(a) Filing rules—(1) Where to file. See § 4000.4 of this chapter for information on where to file a submission under this part with the PBGC.
(2) Method of filing. The PBGC applies the rules in subpart A of part 4000 of this chapter to determine permissible methods of filing with the PBGC under this part.
(3) Date of filing. The PBGC applies the rules in subpart C of part 4000 of this chapter to determine the date that a submission under this part was filed with the PBGC.
(b) Computation of time. The PBGC applies the rules in subpart D of part 4000 of this chapter to compute any time period for filing under this part.
[68 FR 61359, Oct. 28, 2003. Redesignated at 74 FR 27082, June 8, 2009; further redesignated at 84 FR 32619, July 9, 2019; and further redesignated at 89 FR 96532, Dec. 5, 2024]