Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 19, 2024

Title 36 - Parks, Forests, and Public Property last revised: Oct 17, 2024
§ 72.3 - Definitions.

As used in this part:

Applicant Jurisdiction: The general purpose local government making the actual funding request or in receipt of UPARR funding assistance. This term applies whether the unit is an eligible or discretionary applicant.

Appropriation: The yearly funding level made available by Congress to implement the UPARR Act.

Assistance: Funds made available by the Service to a grantee in support of a public recreation project.

Direct Expenditures or Direct Costs: Those expenditures or costs that can be associated with a specific project.

Director: The Director of the National Park Service Conservation and Recreation Service or any other officer or employee of the Service to whom is delegated the authority involved.

Discretionary Applicants: General purpose local governments in Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas as defined by the Census but not included in the list of eligible applicants developed and published in accord with Sec. 1005 of the UPARR Act.

Federal Management Circular 74-4 (FMC 74-4): FMC 74-4 establishes principles and standards for determining (administrative) costs applicable to grants and contracts with State and local governments.

General Purpose Local Government: Any city, county, town, township, parish, village, or other general purpose political subdivision of a State, including the District of Columbia, and insular areas.

Grant: The act of providing a specific sum of money for the development of a specific project, consistent with the terms of a signed agreement; also the amount of money requested or awarded.

Grantee: The general purpose local government receiving a UPARR grant for its given use, or for authorized pass-through to another appropriate public or private non-profit agency.

NPS: National Park Service Conservation and Recreation Service.

Historic Property: Such a property is one listed in, or determined eligible to be listed in the National Register of Historic Places.

In-kind Contributions: In-kind contributions represent the value of non-cash contributions provided by: (1) the grantee, (2) other public agencies and institutions, and (3) private organizations and individuals. In-kind contributions may consist of the value of donated or loaned equipment or supplies, or contributed services directly benefiting and specifically identifiable to the project, and can be used as part of the grantee's non-Federal matching share.

Innovation Grants: Matching grants to local governments to cover costs of personnel, facilities, equipment, supplies, or services designed to demonstrate innovative, and cost-effective or service-effective ways to augment park and recreation opportunities at the neighborhood level; and to address common problems related to facility operations and improved delivery of recreation service, excluding routine operation and maintenance activities.

Insular Areas: Guam, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa and the Northern Mariana Islands.

Maintenance: All commonly accepted practices necessary to keep recreation areas and facilities operating in a state of good repair, and to protect them from deterioration resulting from normal wear and tear.

OMB Circular A-95 (A-95): Establishes procedures for the evaluation, review and coordination of Federal and federally assisted programs and projects. This circular defines project notification and review procedures governing Federal grant agencies, State, metropolitan and areawide clearinghouses.

OMB Circular A-102 (A-102): Circular A-102 provides the standard for establishing consistency and uniformity among Federal agencies in the administration of grants to States, localities and federally recognized Indian tribes.

Participant: The grantee, or other agency or organization requesting and/or receiving assistance.

Pass-through: The transfer of funds at the discretion of the applicant jurisdiction, to independent, general or special purpose local governments, private non-profit agencies (including incorporated community or neighborhood groups), or county or regional park authorities, who offer recreation opportunities to the general population within the jurisdictional boundaries of the applicant jurisdiction.

Pass-through recipient: Synonymous with subgrantee.

Private Non-profit Agency: A reputable community-based, non-profit organization, corporation, or association organized for purposes of providing recreation, conservation, education or other community services directly to urban residents; on a neighborhood or communitywide basis, through voluntary donations, voluntary labor, or public or private grants.

Project: A single site-specific area or service-specific program proposed or approved for funding.

Project Costs: All necessary charges made by a grantee in accomplishing the objectives of a project, during the grant period.

Property: Site and/or facility.

Proposal: An application for UPARR assistance which may contain one or more projects.

Recovery Action Program: A local park and recreation Recovery Action Program (plan) required under section 1007 of the UPARR Act, which contains expressions of continuing local commitment to objectives, priorities and implementation strategies for overall park and recreation system planning, rehabilitation, service, operation and maintenance.

Recreation Areas and Facilities: Parks, buildings, sites, or other indoor or outdoor facilities which are dedicated to recreation purposes and administered by public or private non-profit agencies to serve the recreation needs of community residents. These facilities must be open to the public and readily accessible to residential neighborhoods. They may include multiple-use community centers which have recreation as one of their primary purposes, but major sports areas, exhibition areas, and conference halls used primarily for commercial sports, spectator, or display activities are excluded from UPARR assistance.

Rehabilitation Grants: Matching capital grants to local governments for the purpose of rebuilding, remodeling, expanding, or developing existing outdoor or indoor recreation areas and facilities; including improvements in park landscapes, buildings, and support facilities; excluding routine maintenance and upkeep activities.

Secretary: The Secretary of the Interior.

SMSA: Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area as defined by the Bureau of the Census.

Special Purpose Local Government: Any local or regional special district, public-purpose corporation or other limited political subdivision of a State: including but not limited to, park authorities; park, conservation, water or sanitary districts; and school districts.

Sponsor: See Participant.

State: Any State of the United States, or any instrumentality of a State approved by the Governor; the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and insular areas.

Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP): A State recreation plan required by the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act.

Subgrantee: A general or special purpose local government, private non-profit agency, county or regional park authority requesting or in receipt of UPARR funding under an applicant jurisdiction.

UPARR: Urban Park and Recreation Recovery Act of 1978 or Program.

authority: Title X, National Parks and Recreation Act of 1978, Pub. L. 95-625 (16 U.S.C. 2501-2514); sec. 2 of Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1950 (64 Stat. 1262)
cite as: 36 CFR 72.3