Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 30 - Mineral Resources last revised: Feb 13, 2025
§ 250.1704 - What decommissioning applications and reports must I submit and when must I submit them?

You must submit decommissioning applications, receive approval of those applications, and submit subsequent reports according to the requirements and deadlines in the following table.

Decommissioning Applications and Reports Table

Decommissioning applications and reports When to submit Instructions
(a) Initial platform removal application [not required in the Gulf of Mexico OCS Region]In the Pacific OCS Region or Alaska OCS Region, submit the application to the Regional Supervisor at least 2 years before production is projected to ceaseInclude information required under § 250.1726.
(b) Submit decommissioning plan per § 250.1708(a)(3) that addresses all wells, platforms and other facilities, pipelines, and site clearance after receiving an order to perform decommissioningWithin 150 days of receiving an order to perform decommissioning under § 250.1708Include information required under § 250.1708(a)(2) and (3).
(c) Final removal application for a platform or other facilityBefore removing a platform or other facility in the Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, or not more than 2 years after the submittal of an initial platform removal application to the Pacific OCS Region and the Alaska OCS RegionInclude information required under § 250.1727.
(d) Post-removal report for a platform or other facilityWithin 30 days after you remove a platform or other facilityInclude information required under § 250.1729.
(e) Pipeline decommissioning applicationBefore you decommission a pipelineInclude information required under § 250.1751(a) or § 250.1752(a), as applicable.
(f) Post-pipeline decommissioning reportWithin 30 days after you decommission a pipelineInclude information required under § 250.1753.
(g) Site clearance report for a platform or other facilityWithin 30 days after you complete site clearance verification activitiesInclude information required under § 250.1743(b).
(h) Form BSEE-0124, Application for Permit to Modify (APM). The submission of your APM must be accompanied by payment of the service fee listed in § 250.125;(1) Before you temporarily abandon or permanently plug a well or zone,(i) Include information required under §§ 250.1712 and 250.1721.
(ii) When using a BOP for abandonment operations, include information required under § 250.731.
(2) Before you install a subsea protective device,Refer to § 250.1722(a).
(3) Before you remove any casing stub or mud line suspension equipment and any subsea protective device,Refer to § 250.1723.
(4) Within 30 days after you complete site clearance verification activities,Include information required under § 250.1743(a).
(i) Form BSEE-0125, End of Operations Report (EOR);(1) Within 30 days after you complete a protective device trawl test,Include information required under § 250.1722(d).
(2) Within 30 days after completion of decommissioning activity,Include information required under §§ 250.1712 and 250.1721.
(j) A certified summary of expenditures for permanently plugging any well, removal of any platform or other facility, clearance of any site after wells have been plugged or platforms or facilities removed, and decommissioning of pipelinesWithin 120 days after completion of each decommissioning activity specified in this paragraphSubmit to the Regional Supervisor a complete summary of expenditures actually incurred for each decommissioning activity (including, but not limited to, the use of rigs, vessels, equipment, supplies and materials; transportation of any kind; personnel; and services). Include in, or attach to, the summary a certified statement by an authorized representative of your company attesting to the truth, accuracy and completeness of the summary. The Regional Supervisor may provide specific instructions or guidance regarding how to submit the certified summary.
(k) If requested by the Regional Supervisor, additional information in support of any decommissioning activity expenditures included in a summary submitted under paragraph (i) of this sectionWithin a reasonable time as determined by the Regional SupervisorThe Regional Supervisor will review the summary and may provide specific instructions or guidance regarding the submission of additional information (including, but not limited to, copies of contracts and invoices), if requested, to complete or otherwise support the summary.
[76 FR 64462, Oct. 18, 2011, as amended at 77 FR 50896, Aug. 22, 2012; 80 FR 75810, Dec. 4, 2015; 81 FR 26037, Apr. 29, 2016; 81 FR 80591, Nov. 16, 2016; 84 FR 21984, May 15, 2019; 88 FR 23580, Apr. 18, 2023]
authority: 30 U.S.C. 1751,31.S.C. 9701, 33 U.S.C. 1321(j)(1)(C), 43 U.S.C. 1334.
source: 76 FR 64462, Oct. 18, 2011, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 30 CFR 250.1704