(a) Forfeiture for fraud. VA will pay burial benefits, if otherwise in order, based on a deceased veteran who forfeited his or her right to receive benefits due to fraud under § 3.901, Fraud. However, VA will not pay burial benefits to a claimant who participated in fraudulent activity that resulted in forfeiture under § 3.901.
(b) Forfeiture for treasonable acts or for subversive activity. VA will not pay burial benefits based on a period of service commencing before the date of commission of the offense if either the veteran or the claimant has forfeited the right to all benefits except insurance payments under § 3.902, Forfeiture for treasonable acts, or § 3.903, Forfeiture for subversive activities, because of a treasonable act or subversive activities, unless the offense was pardoned by the President of the U.S.
(Authority: 38 U.S.C. 6103,6104,6105.1(aa), for the definition of “fraud.”