Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 36 - Parks, Forests, and Public Property last revised: Feb 20, 2025
§ 1280.62 - General rules when using public areas.

In addition to the rules listed in subparts A and B of this part, the following rules apply to all government organization and private group use of NARA public areas:

(a) You may not characterize your use of NARA property or facilities as an endorsement by NARA of your organization or its activities, or otherwise suggest an official relationship between NARA and your organization if such a relationship does not exist.

(b) You may not charge or collect admission fees, or money for other purposes, at the event.

(c) You may not use NARA property, facilities, or permission to use a NARA property or facility for any activities that involve:

(1) Profit-making;

(2) Advertising, promoting, or selling commercial enterprises, products, or services;

(3) Partisan political activities;

(4) Sectarian or other similar activities; or

(5) Any use inconsistent with those authorized in this section.

(d) You may not use NARA property or facilities if you or your organization or group engage in discriminatory practices proscribed by the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended.

(e) You may not misrepresent your identity to the public or conduct any activities in a misleading or fraudulent manner.

(f) You must ensure that no Government property is destroyed, displaced, or damaged during your use of NARA public areas. You must take prompt action to replace, return, restore, repair, or repay NARA for any damage caused to Government property during your use of NARA facilities or property, and the facility director may charge additional fees to recoup the cost of any damage that occurs due to your use of the property or facility.

authority: 44 U.S.C. 2102 notes, 2104(a), 2112, 2903
source: 85 FR 26851, May 6, 2020, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 36 CFR 1280.62