Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 31 - Money and Finance: Treasury last revised: Jan 17, 2025
§ 363.171 - How do I redeem a converted savings bond?

(a) Before final maturity—(1) Savings bond of any series registered in the single owner, owner with beneficiary, or entity form of registration. You may redeem your converted savings bond of any series registered either in the single owner, owner with beneficiary, or entity form of registration any time prior to final maturity after the minimum holding period through your TreasuryDirect ® account.

(2) Savings bond of any series registered in the coowner form of registration. The converting coowner may redeem the converted savings bond of any series registered in the coowner form of registration at any time prior to final maturity after the minimum holding period through his or her TreasuryDirect account. The non-converting coowner may redeem the converted savings bond at any time prior to final maturity after the minimum holding period provided that he or she has been granted transaction rights in the converted bond by the converting coowner.

(b) Upon final maturity—(1) Savings bond of any series registered in the single owner, owner with beneficiary, coowner, or entity forms of registration. If you have not previously redeemed or transferred your converted savings bond of any series registered in the single owner, owner with beneficiary, coowner, or entity forms of registration, it will be automatically redeemed for you at final maturity.

(2) The redemption proceeds will be automatically used to purchase a zero-percent certificate of indebtedness registered in your name and held in your TreasuryDirect account.

[70 FR 14943, Mar. 23, 2005, as amended at 74 FR 19420, Apr. 29, 2009]
source: 67 FR 64286, Oct. 17, 2002, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 31 CFR 363.171