Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 28 - Judicial Administration last revised: Jan 17, 2025
§ 545.20 - Purpose and scope.

(a) The Bureau of Prisons operates an inmate work program within its institutions. To the extent practicable, the work program:

(1) Reduces inmate idleness, while allowing the inmate to improve and/or develop useful job skills, work habits, and experiences that will assist in post-release employment; and

(2) Ensures that activities necessary to maintain the day-to-day operation of the institution are completed. Sentenced inmates who are physically and mentally able to work are required to participate in the work program. When approved by the Warden or designee, drug treatment programming, education, or vocational training may be substituted for all or part of the work program.

(b) The Warden may recognize an inmate's work performance or productive participation in specified correctional programs by granting performance pay.

[49 FR 38915, Oct. 1, 1984, as amended at 61 FR 379, Jan. 4, 1996]