Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 34 - Education last revised: Sep 26, 2024
§ 106.46 - Grievance procedures for the prompt and equitable resolution of complaints of sex-based harassment involving student complainants or student respondents at postsecondary institutions.

(a) General. A postsecondary institution's written grievance procedures for prompt and equitable resolution of complaints of sex-based harassment involving a student complainant or student respondent must include provisions that incorporate the requirements of § 106.45 and this section.

(b) Student employees. When a complainant or respondent is both a student and an employee of a postsecondary institution, the postsecondary institution must make a fact-specific inquiry to determine whether the requirements of this section apply. In making this determination, a postsecondary institution must, at a minimum, consider whether the party's primary relationship with the postsecondary institution is to receive an education and whether the alleged sex-based harassment occurred while the party was performing employment-related work.

(c) Written notice of allegations. Upon the initiation of the postsecondary institution's sex-based harassment grievance procedures under this section, a postsecondary institution must provide written notice to the parties whose identities are known with sufficient time for the parties to prepare a response before any initial interview.

(1) The written notice must include all information required under § 106.45(c)(1)(i) through (iii) and also inform the parties that:

(i) The respondent is presumed not responsible for the alleged sex-based harassment until a determination is made at the conclusion of the grievance procedures under this section and that prior to the determination, the parties will have an opportunity to present relevant and not otherwise impermissible evidence to a trained, impartial decisionmaker;

(ii) They may have an advisor of their choice to serve in the role set out in paragraph (e)(2) of this section, and that the advisor may be, but is not required to be, an attorney;

(iii) They are entitled to an equal opportunity to access the relevant and not otherwise impermissible evidence or an investigative report that accurately summarizes this evidence as set out in paragraph (e)(6) of this section; and if the postsecondary institution provides access to an investigative report, the parties are entitled to an equal opportunity to access to the relevant and not otherwise impermissible evidence upon the request of any party; and

(iv) If applicable, the postsecondary institution's code of conduct prohibits knowingly making false statements or knowingly submitting false information during the grievance procedure.

(2) If, in the course of an investigation, the recipient decides to investigate additional allegations of sex-based harassment by the respondent toward the complainant that are not included in the written notice provided under paragraph (c) of this section or that are included in a complaint that is consolidated under § 106.45(e), the recipient must provide written notice of the additional allegations to the parties whose identities are known.

(3) To the extent the postsecondary institution has reasonable concerns for the safety of any person as a result of providing this notice, the postsecondary institution may reasonably delay providing written notice of the allegations in order to address the safety concern appropriately. Reasonable concerns must be based on individualized safety and risk analysis and not on mere speculation or stereotypes.

(d) Dismissal of a complaint. When dismissing a complaint alleging sex-based harassment involving a student complainant or a student respondent, a postsecondary institution must:

(1) Provide the parties, simultaneously, with written notice of the dismissal and the basis for the dismissal, if dismissing a complaint under any of the bases in § 106.45(d)(1), except if the dismissal occurs before the respondent has been notified of the allegations, in which case the recipient must provide such written notice only to the complainant; and

(2) Obtain the complainant's withdrawal in writing if dismissing a complaint based on the complainant's voluntary withdrawal of the complaint or allegations under § 106.45(d)(1)(iii).

(e) Complaint investigation. When investigating a complaint alleging sex-based harassment and throughout the postsecondary institution's grievance procedures for complaints of sex-based harassment involving a student complainant or a student respondent, a postsecondary institution:

(1) Must provide, to a party whose participation is invited or expected, written notice of the date, time, location, participants, and purpose of all meetings or proceedings with sufficient time for the party to prepare to participate;

(2) Must provide the parties with the same opportunities to be accompanied to any meeting or proceeding by the advisor of their choice, who may be, but is not required to be, an attorney, and not limit the choice or presence of the advisor for the complainant or respondent in any meeting or proceeding; however, the postsecondary institution may establish restrictions regarding the extent to which the advisor may participate in the grievance procedures, as long as the restrictions apply equally to the parties;

(3) Must provide the parties with the same opportunities, if any, to have persons other than the advisor of the parties' choice present during any meeting or proceeding;

(4) Has discretion to determine whether the parties may present expert witnesses as long as the determination applies equally to the parties;

(5) Must allow for the reasonable extension of timeframes on a case-by-case basis for good cause with written notice to the parties that includes the reason for the delay; and

(6) Must provide each party and the party's advisor, if any, with an equal opportunity to access the evidence that is relevant to the allegations of sex-based harassment and not otherwise impermissible, consistent with §§ 106.2 and 106.45(b)(7), in the following manner:

(i) A postsecondary institution must provide an equal opportunity to access either the relevant and not otherwise impermissible evidence, or the same written investigative report that accurately summarizes this evidence. If the postsecondary institution provides access to an investigative report, it must further provide the parties with an equal opportunity to access the relevant and not otherwise impermissible evidence upon the request of any party;

(ii) A postsecondary institution must provide the parties with a reasonable opportunity to review and respond to the evidence or the investigative report described in paragraph (e)(6)(i) of this section prior to the determination whether sex-based harassment occurred. If a postsecondary institution conducts a live hearing as part of its grievance procedures, it must provide this opportunity to review the evidence in advance of the live hearing; it is at the postsecondary institution's discretion whether to provide this opportunity to respond prior to the live hearing, during the live hearing, or both prior to and during the live hearing;

(iii) A postsecondary institution must take reasonable steps to prevent and address the parties' and their advisors' unauthorized disclosure of information and evidence obtained solely through the sex-based harassment grievance procedures. For purposes of this paragraph, disclosures of such information and evidence for purposes of administrative proceedings or litigation related to the complaint of sex-based harassment are authorized; and

(iv) Compliance with paragraph (e)(6) of this section satisfies the requirements of § 106.45(f)(4).

(f) Questioning parties and witnesses to aid in evaluating allegations and assessing credibility. (1) Process for questioning parties and witnesses. A postsecondary institution must provide a process as specified in this subpart that enables the decisionmaker to question parties and witnesses to adequately assess a party's or witness's credibility to the extent credibility is both in dispute and relevant to evaluating one or more allegations of sex-based harassment. Questioning of the parties and witnesses must take place consistent with the following provisions before determining whether sex-based harassment occurred:

(i) When a postsecondary institution chooses not to conduct a live hearing under paragraph (g) of this section, the process for proposing and asking relevant and not otherwise impermissible questions and follow-up questions of parties and witnesses under §§ 106.2 and 106.45(b)(7), including questions challenging credibility, must:

(A) Allow the investigator or decisionmaker to ask such questions during individual meetings with a party or witness;

(B) Allow each party to propose such questions that the party wants asked of any party or witness and have those questions asked by the investigator or decisionmaker during one or more individual meetings, including follow-up meetings, with a party or witness, subject to the requirements in paragraph (f)(3) of this section; and

(C) Provide each party with an audio or audiovisual recording or transcript with enough time for the party to have a reasonable opportunity to propose follow-up questions.

(ii) When a postsecondary institution chooses to conduct a live hearing under paragraph (g) of this section, the process for proposing and asking relevant and not otherwise impermissible questions and follow-up questions of parties and witnesses under §§ 106.2 and 106.45(b)(7), including questions challenging credibility, must allow the decisionmaker to ask such questions, and either:

(A) Allow each party to propose such questions that the party wants asked of any party or witness and have those questions asked by the decisionmaker, subject to the requirements under paragraph (f)(3) of this section; or

(B) Allow each party's advisor to ask any party or witness such questions, subject to the requirements under paragraph (f)(3) of this section. Such questioning must never be conducted by a party personally. If a postsecondary institution permits advisor-conducted questioning and a party does not have an advisor to ask questions on their behalf, the postsecondary institution must provide the party with an advisor of the postsecondary institution's choice, without charge to the party, for the purpose of advisor-conducted questioning. In those instances, the postsecondary institution must not appoint a confidential employee and may appoint, but is not required to appoint, an attorney to serve as an advisor.

(2) Compliance with § 106.45(g). Compliance with paragraph (f)(1)(i) or (ii) of this section satisfies the requirements of § 106.45(g).

(3) Procedures for the decisionmaker to evaluate the questions and limitations on questions. The decisionmaker must determine whether a proposed question is relevant under § 106.2 and not otherwise impermissible under § 106.45(b)(7), prior to the question being posed, and must explain any decision to exclude a question as not relevant or otherwise impermissible. If a decisionmaker determines that a party's question is relevant and not otherwise impermissible, then the question must be asked except that a postsecondary institution must not permit questions that are unclear or harassing of the party or witness being questioned. The decisionmaker must give a party an opportunity to clarify or revise a question that the decisionmaker has determined is unclear or harassing and, if the party sufficiently clarifies or revises a question to satisfy the terms of this paragraph, the question must be asked. A postsecondary institution may also adopt and apply other reasonable rules regarding decorum, provided they apply equally to the parties.

(4) Refusal to respond to questions and inferences based on refusal to respond to questions. A decisionmaker may choose to place less or no weight upon statements by a party or witness who refuses to respond to questions deemed relevant and not impermissible. The decisionmaker must not draw an inference about whether sex-based harassment occurred based solely on a party's or witness's refusal to respond to such questions.

(g) Live hearing procedures. A postsecondary institution's sex-based harassment grievance procedures may, but need not, provide for a live hearing. If a postsecondary institution chooses to conduct a live hearing, it may conduct the live hearing with the parties physically present in the same geographic location. At the postsecondary institution's discretion the institution may, or upon the request of either party it must, conduct the live hearing with the parties physically present in separate locations, with technology enabling the decisionmaker and parties to simultaneously see and hear the party or the witness while that person is speaking. A postsecondary institution must create an audio or audiovisual recording or transcript, of any live hearing and make it available to the parties for inspection and review.

(h) Written determination whether sex-based harassment occurred. The postsecondary institution must provide the determination whether sex-based harassment occurred in writing to the parties simultaneously.

(1) The written determination must include:

(i) A description of the alleged sex-based harassment;

(ii) Information about the policies and procedures that the postsecondary institution used to evaluate the allegations;

(iii) The decisionmaker's evaluation of the relevant and not otherwise impermissible evidence and determination whether sex-based harassment occurred;

(iv) When the decisionmaker finds that sex-based harassment occurred, any disciplinary sanctions the postsecondary institution will impose on the respondent, whether remedies other than the imposition of disciplinary sanctions will be provided by the postsecondary institution to the complainant, and, to the extent appropriate, other students identified by the postsecondary institution to be experiencing the effects of the sex-based harassment; and

(v) The postsecondary institution's procedures for the complainant and respondent to appeal.

(2) The determination regarding responsibility becomes final either on the date that the postsecondary institution provides the parties with the written determination of the result of any appeal, or, if no party appeals, the date on which an appeal would no longer be considered timely.

(i) Appeals. (1) A postsecondary institution must offer the parties an appeal from a determination whether sex-based harassment occurred, and from a postsecondary institution's dismissal of a complaint or any allegations therein, on the following bases:

(i) Procedural irregularity that would change the outcome;

(ii) New evidence that would change the outcome and that was not reasonably available when the determination whether sex-based harassment occurred or dismissal was made; and

(iii) The Title IX Coordinator, investigator, or decisionmaker had a conflict of interest or bias for or against complainants or respondents generally or the individual complainant or respondent that would change the outcome.

(2) A postsecondary institution may offer an appeal to the parties on additional bases, so long as the procedures and additional bases for appeal are equally available to all parties.

(3) As to all appeals, the postsecondary institution must comply with the requirements in § 106.45(d)(3)(i), (v), and (vi) in writing.

(j) Informal resolution. If a postsecondary institution offers or provides the parties to the grievance procedures under § 106.45 and under this section with an informal resolution process under § 106.44(k), the postsecondary institution must inform the parties in writing of the offer and their rights and responsibilities in the informal resolution process and otherwise comply with the provisions of § 106.44(k)(3) in writing.

[89 FR 33893, Apr. 29, 2024]
authority: 20 U.S.C. 1681
source: 45 FR 30955, May 9, 1980, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 34 CFR 106.46