Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 32 - National Defense last revised: Jan 17, 2025
§ 634.43 - Driving records.

Each Service and DLA will use its own form to record vehicle traffic accidents, moving violations, suspension or revocation actions, and traffic point assessments involving military and DOD civilian personnel, their family members, and other personnel operating motor vehicles on a military installation. Army installations will use DA Form 3626 (Vehicle Registration/Driver Record) for this purpose. Table 5-1 of Part 634 prescribes mandatory minimum or maximum suspension or revocation periods. Traffic points are not assessed for suspension or revocation actions.

Table 5-1 of Part 634 Suspension/Revocation of Driving Privileges (See Notes 1 and 2)

Assessment 1: Two-year revocation is mandatory on determination of facts by installation commander. (For Army, 5-year revocation is mandatory.)

Violation: Driving while driver's license or installation driving privileges are under suspension or revocation.

Assessment 2: One-year revocation is mandatory on determination of facts by installation commander.

Violation: Refusal to submit to or failure to complete chemical tests (implied consent).

Assessment 3: One-year revocation is mandatory on conviction.

Violation: A. Manslaughter (or negligent homicide by vehicle) resulting from the operation of a motor vehicle.

B. Driving or being in actual physical control of a motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicating liquor (0.08% or greater on DOD installations; violation of civil law off post).

C. Driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of any narcotic, or while under the influence of any other drug (including alcohol) to the degree rendered incapable of safe vehicle operation.

D. Use of a motor vehicle in the commission of a felony. Fleeing the scene of an accident involving death or personal injury (hit and run).

E. Perjury or making a false statement or affidavit under oath to responsible officials relating to the ownership or operation of motor vehicles.

F. Unauthorized use of a motor vehicle belonging to another, when the act does not amount to a felony.

Assessment 4: Suspension for a period of 6 months or less or revocation for a period not to exceed 1 year is discretionary.

Violation: A. Mental or physical impairment (not including alcohol or other drug use) to the degree rendered incompetent to drive.

B. Commission of an offense in another State which, if committed on the installation, would be grounds for suspension or revocation.

C. Permitting an unlawful or fraudulent use of an official driver's license.

D. Conviction of fleeing, or attempting to elude, a police officer.

E. Conviction of racing on the highway.

Assessment 5: Loss of OF 46 for minimum of 6 months is discretionary.

Violation: Receiving a second 1-year suspension or revocation of driving privileges within 5 years.


1. When imposing a suspension or revocation because of an off-installation offense, the effective date should be the same as the date of civil conviction, or the date that State or host-nation driving privileges are suspended or revoked. This effective date can be retroactive.

2. No points are assessed for revocation or suspension actions. Except for implied consent violations, revocations must be based on a conviction by a civilian court or courts-martial, nonjudicial punishment under Article 15, UCMJ, or a separate hearing as addressed in this part. If revocation for implied consent is combined with another revocation, such as 1 year for intoxicated driving, revocations may run consecutively (total of 24 months) or concurrently (total of 12 months). The installation commander's policy should be applied systematically and not on a case-by-case basis.

authority: 10 U.S.C. 30112(g); 5 U.S.C. 2951; Pub. L. 89-564; 89-670; 91-605; and 93-87
source: 70 FR 18969, Apr. 12, 2005, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 32 CFR 634.43