(a) VA will draft a VSTAGP grant agreement to be executed by VA and the grantee.
(b) The VSTAGP grant agreement will provide that the grantee agrees to, and will ensure that each subgrantee (if applicable) agrees to:
(1) Operate the project in accordance with this part and the terms of the agreement.
(2) Abide by the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards under 2 CFR parts 25, 170, and 200 if applicable.
(3) Comply with such other terms and conditions, including recordkeeping and reports for project monitoring and evaluation purposes, as VA may establish for purposes of carrying out the VSTAGP effectively and efficiently and as described in the NOFO; and
(4) Provide any necessary additional information requested by VA in the manner and timeframe specified by VA.
(Authority: Pub. L. 116-315, sec. 4304; 2 CFR 200.203)