Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 39 - Postal Service last revised: Feb 28, 2025
§ 3010.302 - Prehearing conferences.

(a) Initiation and purposes. The Commission or the presiding officer, if one has been appointed, may direct the parties in a proceeding to appear for a prehearing conference for the purposes of considering all possible ways of expediting the proceeding, including those in paragraph (e) of this section. Prehearing conference procedures shall be rigorously pursued by all parties.

(b) Who presides. The presiding officer, if one has been designated, shall preside over prehearing conferences. If a presiding officer has not been designated or is otherwise unavailable for a prehearing conference, then the ranking Commissioner in attendance shall be considered the presiding officer for that conference. The presiding officer shall open and close each prehearing conference session and shall be responsible for controlling the conduct of the conference.

(c) Informal off-the-record procedures. In order to make the prehearing conference as effective as possible, the presiding officer may direct that conferences be held off the record, without the presiding officer present. Informal off-the-record conferences shall be presided over by the Public Representative or such other person as the parties may select. At off-the-record conferences, parties shall be expected to reach agreement on those matters, which will expedite the proceeding, including the matters specified in the notice of the prehearing conference, in the ruling of the presiding officer directing that the off-the-record conference be held, and in paragraph (e) of this section. A report on the results of off-the-record conferences shall be made to the presiding officer on the record at a time specified by the presiding officer. The presiding officer shall then determine the further prehearing procedures, if any, to be followed.

(d) Required preparation and cooperation of all parties. All parties in any proceeding before the Commission are required and expected to come to prehearing conferences fully prepared to discuss in detail and resolve all matters, such as those specified in paragraph (e) of this section, in the notice of the prehearing conference, and in such other notice or agenda as may have been issued by the Commission or the presiding officer. All parties are required and expected to cooperate fully at all stages of the proceeding to achieve these objectives through thorough advance preparation for the prehearing conference, including informal communications between the parties, requests for discovery and appropriate discovery procedures at the earliest possible time and no later than at the prehearing conference, and the commencement of preparation of evidence and cross-examination. The failure of any party to appear at the prehearing conference or to raise any matters that could reasonably be anticipated and resolved at the prehearing conference shall not be permitted to unduly delay the progress of the proceeding and shall constitute a waiver of the rights of the party with regard thereto, including all objections to the agreements reached, actions taken, or rulings issued by the presiding officer with regard thereto.

(e) Matters to be pursued. At the prehearing conference, the presiding officer and the parties shall consider and resolve such matters as:

(1) The definition and simplification of the issues, including any appropriate explanation, clarification, or amendment of any proposal, filing, evidence, complaint or other pleading filed by any party;

(2) Arrangements for timely completion of discovery from the Postal Service or any other party of information regarding any issues in the proceeding, prior filings, evidence or pleadings of any party;

(3) Procedures for timely discovery with regard to any future evidentiary filings of any party;

(4) Stipulations, admissions or concessions as to evidentiary facts, and agreements as to documentary matters, exhibits and matters of official notice, which will avoid unnecessary proof or dispute;

(5) The possible grouping of parties with substantially like interests for purposes of presenting evidence, making and arguing motions and objections, cross-examining witnesses, filing briefs, and presenting oral argument to the Commission or presiding officer;

(6) Disclosure of the number, identity and qualifications of witnesses, and the nature of their testimony, particularly with respect to the policies of the Act and, as applicable according to the nature of the proceeding;

(7) Limitation of the scope of the evidence and the number of witnesses in order to eliminate irrelevant, immaterial, or cumulative and repetitious evidence;

(8) Procedures to direct and control the use of discovery prior to the hearing and submission of written testimony and exhibits on matters in dispute so as to restrict to a bare minimum the amount of hearing time required for oral cross-examination of witnesses;

(9) Division of the proceeding where practicable into two or more phases for separate and, if advisable, simultaneous hearings;

(10) Establishment of dates for the submission and service of such written testimony and exhibits as may be appropriate in advance of the hearing;

(11) The order of presentation of the evidence and cross-examination of witnesses so that the hearing may proceed in the most expeditious and orderly manner possible; and

(12) All other matters which would aid in an expeditious disposition of the proceeding, including consent of the parties to the conduct of the entire proceedings off the record.

(f) Rulings by presiding officer. (1) The presiding officer at a prehearing conference, shall, irrespective of the consent of the parties, dispose of by ruling:

(i) Any of the procedural matters itemized in paragraph (e) of this section; and

(ii) Such other procedural matters on which the presiding officer is authorized to rule during the course of the hearing if ruling at this stage would expedite the proceeding.

(2) Either on the record at the conclusion of such prehearing conference, or by order issued shortly thereafter, the presiding officer shall state the agreements reached by the parties, the actions taken, and the rulings made by the presiding officer. Such rulings shall control the subsequent course of the proceedings unless modified during the hearing to prevent manifest injustice.

authority: 39 U.S.C. 404(d); 503; 504; 3661
source: 85 FR 9620, Feb. 19, 2020, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 39 CFR 3010.302