Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 19, 2024

Title 32 - National Defense last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 552.18 - Administration.

(a) Purpose. This section outlines the duties and prescribes the general authority and general responsibilities of an installation commander.

(b) Applicability. The regulations in this section are applicable to installations in the United States, and where appropriate, to oversea installations. Oversea commanders should consult with the appropriate judge advocate to determine to what extent the provisions of treaties or agreements, or the provisions of local law may make inapplicable, in whole, or in part, the provisions of these regulations.

(c) General. The installation commander is responsible for the efficient and economical operation, administration, service, and supply of all individuals, units, and activities assigned to or under the jurisdiction of the installation unless specifically exempted by higher authority. Activities will be designated as “attached activities” only when specifically designated by higher authority. The installation commander will furnish base operation support to all Army tenant activities except when the Department of the Army has given approval for the tenant to perform base operation functions. Reimbursement for such support will be in accordance with applicable regulations.

(d) Motor vehicle and traffic regulations. See AR 190-5, Motor Vehicle Traffic Supervision; AR 190-5-1, Registration of Privately Owned Motor Vehicles; AR 190-29, Minor Offenses and Uniform Violation Notices—Referred to US District Courts; AR 210-4, Carpooling and Parking Controls; AR 230-14, Registration and Licensing of Nonappropriated Fund Owned Vehicles; AR 385-55, Prevention of Motor Vehicle Accidents; and AR 600-55, Motor Vehicle Driver-Selection, Testing, and Licensing. A copy of the above documents may be obtained by writing to Headquarters, Department of the Army (DAAG-PAP-W), Washington, DC 20314.

(e) Firearms. The installation commander will publish regulations on the registration of privately owned firearms. See AR 608-4, Control and Registration of War Trophies and War Trophy Firearms. A copy of the above document may be obtained by writing to Headquarters, Department of the Army (DAAG-PAP-W), Washington, DC 20314.

(f) Entry, exit, and personal search. The installation commander will establish rules that govern the entry into and exit from the installation and the search of persons and their possessions as listed in paragraphs (f) (1), (2), and (3) of this section.

(1) The installation commander may direct authorized guard personnel, while in the performance of assigned duty, to search persons (including military personnel, employees, and visitors), and their possessions (including vehicles) when entering, during their stay, or when leaving facilities for which the Army has responsibility. These searches are authorized when based on probable cause that an offense has been committed or on military necessity. Instructions of commanders regarding searches should be specific and complete. When the person to be searched is a commissioned officer, or a warrant officer, the search should be conducted in private by or under the supervision of a commissioned officer, unless such is precluded by the exigencies of the situation. When the person to be searched is a noncommissioned officer, the search should be conducted in private by or under the supervision of a person of at least equal grade, unless such is precluded by the exigencies of the situation. If the situation precludes search by or under the supervision of an officer (or noncommissioned officer, as appropriate), the person conducting the search will notify a responsible commissioned officer (or noncommissioned officer, as appropriate), as soon as possible. Persons who are entering the installation should not be searched over their objection, but they may be denied the right of entry if they refuse to consent to the search. All persons entering facilities should be advised in advance (by a prominently displayed sign, AR 420-70, (Buildings and Structures)), that they are liable to search when entering the installation, while within the confines of the installation, or when leaving (AR 190-22, Search, Seizure and Disposition of Property). A copy of the above documents may be obtained by writing to headquarters, Department of the Army (DAAG-PAP-W), Washington, DC 20314.

(2) The installation commander may authorize and control hunting and fishing on a military installation under installation rules in accordance with applicable Federal, State, and local laws and Army regulations, and in harmony with cooperative plans with appropriate State and Federal conservation agencies (AR 420-74, Natural Resources—Land, Forest, and Wildlife Management). To detect violations of these rules, special guards may be posted and authorized to search persons (or possessions, including vehicles of individuals), based on military necessity. The installation commander may eject violators of game laws or post regulations and prohibit their reentry under 18 U.S.C. 1382. Violations of State laws which apply to military reservations according to the provisions of section 13, title 18, U.S.C. (Assimilative Crimes Acts), may be referred to the United States Magistrate in accordance with AR 190-29, Minor Offenses and Uniform Violation Notices—Referred to United States District Courts. Reports of violations of game laws will be reported to Federal or State authorities. An installation commander may not require membership in a voluntary sundry fund activity as a prerequisite to hunting and fishing on the installation. Accounting for the collection and spending of fees for hunting and fishing permits is outlined in chapter 12, AR 37-108, General Accounting and Reporting for Finance and Accounting Offices. A copy of the above documents may be obtained by writing to Headquarters, Department of the Army (DAAG-PAP-W), Washington, DC 20314.

(3) When the installation commander considers that the circumstances warrant its use, DA Form 1818 (Individual Property Pass), will be used to authorize military and civilian personnel to carry Government or personal property onto an installation or to remove it from an installation.

(4) Commanders will establish procedures to ensure than when blind persons are otherwise authorized to enter military facilities, their accompanying seeing-eye or guide dogs will not be denied entry. Such facilities include, but are not limited to: Cafeterias, snack bars, AAFES exchanges, retail food sales stores, medical treatment facilities, and recreational facilities. Seeing-eye or guide dogs will remain in guiding harness or on leash and under control of their blind masters at all times while in the facility. For purposes of safety and to prevent possible agitation of military police working dogs, seeing-eye or guide dogs will not be allowed in or around working dog kennels and facilities.

(g) Official Personnel Register. DA Form 647 (Personnel Register), is a source document that will be used at the lowest level of command having responsibility for strength accounting. The official register will be used for registering military personnel on arrival at or on departure from Army installations on permanent change of station, leave, or temporary duty. DA Form 647 may also be used for recording passes, visitors, etc. Registration of visists of less than 12 hours will be at the discretion of the commander except that registrations will be required when visits are at a place where United States troops are on duty in connection with a civil disorder.

(h) Outside employment of DA Personnel. See paragraph 2-6, AR 600-50 Standards of Conduct for Department of the Army Personnel. A copy of this document may be obtained by writing to Headquarters, Department of the Army (DAAG-PAP-W), Washington, DC 20314.

(i) Preference to blind persons in operating vending stands. As used in paragraphs (i) (1), (2), and (3) of this section, the term “vending stand” includes shelters, counters, shelving, display and wall cases, refrigerating apparatus, and other appropriate auxiliary equipment necessary for the vending of merchandise. The term “vending machine” means any coin-operated machine that automatically vends or delivers tangible personal property.

(1) The installation commander will give preference to blind persons when granting permission to civilians to operate vending stands on installations where stands may be operated properly and satisfactorily by blind persons licensed by a State agency. Legal authority for such action is contained in the Randolph-Sheppard Vending Stand Act (20 U.S.C. 2-107 et seq.). Commanders will cooperate with the appropriate State licensing agency in selecting the type, location, or relocation of vending stands to be operated by licensed blind persons, except that preference may be denied or revoked if the commander determines that—

(i) Existing security measures relative to location of the vending stand or to the clearance of the blind operator cannot be followed.

(ii) Vending stand standards relating to appearance, safety, sanitation, and efficient operation cannot be met.

(iii) For any other reasons which would adversely affect the interests of the United States or would unduly inconvenience the Department of the Army. Issuance of such a permit will not be denied because of loss of revenue caused by granting a rent-free permit for operating a vending stand to a blind person. However, the permit will not be granted if in the opinion of the responsible commander such action would reduce revenue below the point necessary for maintaining an adequate morale and recreation program. The commander should consider the fact that funds derived from certain nonappropriated fund activities such as post exchanges, motion picture theaters, and post restaurants are used to supplement appropriated funds in conducting the morale and recreation program.

(2) The preference established in paragraph (i)(1) of this section will be protected from the unfair or unreasonable competition of vending machines. No vending machine will be located within reasonable proximity of a vending stand that is operated by a licensed blind person if the vending machine vends articles of the same type sold at the stand, unless local needs require the placement of such a machine. If such is the case, the operation of, and income from the machine, will be assumed by the blind vending stand operator.

(3) So far as is practicable, goods sold at vending stands that are operated by the blind will consist of newspapers, periodicals, confections, tobacco products, articles that are dispensed automatically or are in containers or wrappings in which they were placed before they were received by the vending stand, and other suitable articles that may be approved by the installation commander for each vending stand location.

(4) If the commanders and State licensing agencies fail to reach an agreement on the granting of a permit for a vending stand, the revocation or modification of a permit, the suitability of the stand location, the assignment of vending machine proceeds, the methods of operation of the stand, or other terms of the permit (including articles which may be sold), the State licensing agency may appeal the disagreement, through channels, to the Secretary of the Army. Appeals will be filed by State licensing agencies with the installation commander who will conduct a complete investigation and will give the State licensing agency an opportunity to present information. The report of investigation with the appeal will be forwarded through channels to Headquarters, Department of the Army (DAPE-ZA), Washington, DC 20310, as soon as possible. A final decision by the Secretary of the Army will be rendered within 90 days of the filing of the appeal to the installation commander. Notification of the decision on the appeal and the action taken will be reported to the State licensing agency, the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, and the Department of Defense (Manpower, Reserve Affairs, and Logistics).

(j) [Reserved]

(k) Request from private sector union representatives to enter installations. (1) When labor representatives request permission to enter military installations on which private contractor employees are engaged in contract work to conduct union business during working hours in connection with the contract between the government and the contractor by whom union members are employed, the installation commander may admit these representatives, provided—

(i) The presence and activities of the labor representatives will not interfere with the progress of the contract work involved; and

(ii) The entry of the representatives to the installation will not violate pertinent safety or security regulations.

(2) Labor representatives are not authorized to engage in organizing activities, collective bargaining discussions, or other matters not directly connected with the Government contract on military installations. However, the installation commander may authorize labor representatives to enter the installation to distribute organizational literature and authorization cards to employees of private contractors, provided such distribution does not—

(i) Occur in working areas or during working times;

(ii) Interfere with contract performance;

(iii) Interfere with the efficient operation of the installation; or

(iv) Violate pertinent safety or security considerations.

(3) The determination as to who is an appropriate labor representative should be made by the installation commander after consulting with his/her labor counselor or judge advocate. Nothing in this regulation, however, will be construed to prohibit private contractors' employees from distibuting organizational literature or authorization cards on installation property if such activity does not violate the conditions enumerated in paragraph (k)(2) of this section. Business offices or desk space for labor organizations on the installation is not authorized to be provided for solicitation of membership among contractors' employees, collection of dues, or other business of the labor organization not directly connected with the contract work. The providing of office or desk space for a contractor is authorized for routine functions by the working steward whose union duties are incidental to his/her assigned job and connected directly with the contract work.

(4) Only the installation commander or a contracting officer can deny entry to a labor representative who seeks permission to enter the installation in accordance with paragraph (k) of this section. If a labor representative is denied entry for any reason, such denial will be reported to the Labor Advisor, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (IL&FM), Washington, DC 20310. This report will include the reasons for denial, including—

(5) The provisions of paragraphs (k), (1), (2), (3), and (4) of this section on organizations representing private contractors' employees should be distinguished from activities involving organization and representation of Federal civilian employees. See CPR 711 for the functions, duties and obligations of an installation commander regarding Federal civilian employee unions.

(l) Publication of telephone directories. See chapter 5, AR 105-23. A copy of this document may be obtained by writing to Headquarters, Department of the Army (DAAG-PAP-W), Washington, DC 20314.

(m) Observance of labor laws on military installations. (1) Installation and activity commanders will ensure that all his/her employers on the installation or activity are apprised of their obligation to comply with Federal, State, and local laws, including those relating to the employment of child labor. When an employer who is operating on the installation or activity is responsible to an authority other than the installation or activity commander, the commander will direct that the authority's representative apprise the employer of his/her obligations regarding labor law. This applies to employers in all activities, including nonappropriated fund activities established as Federal instrumentalities according to AR 230-1, Nonappropriated Fund System, concessionaires of such activities, and other private employers. A copy of the above document may be obtained by writing to Headquarters, Department of the Army (DAAG-PAP-W), Washington, DC 20314.

(2) Installation commander will cooperate fully with state or other governmental officials who bring to their attention complaints that children are employed on military installations or reservations under conditions that are detrimental to their health, safety, education, and well-being.

(n) Hitchhiking. Hitchhiking is prohibited by the Army. This does not preclude acceptance of offers of rides voluntarily made by individuals or properly accredited organizations nor does it preclude the use of properly authorized and established share-the-ride or similar stations which may be sanctioned by local military authorities. For personal safety, personnel should exercise caution at facilities, for example, by accepting rides only from persons they know or by traveling in groups. Similarly, drivers should use discretion when offering rides to personnel at share-the-ride stations. Drivers are prohibited from picking up hitchhikers.

(o) Employment of civilian food service personnel. See AR 30-1, The Army Food Service Program. A copy of this document may be obtained by writing to Headquarters, Department of the Army (DAAG-PAP-W), Washington, DC 20314

[44 FR 7948, Feb. 8, 1979, as amended at 45 FR 73037, Nov. 4, 1980]