Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 38 - Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief last revised: Feb 11, 2025
§ 8.3 - Revival of insurance.

(a) If the sole reason death or total disability benefits under a policy of National Service life insurance cannot be granted is that the policy had lapsed, the insurance will be considered in force under premium-paying conditions on the date of death or the date of commencement of total disability if,

(1) On the date of lapse there were accrued dividends, not then payable, resulting from premiums paid since the last anniversary date of the policy and such dividends were equal to or greater in amount than the total of the monthly premiums which have become due from and including the date of lapse to the date of death or date of commencement of total disability, and/or

(2) At the end of the grace period for the unpaid premium causing lapse there were due and payable to the policyholder unpaid dividends, refundable premiums, pure insurance risk credits, other refundable credits or total disability benefit payments arising from the policyholder's U.S. Government or National Service life insurance which are equal to or greater in amount than the total of the monthly premiums which have become due from and including the date of lapse to the date of death or date of commencement of total disability.

(3) For purposes of this section amounts under paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this section may be combined. In that case, the amount, if any, of dividend accrued under paragraph (a)(1) of this section will first be determined and the amount available under paragraph (a)(2) of this section, if any, will be added thereto for the purpose of determining if the total amount thus available is equal to or greater than the total of monthly premiums which have become due.

(4) In determining the amount of monthly premiums which have become due under paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this section a shortage of 10 percent per monthly premium may be allowed for a period not to exceed 3 months.

(5) In determining the monthly premiums which have become due for adjustment purposes under paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this section, the premium for the monthly due date immediately preceding the date of death or date of commencement of total disability may be omitted because of the coverage provided by the allowable grace period (§ 8.2(d)) and if the conditions of paragraph (b) of this section are met, the premium for the second due date immediately preceding the date of death or date of commencement of total disability may be omitted.

(6) When a policy is deemed in force under premium-paying conditions by operation of this section, the amount of any shortage included in the calculation and the premium for any monthly due date omitted in the calculation will become a lien against the policy.

(7) The provisions of this section may be applied if, on the date of death, the insurance is in force under the extended term insurance provision (§ 8.14) and a policy loan was outstanding on the date of lapse or a dividend deposit balance was included in the cash value as determined at time of lapse.

(8) If accrued dividends under paragraph (a)(1) of this section and/or amounts due and payable under paragraph (a)(2) of this section exist in connection with more than one policy of the same veteran and one or more policies lapsed prior to the date of death or date of commencement of total disability, the amounts available will be related first to the policy or policies on which they arose if such policy or policies are lapsed. Any amount available under paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this section which is not required to place in force the policy upon which it arose or which is insufficient to place in force the policy upon which it arose, may be combined with similar amounts available on any other policy whenever the total of such amounts is sufficient to place another policy in force.

(9) Where more than one policy is involved and credits are not needed or are insufficient to revive the policy on which the credits arose, the credits will be used insofar as they are sufficient to revive the policy or policies under which the most insurance is payable.

(10) No total disability income provision will be considered in force under this section unless it lapsed at the same time as the life insurance contract and both the life insurance and total disability income provision can be considered in force through the same date and benefits are payable under the total disability income provision. An exception will be a paid-in-full limited pay contract on which total disability income provision premiums are due and payable to age 65.

(11) When a total disability income provision lapsed at the same time as the life insurance, the premium for the provision will be considered separately in determining if the amounts available are equal to or in excess of the monthly premiums which have become due. In such a case if the amounts available are sufficient, both the life insurance and the provision will be revived. If the amounts are insufficient for that purpose, they will be applied to revive the policy or policies with the greatest amount payable in death cases or the policy or policies providing the greatest life insurance and total disability benefit in total disability cases.

(12) Accrued dividends and/or credits on any policy of National Service or U.S. Government life insurance held by the policyholder may be considered for the purpose of this section.

(b) If the sole reason death or total disability benefits under a policy of National Service life insurance cannot be granted is that the policy had lapsed, the insurance will be considered in force on the date of death or date of commencement of total disability if,

(1) The policyholder died or became totally disabled within 61 days of the due date of the unpaid premiums, and

(2) The policy prior to the lapse had been in force for 5 years or more. In determining in-force status under this subparagraph if the original effective date of the insurance (when necessary, include predecessor contracts involving renewal, conversion or replacement/reinstatement under 38 U.S.C. 1981) is 5 years or more earlier than the date of death or date of total disability and during the 5 years immediately preceding the date of lapse the insurance has not been lapsed at any one time in excess of 6 months, the requirement will be satisfied. When insurance is considered in force under this section the amount of the monthly premium due on the date of lapse and the following monthly premium(s) will become a lien against the policy.

(3) The provisions of this section may be applied if, on the date of death, the insurance is in force under the extended term insurance provision (§ 8.14) and a policy loan was outstanding on the date of lapse or a dividend deposit balance was included in the cash value as determined at time of lapse.

[33 FR 17915, Dec. 3, 1968. Redesignated and amended at 61 FR 29290, 29291, June 10, 1996. Redesignated at 65 FR 7437, Feb. 15, 2000; 65 FR 19658, Apr. 12, 2000]
cite as: 38 CFR 8.3