Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 06, 2025

Title 36 - Parks, Forests, and Public Property last revised: Feb 20, 2025
§ 14.10 - Terms and conditions.

(a) A right-of-way permit will authorize the permittee to conduct specific operation and maintenance. Operation and maintenance not specifically authorized in the right-of-way permit requires written authorization or an amended right-of-way permit.

(b) The NPS will issue a right-of-way permit for a term that is consistent with applicable law and policy and may be up to 50 years when determined appropriate by the NPS.

(c) A permittee, by accepting a right-of-way permit, agrees and consents to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions, and any additional terms and conditions or modifications that may be required by the NPS in a right-of-way permit:

(1) To comply with all applicable laws and policies, including NPS regulations and planning documents.

(2) To ensure that all of its employees, agents, officers, contractors, and subcontractors comply with all of the terms and conditions of the right-of-way permit and requirements of this part.

(3) To pay the United States the full value of all damage to the lands, waters, or other property of the United States caused by permittee or permittee's employees, agents, officers, contractors, and subcontractors, and to indemnify the United States against any liability for damages to life, person, or property arising from operation and maintenance; except that where a right-of-way permit is issued to a State or other government agency whose power to assume liability by agreement is limited by law, such State or agency shall indemnify the United States as provided above to the extent allowed by law.

(4) That the exercise of authorized activities under a right-of-way permit will not unduly interfere with the management, administration, or disposal by the United States of any land, waters, structures, or interests in land or waters affected thereby. The permittee must agree and consent to the use and occupancy by the United States, its grantees, permittees, licensees, invitees, and lessees of any part of the permitted area not actually occupied for the purpose of the right-of-way permit to the extent that such use does not materially interfere with the full and safe utilization thereof by the permittee.

(5) That except as expressly authorized by the right-of-way permit or subsequently approved in writing by the NPS, the permittee may not move, remove, alter, damage, or destroy any park area resources, including vegetation, within the permitted area or other areas of the System unit. As directed by the NPS, the permittee must take all reasonable measures to avoid or minimize damage to park area resources. The NPS may require mitigation or compensation for permitted impacts to System unit resources authorized under this permit. The NPS may also direct the use and disposition of the disturbed resources.

(6) That the NPS will have a right of access at any time to the permitted area.

(7) That, unless an extension is granted in writing by the NPS, within 6 months after the expiration or termination of the right-of-way permit, the permittee will have completed removal of all infrastructure from the permitted area, as well as restoration and reclamation of the permitted area, to NPS standards directed and approved by the NPS. Any infrastructure not removed within that time will be deemed abandoned and will be disposed of in accordance with applicable Federal law, and the permittee will be liable for all costs incurred by the NPS that are associated with removing and disposing of such infrastructure, as well as with restoration and reclamation of the permitted area, to the satisfaction of the NPS. This obligation will survive the termination or expiration of a right-of-way permit.

(8) That the right-of-way permit terms and conditions, use and occupancy fee, and other stipulations and provisions may be modified during a right-of-way permit transfer, amendment, or renewal process.

source: 89 FR 96550, Dec. 5, 2024, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 36 CFR 14.10