Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 34 - Education last revised: Feb 18, 2025
§ 668.27 - Waiver of annual audit submission requirement.

(a) General. (1) At the request of an institution, the Secretary may waive the annual audit submission requirement for the period of time contained in paragraph (b) of this section if the institution satisfies the requirements contained in paragraph (c) of this section and posts a letter of credit in the amount determined in paragraph (d) of this section.

(2) An institution requesting a waiver must submit an application to the Secretary at such time and in such manner as the Secretary prescribes.

(3) The first fiscal year for which an institution may request a waiver is the fiscal year in which it submits its waiver request to the Secretary.

(b) Waiver period. (1) If the Secretary grants the waiver, the institution need not submit its compliance or audited financial statement until six months after—

(i) The end of the third fiscal year following the fiscal year for which the institution last submitted a compliance audit and audited financial statement; or

(ii) The end of the second fiscal year following the fiscal year for which the institution last submitted compliance and financial statement audits if the award year in which the institution will apply for recertification is part of the third fiscal year.

(2) The Secretary does not grant a waiver if the award year in which the institution will apply for recertification is part of the second fiscal year following the fiscal year for which the institution last submitted compliance and financial statement audits.

(3) When an institution must submit its next compliance and financial statement audits under paragraph (b)(1) of this section—

(i) The institution must submit a compliance audit that covers the institution's administration of the title IV, HEA programs for the period for each fiscal year for which an audit did not have to be submitted as a result of the waiver, and an audited financial statement for its last fiscal year; and

(ii) The auditor who conducts the audit must audit the institution's annual determinations for the period subject to the waiver that it satisfied the 90/10 rule in § 600.5 and the other conditions of institutional eligibility in § 600.7 and § 668.8(e)(2), and disclose the results of the audit of the 90/10 rule for each year in accordance with § 668.23(d)(4).

(c) Criteria for granting the waiver. The Secretary grants a waiver to an institution if the institution—

(1) Is not a foreign institution;

(2) Did not disburse $200,000 or more of title IV, HEA program funds during each of the two completed award years preceding the institution's waiver request;

(3) Agrees to keep records relating to each award year in the unaudited period for two years after the end of the record retention period in § 668.24(e) for that award year;

(4) Has participated in the title IV, HEA programs under the same ownership for at least three award years preceding the institution's waiver request;

(5) Is financially responsible under § 668.171, and does not rely on the alternative standards of § 668.175 to participate in the title IV, HEA programs;

(6) Is not on the reimbursement or cash monitoring system of payment;

(7) Has not been the subject of a limitation, suspension, fine, or termination proceeding, or emergency action initiated by the Department or a guarantee agency in the three years preceding the institution's waiver request;

(8) Has submitted its compliance audits and audited financial statements for the previous two fiscal years in accordance with and subject to § 668.23, and no individual audit disclosed liabilities in excess of $10,000; and

(9) Submits a letter of credit in the amount determined in paragraph (d) of this section, which must remain in effect until the Secretary has resolved the audit covering the award years subject to the waiver.

(d) Letter of credit amount. For purposes of this section, the letter of credit amount equals 10 percent of the amount of title IV, HEA program funds the institution disbursed to or on behalf of its students during the award year preceding the institution's waiver request.

(e) Rescission of the waiver. (1) The Secretary rescinds the waiver if the institution—

(i) Disburses $200,000 or more of title IV, HEA program funds for an award year;

(ii) Undergoes a change in ownership that results in a change of control; or

(iii) Becomes the subject of an emergency action or a limitation, suspension, fine, or termination action initiated by the Department or a guarantee agency.

(2) If the Secretary rescinds a waiver, the rescission is effective on the last day of the fiscal year in which the rescission takes place.

(f) Renewal. An institution may request a renewal of its waiver when it submits its audits under paragraph (b) of this section. The Secretary grants the waiver if the audits and other information available to the Secretary show that the institution continues to satisfy the criteria for receiving that waiver.

(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1094) [64 FR 58618, Oct. 29, 1999]
cite as: 34 CFR 668.27