Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 28 - Judicial Administration last revised: Jan 17, 2025
§ 27.4 - Corrective action and other relief; Director, Office of Attorney Recruitment and Management.

(a) If, in connection with any investigation, the Conducting Office determines that there are reasonable grounds to believe that a reprisal has been or will be taken, the Conducting Office shall report this conclusion, together with any findings and recommendations for corrective action, to the Director, Office of Attorney Recruitment and Management (the Director). If the Conducting Office's report to the Director includes a recommendation for corrective action, the Director shall provide an opportunity for comments on the report by the FBI and the Complainant. The Director, upon receipt of the Conducting Office's report, shall proceed in accordance with paragraphs (e) and (f) of this section. A determination by the Conducting Office that there are reasonable grounds to believe that a reprisal has been or will be taken shall not be cited or referred to in any proceeding under these regulations, without the Complainant's consent.

(b) At any time, the Conducting Office may request the Director to order a stay of any personnel action for 45 calendar days if it determines that there are reasonable grounds to believe that a reprisal has been or is to be taken. The Director shall order such stay within three business days of receiving the request for stay, unless the Director determines that, under the facts and circumstances involved, such a stay would not be appropriate. The Director may extend the period of any stay granted under this paragraph for any period that the Director considers appropriate. The Director shall allow the FBI an opportunity to comment to the Director on any proposed extension of a stay, and may request additional information as the Director deems necessary. The Director may terminate a stay at any time, except that no such termination shall occur until the Complainant and the Conducting Office shall first have had notice and an opportunity to comment.

(c)(1) The Complainant may present a request for corrective action directly to the Director within 60 calendar days of receipt of notification of termination of an investigation by the Conducting Office or at any time after 120 calendar days from the date the Complainant first notified an Investigative Office of an alleged reprisal if the Complainant has not been notified by the Conducting Office that it will seek corrective action. Within 5 business days of the receipt of the request, the Director shall issue an Acknowledgement Order in accordance with paragraph (f)(1) of this section.

(2) The Director may not direct the Conducting Office to reinstate an investigation that the Conducting Office has terminated in accordance with § 27.3(h).

(d) Where a Complainant has presented a request for corrective action to the Director under paragraph (c) of this section, the Complainant may at any time request the Director to order a stay of any personnel action allegedly taken or to be taken in reprisal for a protected disclosure. The request for a stay must be in writing, and the FBI shall have an opportunity to respond. The request shall be granted within 10 business days of the receipt of any response by the FBI if the Director determines that such a stay would be appropriate. A stay granted under this paragraph shall remain in effect for such period as the Director deems appropriate. The Director may modify or dissolve a stay under this paragraph at any time if the Director determines that such a modification or dissolution is appropriate.

(e)(1) The Director shall determine based upon all the evidence, whether a protected disclosure was a contributing factor in a personnel action taken or to be taken. Subject to paragraph (e)(2) of this section, if the Director determines that a protected disclosure was a contributing factor in a personnel action taken or to be taken, the Director shall order corrective action as the Director deems appropriate. The Director may conclude that the disclosure was a contributing factor in the personnel action based upon circumstantial evidence, such as evidence that the employee taking the personnel action knew of the disclosure and that the personnel action occurred within a period of time such that a reasonable person could conclude that the disclosure was a contributing factor in the personnel action. The determination made by the Director under this section shall be independent and impartial.

(2) Corrective action may not be ordered if the FBI demonstrates by clear and convincing evidence that it would have taken the same personnel action in the absence of such disclosure.

(3) In making the determinations required under this paragraph, the Director may hold a hearing at which the Complainant may present evidence in support of his or her claim, in accordance with such procedures as the Director may adopt. The Director is hereby authorized to compel the attendance and testimony of, or the production of documentary or other evidence from, any person employed by the Department if doing so appears reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence, is not otherwise prohibited by law or regulation, and is not unduly burdensome. The Director may prohibit a party from adducing or relying on evidence from a person whom the opposing party does not have an opportunity to examine, or the Director may give less weight to such evidence. In excluding such evidence, the Director may consider certain factors, including, but not limited to: the probative value of the evidence; whether the evidence is supported by sufficient guarantees of trustworthiness after considering the totality of the circumstances under which it was made and any corroborating evidence; and whether the evidence is duplicative, or is obtainable from some other source that is more convenient, less burdensome, or less expensive. Any privilege available in judicial and administrative proceedings relating to the disclosure of documents or the giving of testimony shall be available before the Director. All assertions of such privileges shall be decided by the Director. The Director may, upon request, certify a ruling on an assertion of privilege for review by the Deputy Attorney General.

(4) Subject to paragraph (f) of this section, the Director may establish such procedures as the Director deems reasonably necessary to carry out the functions assigned under this paragraph.

(f)(1) Within 5 business days of receipt by the Director under paragraph (a) of this section of a report from a Conducting Office, or a request for corrective action from a Complainant under paragraph (c)(1) of this section, the Director shall issue an Acknowledgement Order that:

(i) Acknowledges receipt of the report or request;

(ii) Informs the parties of the relevant case processing procedures and timelines, including the manner of designation of a representative, the time periods for and methods of discovery, the process for resolution of discovery disputes, and the form and method of filing of pleadings;

(iii) Informs the parties of the jurisdictional requirements for full adjudication of the request; and

(iv) Informs the parties of their respective burdens of proof.

(2) In cases where the Director determines that there is a question about the Director's jurisdiction to review a request from the Complainant, the Director shall, simultaneously with the issuance of the Acknowledgement Order, issue a Show-Cause Order explaining the grounds for such determination and directing that the Complainant, within 15 calendar days of receipt of such order, submit a written statement, accompanied by evidence, to explain why the request should not be dismissed for lack of jurisdiction. The Complainant's written statement must provide the following information as necessary to address the jurisdictional question or as otherwise directed:

(i) The alleged protected disclosure or disclosures;

(ii) The date on which the Complainant made any such disclosure;

(iii) The name and title of any individual or office to whom the Complainant made any such disclosure;

(iv) The basis for the Complainant's reasonable belief that any such disclosure evidenced any violation of law, rule, or regulation; gross mismanagement; a gross waste of funds; an abuse of authority; or a substantial and specific danger to public health or safety;

(v) Any action the FBI allegedly took or failed to take, or threatened to take or fail to take, against the Complainant because of any such disclosure, the name and title of all officials responsible for each action, and the date of each action;

(vi) The basis for the Complainant's belief that any official responsible for an action knew of any protected disclosure, and the date on which the official learned of the disclosure;

(vii) The relief sought; and

(viii) The date the reprisal complaint was filed with the Investigative Office and the date on which the Conducting Office notified the Complainant that it was terminating its investigation into the complaint, or if the Complainant has not received such notice, evidence that 120 days have passed since the Complainant filed a complaint of reprisal with the Investigative Office.

(3) The FBI shall file a reply to the Complainant's response to the Show-Cause Order within 20 calendar days of receipt of such reply.

(i) The reply shall address issues identified by the Director in the Show-Cause Order and matters raised in the Complainant's response to that order under paragraph (f)(2) of this section, and shall include: a statement identifying any FBI actions taken against the Complainant and the reasons for taking such actions; designation of and signature by the FBI legal representative; and any other documents or information requested by the Director.

(ii) The reply may also include any and all documents contained in the FBI record of the action or actions.

(4) After receipt of the FBI's response, the record on the jurisdictional issue will close, absent a request from either party establishing exigent circumstances requiring the need for the presentation of additional evidence or arguments.

(g) If the Director orders corrective action, such corrective action shall, as appropriate, include: placing the Complainant, as nearly as possible, in the position the Complainant would have been in had the reprisal not taken place; reimbursement for attorney's fees, reasonable costs, medical costs incurred, and travel expenses; back pay and related benefits; compensatory damages to the extent authorized by law; and any reasonable and foreseeable consequential damages.

(h) Whenever the Director determines that there has been a reprisal prohibited by § 27.2 of this part, the Director, in addition to ordering any corrective action as authorized by § 27.4(g), shall forward to FBI OPR, FBI-INSD, and the Director of the FBI, a copy of the Director's written opinion finding that there has been a prohibited reprisal. FBI OPR shall make an independent determination of whether disciplinary action is warranted.

(i) If the Director determines that there has not been any reprisal prohibited by § 27.2, the Director shall report this finding in writing to the Complainant, the FBI, and the Conducting Office.

(j) The Director will not cite or rely upon any unpublished FBI whistleblower decision issued by the Director or Deputy Attorney General in rendering any decision under § 27.4.

[Order No. 2264-99, 64 FR 58786, Nov. 1, 1999, as amended by Order No. 2492-2001, 66 FR 37904, July 20, 2001; Order No. 2926-2008, 73 FR 1495, Jan. 9, 2008; Order No. 5872-2024, 89 FR 7285, Feb. 2, 2024]
authority: 5 U.S.C. 301,3151; 28 U.S.C. 509,510,515; 5 U.S.C. 2303; President's Memorandum to the Attorney General, Delegation of Responsibilities Concerning FBI Employees Under the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, 3 CFR p. 284 (1997); Presidential Policy Directive 19, “Protecting Whistleblowers with Access to Classified Information” (October 10, 2012)
source: Order No. 2264-99, 64 FR 58786, Nov. 1, 1999, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 28 CFR 27.4