is treated as separate from, and occurring immediately before, FS's acquisition of the stock of FP stock used in the triangular B reorganization. Because FS has more than $100x of earnings and profits, the entire deemed distribution is treated as a dividend under section 301(c)(1). The deemed dividend causes FP to increase its earnings and profits by $100x but does not constitute foreign personal holding company income to FP under section 954(c)(6). FP thus has $100x of earnings and profits available to support inclusions under section 951(a)(1)(B) in connection with FP's subsequent acquisition of the USP note. No adjustments are made by FP to the basis in its stock of FS except as provided in § 1.358-6. Under paragraph (b)(3) of this section, FP's adjustment to the basis in its stock of FS under § 1.358-6 is determined as if FP provided the stock of FP pursuant to the plan of reorganization.

(e) Applicability dates—(1) General rule. This section applies to triangular reorganizations occurring on or after May 17, 2011. For triangular reorganizations that occur before May 17, 2011, see § 1.367(b)-14T as contained in 26 CFR part 1 revised as of April 1, 2011.

(2) Triangular reorganizations completed on or after April 25, 2014. The following paragraphs apply to triangular reorganizations that are completed on or after April 25, 2014, unless T was not related to P or S (within the meaning of section 267(b)) immediately before the triangular reorganization; the triangular reorganization was entered into either pursuant to a written agreement that was (subject to customary conditions) binding before April 25, 2014, and at all times afterwards, or pursuant to a tender offer announced before April 25, 2014, that is subject to section 14(d) of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78n(d)(1)) and Regulation 14(D) (17 CFR 240.14d-1 through 240.14d-101) or that is subject to comparable foreign laws; and to the extent the P acquisition that occurs pursuant to the plan of reorganization is not completed before April 25, 2014, the P acquisition was included as part of the plan before April 25, 2014:

(i) Paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section, to the extent it does not apply where P is a controlled foreign corporation, and to the extent it relates to dividends that would be subject to U.S. tax;

(ii) Paragraph (a)(2)(iii) of this section, to the extent it relates to amounts that would be subject to U.S. tax or give rise to an inclusion under section 951(a)(1)(A) that would be subject to U.S. tax;

(iii) Paragraph (b)(3) of this section, to the extent it relates to P's provision of its stock or securities pursuant to the plan of reorganization; and

(iv) Paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, to the extent they do not reference the rule described in former paragraph (b)(2) of this section (relating to the deemed contribution), as contained in 26 CFR part 1 revised as of April 1, 2021.

(3) Transactions completed on or after December 2, 2016. The following paragraphs apply to transactions completed on or after December 2, 2016:

(i) Paragraph (a)(2)(iii) of this section, to the extent it does not apply where T is a foreign corporation; and

(ii) Paragraph (a)(3)(ii)(C) of this section.

(4) Deemed distributions that occurred in taxable years ending before November 2, 2020. Former paragraph (c)(1) of this section, as contained in 26 CFR part 1 revised as of April 1, 2021, to the extent it references section 902, applies to deemed distributions that occur in taxable years ending before November 2, 2020.

(5) Triangular reorganizations completed on or after October 5, 2023. Paragraph (a)(2)(iii) of this section, to the extent it relates to amounts that would give rise to an inclusion under section 951A(a) that would be subject to U.S. tax, applies to triangular reorganizations that are completed on or after October 5, 2023.

[T.D. 9526, 76 FR 28893, May 19, 2011, as amended by T.D. 9959, 87 FR 325, Jan. 4, 2022; T.D. 10004, 89 FR 58283, July 18, 2024]
authority: 26 U.S.C. 7805,unless
source: T.D. 6500, 25 FR 11607, Nov. 26, 1960; 25 FR 14021, Dec. 31, 1960, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 26 CFR 1.367