Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 37 - Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights last revised: Jan 27, 2025
§ 1.1021 - Contents of the international design application.

(a) Mandatory contents. The international design application shall be in English, French, or Spanish (Rule 6(1)) and shall contain or be accompanied by:

(1) A request for international registration under the Hague Agreement (Article 5(1)(i));

(2) The prescribed data concerning the applicant (Article 5(1)(ii) and Rule 7(3)(i) and (ii));

(3) The prescribed number of copies of a reproduction or, at the choice of the applicant, of several different reproductions of the industrial design that is the subject of the international design application, presented in the prescribed manner; however, where the industrial design is two-dimensional and a request for deferment of publication is made in accordance with Article 5(5), the international design application may, instead of containing reproductions, be accompanied by the prescribed number of specimens of the industrial design (Article 5(1)(iii));

(4) An indication of the product or products that constitute the industrial design or in relation to which the industrial design is to be used, as prescribed (Article 5(1)(iv) and Rule 7(3)(iv));

(5) An indication of the designated Contracting Parties (Article 5(1)(v));

(6) The prescribed fees (Article 5(1)(vi) and Rule 12(1));

(7) The Contracting Party or Parties in respect of which the applicant fulfills the conditions to be the holder of an international registration (Rule 7(3)(iii));

(8) The number of industrial designs included in the international design application, which may not exceed 100, and the number of reproductions or specimens of the industrial designs accompanying the international design application (Rule 7(3)(v));

(9) The amount of the fees being paid and the method of payment, or instructions to debit the required amount of fees to an account opened with the International Bureau, and the identification of the party effecting the payment or giving the instructions (Rule 7(3)(vii)); and

(10) An indication of applicant's Contracting Party as required under Rule 7(4)(a).

(b) Additional mandatory contents required by certain Contracting Parties. (1) Where the international design application contains the designation of a Contracting Party that requires, pursuant to Article 5(2), any of the following elements, then the international design application shall contain such required element(s):

(i) Indications concerning the identity of the creator of the industrial design that is the subject of that application (Rule 11(1));

(ii) A brief description of the reproduction or of the characteristic features of the industrial design that is the subject of that application (Rule 11(2));

(iii) A claim (Rule 11(3)).

(2) Where the international design application contains the designation of a Contracting Party that has made a declaration under Rule 8(1), then the international application shall contain the statement, document, oath or declaration specified in that declaration (Rule 7(4)(c)).

(c) Optional contents. The international design application may contain:

(1) Two or more industrial designs, subject to the prescribed conditions (Article 5(4) and Rule 7(7));

(2) A request for deferment of publication (Article 5(5) and Rule 7(5)(e)) or a request for immediate publication (Rule 17);

(3) An element referred to in item (i) or (ii) of Article 5(2)(b) of the Hague Agreement or in Article 8(4)(a) of the 1960 Act even where that element is not required in consequence of a notification in accordance with Article 5(2)(a) of the Hague Agreement or in consequence of a requirement under Article 8(4)(a) of the 1960 Act (Rule 7(5)(a));

(4) The name and address of applicant's representative, as prescribed (Rule 7(5)(b));

(5) A claim of priority of one or more earlier filed applications in accordance with Article 6 and Rule 7(5)(c);

(6) A declaration, for purposes of Article 11 of the Paris Convention, that the product or products which constitute the industrial design or in which the industrial design is incorporated have been shown at an official or officially recognized international exhibition, together with the place where the exhibition was held and the date on which the product or products were first exhibited there and, where less than all the industrial designs contained in the international design application are concerned, the indication of those industrial designs to which the declaration relates or does not relate (Rule 7(5)(d));

(7) Any declaration, statement or other relevant indication as may be specified in the Administrative Instructions (Rule 7(5)(f));

(8) A statement that identifies information known by the applicant to be material to the eligibility for protection of the industrial design concerned (Rule 7(5)(g));

(9) A proposed translation of any text matter contained in the international design application for purposes of recording and publication (Rule 6(4)).

(d) Required contents where the United States is designated. In addition to the mandatory requirements set forth in paragraph (a) of this section, an international design application that designates the United States shall contain or be accompanied by:

(1) A claim (§§ 1.1021(b)(1)(iii) and 1.1025);

(2) Indications concerning the identity of the creator (i.e., the inventor, see § 1.9(d)) in accordance with Rule 11(1); and

(3) The inventor's oath or declaration (§§ 1.63 and 1.64). The requirements in §§ 1.63(b) and 1.64(b)(4) to identify each inventor by his or her legal name, mailing address, and residence, if an inventor lives at a location which is different from the mailing address, and the requirement in § 1.64(b)(2) to identify the residence and mailing address of the person signing the substitute statement will be considered satisfied by the presentation of such information in the international design application prior to international registration.

authority: 35 U.S.C. 2(b)(2), unless otherwise noted
source: 24 FR 10332, Dec. 22, 1959, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 37 CFR 1.1021