Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 30 - Mineral Resources last revised: Feb 13, 2025
§ 583.300 - How do I submit a request for an agreement?

Any person may submit a written request to BOEM to obtain an agreement for the use of OCS sand, gravel, and/or shell resources for use in a program of, or project for, shore protection, beach restoration, or coastal wetlands restoration undertaken by a Federal, state, or local government agency, or in a construction project that is funded in whole or in part by or authorized by the Federal Government.

(a) The written request must include:

(1) A detailed description of the proposed project for which the OCS sand, gravel, and/or shell resources will be used and how it qualifies as a program or project eligible under OCSLA to use OCS sand, gravel, or shell resources;

(2) A description of the proposed borrow area(s) and placement area(s), along with maps with geographic coordinates depicting the location of the desired borrow area(s), the OCS block number(s), OCS Planning Area(s), OCS Protraction Diagram Designation(s), and the placement area(s). These should include:

(i) A detailed set of digital (e.g., portable document format or pdf) maps with coordinates and navigation features of the desired OCS project area (including borrow area and other project features); and

(ii) Digital geo-referenced spatial and tabular data depicting the borrow area with features, such as geological sampling locations and any hard or live-bottom benthic habitat present;

(3) Any available geological and geophysical data used to select, design, and delineate the borrow area(s) and potential borrow areas considered but not selected for final design in digital format, geo-referenced where relevant. These may include:

(i) Sediment sampling (sediment cores and grab samples) data such as physical description sheets, photographs, core locations, and grain size analysis; and

(ii) Geophysical data such as subbottom profiler, marine magnetometer, and side-scan sonar data, and bathymetry including geo-referenced navigation survey tracklines, shotpoints, and/or timestamps;

(4) Any other uses of the OCS or infrastructure in the borrow area that are known to the applicant at the time of application submittal;

(5) A description of the environmental evaluations and corresponding documents that have been completed or are being prepared that cover all offshore and onshore components of the project, as applicable;

(6) A target date or date range when the OCS sand, gravel, and/or shell resources will be needed;

(7) A description of the person or government entities undertaking the project;

(8) A list of any permits, licenses or authorizations required for the project and their current status;

(9) A description of any potential inconsistencies with state coastal zone management plans and/or any other applicable state and local statutes, regulations or ordinances;

(10) The name, title, telephone number, mailing address and email address of any points of contact for any Federal agencies, state, or local governments, and contractor(s) with whom the applicant has contracted or intends to contract;

(11) A statement explaining who authorized the project and how the project is to be funded, indicating whether the project is federally funded, in whole or in part, and whether the project is authorized by the Federal Government; and

(12) For any other Federal, state, or local government agency identified in the application, the name, title, mailing address, telephone number, and email address of both a primary and a secondary point of contact for the agency.

(b) [Reserved]

authority: 43 U.S.C. 1334.
source: 82 FR 45973, Oct. 3, 2017, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 30 CFR 583.300