(a) Requirement for payback meeting. Prior to providing funds or services to a participant, the grantee must conduct a payback meeting with the participant to explain the costs of training and payback responsibilities following training.
(b) Requirement for payback agreement. (1) Prior to providing funds or services to a participant, and for each subsequent year that training funds are disbursed, the grantee must enter into a written agreement with each participant in which the participant agrees to the terms and conditions required by this section.
(2) The payback agreement must explain the Secretary's authority to grant deferrals and exceptions to the service obligation pursuant to § 263.10 and include—
(i) The current Department address for purposes of the participant's compliance with § 263.11, or any other purpose under this part, and other Office of Indian Education contact information;
(ii) The estimated length of training;
(iii) The total training costs;
(iv) The total amount of assistance accrued year-to-date;
(v) The total number of months in the service obligation year-to-date;
(vi) A statement explaining that work must be in an “LEA that serves a high proportion of Indian students,” and the regulatory definition of that phrase; and
(vii) Information documenting that the grantee held a payback meeting with the participant that meets the requirements of this section.
(3) The grantee must submit a signed payback agreement to the Department within 30 days of the date on which the payback agreement is fully executed by the grantee and participant. The grantee must provide a copy of the payback agreement to the participant upon execution.
(c) Exit certification. At the time of exit from the program, the grantee must provide the below information to the participant. Upon receipt of this information from the grantee, the participant must provide written certification to the grantee that this information is correct:
(1) The name of the institution where the participant received pre-service training and the award number of the Federal grant that provided the scholarship.
(2) The number of months the participant needs to work in an LEA that serves a high proportion of Indian students to satisfy the payback requirements in § 263.9.
(3) The total amount of financial assistance received.
(4) The participant's field of study and the obligation of the participant to perform the service obligation with employment that meets the requirements in § 263.9(b).
(d) Career preparation. During the grant period, a grantee must conduct activities to assist participants in identifying qualified employment opportunities following completion of the program.
(e) Information and annual reporting. The grantee must report to the Secretary all participant training and payback information in a manner specified by the Secretary as well as any other information that is necessary to carry out the Secretary's functions under section 6122 of the ESEA and this part. Each grantee will make annual reports to the Secretary, unless more frequent reporting is required by the Secretary, that are necessary to carry out the Secretary's functions under this part.
(f) Standards for satisfactory progress. The grantee must establish, publish, notify participants of, and apply reasonable standards for measuring whether a participant is making satisfactory progress in the training program. The Secretary considers an institution's standards to be reasonable if the standards—
(1) Are the same as the institution's standards for a student enrolled in the same academic program who is not receiving assistance under this program; and
(2) Include the following elements:
(i) Grades, work projects completed, including performance tasks, or comparable factors that are measurable against a norm and are aligned with demonstrating effective practice.
(ii) A maximum timeframe in which the participant must complete the participant's educational objective, degree, or certificate.
(iii) Consistent application of standards to all participants within categories of students, (e.g., full-time, part-time, undergraduate students, and graduate students).
(iv) Specific policies defining the effect of course incompletes, withdrawals, repetitions, and noncredit remedial courses on satisfactory progress.
(v) Specific procedures for appeal of a determination that a participant is not making satisfactory progress and for reinstatement of aid.
(g) Requirement for Indian preference. (1) Under section 7(b) of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (Pub. L. 93-638), to the greatest extent feasible, a grantee must—
(i) Give to Indians preferences and opportunities for training and employment in connection with the administration of the grant; and
(ii) Give to Indian organizations and to Indian-owned economic enterprises, as defined in section 3 of the Indian Financing Act of 1974 (25 U.S.C. 1452(e), preference in the award of contracts in connection with the administration of the grant.
(2) For the purposes of this paragraph (g), an Indian is a member of any federally recognized Indian Tribe.
[90 FR 5638, Jan. 17, 2025]