Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 38 - Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief last revised: Feb 11, 2025
§ 8a.4 - Coverage.

(a) The amount of VMLI in force on his or her life at any one time shall be reduced simultaneously (1) with the reduction in the principal of the mortgage loan, whether or not the mortgage loan is amortized, and (2) in addition, if the mortgage loan is amortized, according to the schedule for the reduction of the principal of the mortgage loan whether or not the schedule payments are timely made.

(b) If the amount of the mortgage loan exceeds $200,000, or the reduced maximum amount of insurance selected by an eligible individual, whichever amount is the lesser, the amount of insurance in force on the life of the individual shall remain at a constant level until the principal amount of the mortgage loan which is basis for establishing the amount of insurance is reduced to $200,000, or to the amount of the reduced maximum amount of insurance selected by the individual, at which time the amount of insurance in force on his or her life shall be reduced in accordance with the schedule for the reduction of the principal of the mortgage loan, and whether or not the scheduled payments are timely made.

(c) Subject to the $200,000 maximum amount of insurance, and to the reduced maximum amount of insurance selected by the eligible individual, he or she is entitled to be insured under VMLI or to apply for such insurance as often as he or she becomes obligated under a mortgage loan or a refinanced mortgage loan on a housing unit or a successor housing unit owned and occupied by the eligible individual. Where an individual who is not automatically insured under VMLI applies for such insurance, he or she shall be required to meet the health standards and other conditions established by the Secretary for such insureds.

(Authority: 38 U.S.C. 501,2101,2101A,2106,Jan. 8, 1972, as amended at 42 FR 43836, Aug. 31, 1977; 52 FR 48682, Dec. 24, 1987; 59 FR 59921, Nov. 21, 1994; 61 FR 29027, June 7, 1996; 82 FR 48631, Oct. 19, 2017]
authority: 38 U.S.C. 501,and,unless
source: 37 FR 282, Jan. 8, 1972, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 38 CFR 8a.4