Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 32 - National Defense last revised: Jan 17, 2025
§ 634.21 - Department of Defense Form 2220.

(a) Use. DD Form 2220 will be used to identify registered POVs on Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and DLA installations or facilities. The form is produced in single copy for conspicuous placement on the front of the vehicle only (windshield or bumper). If allowed by state laws, the decal is placed in the center by the rear view mirror or the lower portion of the driver's side windshield. The requirement to affix the DD Form 2220 to the front windshield or bumper of registered vehicles is waived for General Officers and Flag Officers of all Armed Services, Armed Service Secretaries, Political Appointees, Members of Congress, and the Diplomatic Corps.

(1) Each Service and DLA will procure its own forms and installation and expiration tabs. For the Army, the basic decal will be ordered through publications channels and remain on the vehicle until the registered owner disposes of the vehicle, separates from active duty or other conditions specified in paragraph (a)(2) of this section. Air Force, DLA, and Army retirees may retain DD Form 2220. Army retirees are required to follow the same registration and VRS procedures as active duty personnel. Upon termination of affiliation with the service, the registered owner or authorized operator is responsible for removing the DD Form 2220 from the vehicle and surrender of the decal to the issuing office. Army installation commanders are responsible for the costs of procuring decals with the name of their installation and related expiration tabs. Air Force installations will use the installation tag (4″ by 1/2″) to identify the Air Force Installation where the vehicle is registered. Air Force personnel may retain the DD Form 2220 upon reassignment, retirement, or separation provided the individual is still eligible for continued registration, the registration is updated in SFMIS, and the installation tab is changed accordingly. Position the decal directly under the DD Form 2220.

(2) For other Armed Services and DLA, DD Form 2220 and installation and expiration tabs will be removed from POV's by the owner prior to departure from their current installation, retirement, or separation from military or government affiliation, termination of ownership, registration, liability insurance, or other conditions further identified by local policy.

(b) Specifications. (1) DD Form 2220 and installation and expiration tabs will consist of international blue borders and printing on a white background. Printer information will include the following:

(i) Form title (Department of Defense Registered Vehicle).

(ii) Alphanumeric individual form identification number.

(iii) DOD seal.

(2) Name of the installation will be specified on a separate tab abutting the decal. Each Service or DLA may choose optional color codes for the registrant. Army and installations having vehicle registration programs will use the following standard color scheme for the installation tab:

(i) Blue-officers.

(ii) Red-enlisted.

(iii) Green DA civilian employees (including NAF employees).

(iv) Black-contractor personnel and other civilians employed on the installation. White will be used for contract personnel on Air Force installations.

(3) An expiration tab identifying the month and year (6-2004), the year (2000) or simply “00” will be abutted to right of the decal. For identification purposes, the date of expiration will be shown in bold block numbers on a lighter contrasting background such as traffic yellow, lime, or orange.

(4) DD Form 2220 and any adjoining tabs will be theft resistant when applied to glass, metal, painted, or rubberized surfaces and manufactured so as to obliterate or self destruct when removal is attempted. Local policy guided by state or host nation laws will specify the exact placement of DD Form 2220.

(5) For Navy and Marine Corps military personnel the grade insignia will be affixed on placards, approximately 5 inches by 8 inches in size, and placed on the driver's side dashboard. Placards should be removed from view when the vehicle is not located on a military installation.

authority: 10 U.S.C. 30112(g); 5 U.S.C. 2951; Pub. L. 89-564; 89-670; 91-605; and 93-87
source: 70 FR 18969, Apr. 12, 2005, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 32 CFR 634.21