When funds are available for legal services grants, VA will publish a NOFO in the Federal Register and on grants.gov. The notice will identify:
(a) The location for obtaining legal services grant applications;
(b) The date, time, and place for submitting completed legal services grant applications;
(c) The estimated amount and type of legal services grant funding available, including the maximum grant funding available per award;
(d) Any priorities for or exclusions from funding to meet the statutory mandates of 38 U.S.C. 2022A and VA goals for the Grant Program;
(e) The length of term for the legal services grant award;
(f) Specific point values to be awarded for each criterion listed in §§ 79.35 and 79.45;
(g) The minimum number of total points and points per category that an applicant or grantee, as applicable, must receive in order for a legal services grant to be funded;
(h) Any maximum uses of legal services grant funds for specific legal services;
(i) The timeframes and manner for payments under the legal services grant; and
(j) Other information necessary for the legal services grant application process as determined by VA, including the requirements, goals, and objectives of the Grant Program, and how the preference under § 79.40(d)(3) may be met.