Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 30 - Mineral Resources last revised: Feb 13, 2025
§ 582.29 - Reports and records.

(a) A report of the amount and value of each OCS mineral produced from each lease shall be made by the payor for the lease for each calendar month, beginning with the month in which approved testing, development, or production activities are initiated and shall be filed in duplicate with the Director on or before the 20th day of the succeeding month, unless an extension of time for the filing of such report is granted by the Director. The report shall disclose accurately and in detail all operations conducted during each month and present a general summary of the status of leasehold activities. The report shall be submitted each month until the lease is terminated or relinquished unless the Director authorizes omission of the report during an approved suspension of production. The report shall show for each calendar month the location of each mining and processing activity; the number of days operations were conducted; the identity, quantity, quality, and value of each OCS mineral produced, sold, transferred, used or otherwise disposed of; identity, quantity, and quality of an inventory maintained prior to the point of royalty determination; and other information as may be required by the Director.

(b) The lessee shall submit a status report on exploration and/or testing activities under an approved Delineation or Testing Plan to the Director within 30 days of the close of each calendar quarter which shall include:

(1) A summary of activities conducted;

(2) A listing of all geophysical and geochemical data acquired and developed such as acoustic or seismic profiling records;

(3) A map showing location of holes drilled and where bottom samples were taken; and

(4) Identification of samples analyzed.

(c) Each lessee shall submit to the Director a report of exploration and/or testing activities within 3 months after the completion of operations. The final report of exploration and/or testing activities conducted on the lease shall include:

(1) A description of work performed;

(2) Charts, maps, or plats depicting the area and leases in which activities were conducted specifically identifying the lines of geophysical traverses and/or the locations where geological activity was conducted and/or the locations of other exploration and testing activities;

(3) The dates on which the actual operations were performed;

(4) A narrative summary of any mineral occurrences; environmental hazards; and effects of the activities on the environment, aquatic life, archaeological resources, or other uses and users of the area in which the activities were conducted;

(5) Such other descriptions of the activities conducted as may be specified by the Director; and

(6) Records of all samples from core drilling or other tests made on the lease. The records shall be in such form that the location and direction of the samples can be accurately located on a map. The records shall include logs of all strata penetrated and conditions encountered, such as minerals, water, gas, or unusual conditions, and copies of analyses of all samples analyzed.

(d) The lessee shall report the results of environmental monitoring activities required in § 582.28 of this part and shall submit such other environmental data as the Director may require to conform with the requirements of these regulations.

(e)(1) All maps shall be appropriately marked with reference to official lease boundaries and elevations marked with reference to sea level. When required by the Director, vertical projections and cross sections shall accompany plan views. The maps shall be kept current and submitted to the Director annually, or more often when required by the Director. The accuracy of maps furnished shall be certified by a professional engineer or land surveyor.

(2) The lessee shall prepare such maps of the leased lands as are necessary to show the geological conditions as determined from G&G surveys, bottom sampling, drill holes, trenching, dredging, or mining. All excavations shall be shown in such manner that the volume of OCS minerals produced during a royalty period can be accurately ascertained.

(f) Any lessee who acquires rock, mineral, and core samples under a lease shall keep a representative split of each geological sample and a quarter longitudinal segment of each core for 5 years during which time the samples shall be available for inspection at the convenience of the Director who may take cuts of such cores, cuttings, and samples.

(g)(1) The lessee shall keep all original data and information available for inspection or duplication, by the Director at the expense of the lessor, as long as the lease continues in force. Should the lessee choose to dispose of original data and information once the lease has expired, said data and information shall be offered to the lessor free of costs and shall, if accepted, become the property of the lessor.

(2) Navigation tapes showing the location(s) where samples were taken and test drilling conducted shall be retained for as long as the lease continues in force.

(h) Lessees shall maintain records in which will be kept an accurate account of all ore and rock mined; all ore put through a mill; all mineral products produced; all ore and mineral products sold, transferred, used, or otherwise disposed of and to whom sold or transferred, and the inventory weight, assay value, moisture content, base sales price, dates, penalties, and price received. The percentage of each of the mineral products recovered and the percentages lost shall be shown. The records associated with activities on a lease shall be available to the Director for auditing.

(i) When special forms or reports other than those referred to in the regulations in this part may be necessary, instructions for the filing of such forms or reports will be given by the Director.

authority: Section 104, Public Law 97-451, 96 Stat. 2451 (30 U.S.C. 1714), Public Law 109-432, Div C, Title I, 120 Stat. 3000; 30 U.S.C. 1751; 31 U.S.C. 9701; 43 U.S.C. 1334; 33 U.S.C. 2704,2716; E.O. 12777, as amended; 43 U.S.C. 1331
source: 76 FR 64623, Oct. 18, 2011, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 30 CFR 582.29