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Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025
Title 34 - Education last revised: Feb 18, 2025
All Titles
Title 34
Chapter IV
Part 463
Subpart I - Subpart I—Performance Accountability Under Title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
§ 463.150 - What definitions apply to Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act performance accountability provisions?
§ 463.155 - What are the primary indicators of performance under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act?'
§ 463.160 - What information is required for State performance reports?
§ 463.165 - May a State establish additional indicators of performance?
§ 463.170 - How are State levels of performance for primary indicators established?
§ 463.175 - What responsibility do States have to use quarterly wage record information for performance accountability?
§ 463.180 - When is a State subject to a financial sanction under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act?
§ 463.185 - When are sanctions applied for a State's failure to submit an annual performance report?
§ 463.190 - When are sanctions applied for failure to achieve adjusted levels of performance?
§ 463.195 - What should States expect when a sanction is applied to the Governor's Reserve Allotment?
§ 463.200 - What other administrative actions will be applied to States' performance requirements?
§ 463.205 - What performance indicators apply to local areas and what information must be included in local area performance reports?
§ 463.210 - How are local performance levels established?
§ 463.215 - Under what circumstances are local areas eligible for State Incentive Grants?
§ 463.220 - Under what circumstances may a corrective action or sanction be applied to local areas for poor performance?
§ 463.225 - Under what circumstances may local areas appeal a reorganization plan?
§ 463.230 - What information is required for the eligible training provider performance reports?
§ 463.235 - What are the reporting requirements for individual records for core Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) title I programs; the Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service program, as amended by WIOA title III; and the Vocational Rehabilitation program authorized under title I of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended by WIOA title IV?
§ 463.240 - What are the requirements for data validation of State annual performance reports?
29 U.S.C. 102
and 103, unless otherwise noted
81 FR 55553, Aug. 19, 2016, unless otherwise noted.
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