Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 63.1366 - Monitoring and inspection requirements.

(a) To provide evidence of continued compliance with the standard, the owner or operator of any existing or new affected source shall install, operate, and maintain monitoring devices as specified in this section. During the initial compliance demonstration, maximum or minimum operating parameter levels, or other design and operating characteristics, as appropriate, shall be established for emission sources that will indicate the source is in compliance. Test data, calculations, or information from the evaluation of the control device design, as applicable, shall be used to establish the operating parameter level or characteristic.

(b) Monitoring for control devices—(1) Parameters to monitor. Except as specified in paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section, for each control device, the owner or operator shall install and operate monitoring devices and operate within the established parameter levels to ensure continued compliance with the standard. Monitoring parameters are specified for control scenarios in paragraphs (b)(1)(ii) through (xii) of this section, and are summarized in Table 3 of this subpart.

(i) Periodic verification. For control devices that control vent streams containing total HAP emissions less than 0.91 Mg/yr, before control, monitoring shall consist of a periodic verification that the device is operating properly. This verification shall include, but not be limited to, a daily or more frequent demonstration that the unit is working as designed and may include the daily measurements of the parameters described in paragraphs (b)(1)(ii) through (xii) of this section. This demonstration shall be included in the Precompliance plan, to be submitted 6 months prior to the compliance date of the standard.

(ii) Scrubbers. For affected sources using liquid scrubbers, the owner or operator shall establish a minimum scrubber liquid flow rate or pressure drop as a site-specific operating parameter which must be measured and recorded at least once every 15 minutes during the period in which the scrubber is controlling HAP from an emission stream as required by the standards in § 63.1362. If the scrubber uses a caustic solution to remove acid emissions, the pH of the effluent scrubber liquid shall also be monitored once a day. The minimum scrubber liquid flow rate or pressure drop shall be based on the conditions under which the initial compliance demonstration was conducted. Alternatively, for halogen scrubbers, the owner or operator may comply with the requirements specified in § 63.994(c).

(A) The monitoring device used to determine the pressure drop shall be certified by the manufacturer to be accurate to within a gage pressure of ±10 percent of the maximum pressure drop measured.

(B) The monitoring device used for measurement of scrubber liquid flowrate shall be certified by the manufacturer to be accurate to within ±10 percent of the design scrubber liquid flowrate.

(C) The monitoring device shall be calibrated annually.

(iii) Condensers. For each condenser, the owner or operator shall establish the maximum condenser outlet gas temperature as a site-specific operating parameter which must be measured and recorded at least once every 15 minutes during the period in which the condenser is controlling HAP from an emission stream as required by the standards in § 63.1362.

(A) The temperature monitoring device must be accurate to within ±2 percent of the temperature measured in degrees Celsius or ±2.5 °C, whichever is greater.

(B) The temperature monitoring device must be calibrated annually.

(iv) Regenerative carbon adsorbers. For each regenerative carbon adsorber, the owner or operator shall comply with the provisions in paragraphs (b)(1)(iv)(A) through (F) of this section.

(A) Establish the regeneration cycle characteristics specified in paragraphs (b)(1)(iv)(A) (1) through (4) of this section under absolute or hypothetical peak-case conditions, as defined in § 63.1365(b)(11)(i) or (ii).

(1) Minimum regeneration frequency (i.e., operating time since last regeneration);

(2) Minimum temperature to which the bed is heated during regeneration;

(3) Maximum temperature to which the bed is cooled, measured within 15 minutes of completing the cooling phase; and

(4) Minimum regeneration stream flow.

(B) Monitor and record the regeneration cycle characteristics specified in paragraphs (b)(1)(iv)(B) (1) through (4) of this section for each regeneration cycle.

(1) Regeneration frequency (i.e., operating time since end of last regeneration);

(2) Temperature to which the bed is heated during regeneration;

(3) Temperature to which the bed is cooled, measured within 15 minutes of the completion of the cooling phase; and

(4) Regeneration stream flow.

(C) Use a temperature monitoring device that is accurate to within ±2 percent of the temperature measured in degrees Celsius or ±2.5 °C, whichever is greater.

(D) Use a regeneration stream flow monitoring device capable of recording the total regeneration stream flow to within ±10 percent of the established value (i.e., accurate to within ±10 percent of the reading).

(E) Calibrate the temperature and flow monitoring devices annually.

(F) Conduct an annual check for bed poisoning in accordance with manufacturer's specifications.

(v) Nonregenerative carbon adsorbers. For each nonregenerative carbon adsorption system such as a carbon canister that does not regenerate the carbon bed directly onsite in the control device, the owner or operator shall replace the existing carbon bed in the control device with fresh carbon on a regular schedule based on one of the following procedures:

(A) Monitor the TOC concentration level in the exhaust vent stream from the carbon adsorption system on a regular schedule, and replace the existing carbon with fresh carbon immediately when carbon breakthrough is indicated. The monitoring frequency shall be daily or at an interval no greater than 20 percent of the time required to consume the total carbon working capacity under absolute or hypothetical peak-case conditions as defined in § 63.1365(b)(11)(i) or (ii), whichever is longer.

(B) Establish the maximum time interval between replacement, and replace the existing carbon before this time interval elapses. The time interval shall be established based on the conditions anticipated under absolute or hypothetical peak-case, as defined in § 63.1365(b)(11)(i) or (ii).

(vi) Flares. For each flare, the presence of the pilot flame shall be monitored at least once every 15 minutes during the period in which the flare is controlling HAP from an emission stream subject to the standards in § 63.1362. The monitoring device shall be calibrated annually.

(vii) Thermal incinerators. For each thermal incinerator, the owner or operator shall monitor the temperature of the gases exiting the combustion chamber as the site-specific operating parameter which must be measured and recorded at least once every 15 minutes during the period in which the combustion device is controlling HAP from an emission stream subject to the standards in § 63.1362.

(A) The temperature monitoring device must be accurate to within ±0.75 percent of the temperature measured in degrees Celsius or ±2.5 °C, whichever is greater.

(B) The monitoring device must be calibrated annually.

(viii) Catalytic incinerators. For each catalytic incinerator, the parameter levels that the owner or operator shall establish are the minimum temperature of the gas stream immediately before the catalyst bed and the minimum temperature difference across the catalyst bed. The owner or operator shall monitor the temperature of the gas stream immediately before and after the catalyst bed, and calculate the temperature difference across the catalyst bed, at least once every 15 minutes during the period in which the catalytic incinerator is controlling HAP from an emission stream subject to the standards in § 63.1362.

(A) The temperature monitoring devices must be accurate to within ±0.75 percent of the temperature measured in degrees Celsius or ±2.5 °C, whichever is greater.

(B) The temperature monitoring devices must be calibrated annually.

(ix) Process heaters and boilers. (A) Except as specified in paragraph (b)(1)(ix)(B) of this section, for each boiler or process heater, the owner or operator shall monitor the temperature of the gases exiting the combustion chamber as the site-specific operating parameter which must be monitored and recorded at least every 15 minutes during the period in which the boiler or process heater is controlling HAP from an emission stream subject to the standards in § 63.1362.

(1) The temperature monitoring device must be accurate to within ±0.75 percent of the temperature measured in degrees Celsius or ±2.5 °C, whichever is greater.

(2) The temperature monitoring device must be calibrated annually.

(B) The owner or operator is exempt from the monitoring requirements specified in paragraph (b)(1)(ix)(A) of this section if either:

(1) All vent streams are introduced with primary fuel; or

(2) The design heat input capacity of the boiler or process heater is 44 megawatts or greater.

(x) Continuous emission monitor. As an alternative to the parameters specified in paragraphs (b)(1)(ii) through (ix) of this section, an owner or operator may monitor and record the outlet HAP concentration or both the outlet TOC concentration and outlet total HCl and chlorine concentration at least every 15 minutes during the period in which the control device is controlling HAP from an emission stream subject to the standards in § 63.1362. The owner or operator need not monitor the total HCl and chlorine concentration if the owner or operator determines that the emission stream does not contain HCl or chlorine. The owner or operator need not monitor the TOC concentration if the owner or operator determines the emission stream does not contain organic compounds. The HAP or TOC monitor must meet the requirements of Performance Specification 8 or 9 of appendix B of part 60 and must be installed, calibrated, and maintained, according to § 63.8 of subpart A of this part. As part of the QA/QC Plan, calibration of the device must include, at a minimum, quarterly cylinder gas audits. If supplemental gases are introduced before the control device, the monitored concentration shall be corrected as specified in § 63.1365(a)(7).

(xi) Fabric filters. For each fabric filter used to control particulate matter emissions from bag dumps and product dryers subject to § 63.1362(e), the owner or operator shall install, calibrate, maintain, and continuously operate a bag leak detection system that meets the requirements in paragraphs (b)(1)(xi)(A) through (G) of this section.

(A) The bag leak detection system sensor must provide output of relative particulate matter emissions.

(B) The bag leak detection system must be equipped with an alarm system that will sound when an increase in particulate matter emissions over a preset level is detected.

(C) For positive pressure fabric filters, a bag leak detector must be installed in each fabric filter compartment or cell. If a negative pressure or induced air filter is used, the bag leak detector must be installed downstream of the fabric filter. Where multiple bag leak detectors are required (for either type of fabric filter), the system instrumentation and alarm may be shared among detectors.

(D) The bag leak detection system shall be installed, operated, calibrated and maintained in a manner consistent with available guidance from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency or, in the absence of such guidance, the manufacturer's written specifications and instructions.

(E) Calibration of the system shall, at a minimum, consist of establishing the relative baseline output level by adjusting the range and the averaging period of the device and establishing the alarm set points and the alarm delay time.

(F) Following initial adjustment, the owner or operator shall not adjust the sensitivity or range, averaging period, alarm set points, or alarm delay time, except as established in an operation and maintenance plan that is to be submitted with the Precompliance plan. In no event shall the sensitivity be increased more than 100 percent or decreased by more than 50 percent over a 365-day period unless such adjustment follows a complete baghouse inspection which demonstrates the baghouse is in good operating condition.

(G) If the alarm on a bag leak detection system is triggered, the owner or operator shall, within 1 hour of an alarm, initiate the procedures to identify the cause of the alarm and take corrective action as specified in the corrective action plan.

(xii) For each waste management unit, treatment process, or control device used to comply with § 63.1362(d), the owner or operator shall comply with the procedures specified in § 63.143 of subpart G of this part, except that when the procedures to request approval to monitor alternative parameters according to the procedures in § 63.151(f) are referred to in § 63.143(d)(3), the procedures in paragraph (b)(4) of this section shall apply for the purposes of this subpart.

(xiii) Closed-vent system visual inspections. The owner or operator shall comply with the requirements in either paragraph (b)(1)(xiii)(A) or (B) of this section:

(A) Set the flow indicator at the entrance to any bypass line that could divert the stream away from the control device to the atmosphere to take a reading at least once every 15 minutes; or

(B) If the bypass device valve installed at the inlet to the bypass device is secured in the closed position with a car-seal or lock-and-key type configuration, visually inspect the seal or closure mechanism at least once every month to verify that the valve is maintained in the closed position and the vent stream is not diverted through the bypass line.

(2) Averaging periods. Averaging periods for parametric monitoring levels shall be established according to paragraphs (b)(2)(i) through (iii) of this section.

(i) Except as provided in paragraph (b)(2)(iii) of this section, a daily (24-hour) or block average shall be calculated as the average of all values for a monitored parameter level set according to the procedures in (b)(3)(iii) of this section recorded during the operating day or block.

(ii) The operating day or block shall be defined in the Notification of Compliance Status report. The operating day may be from midnight to midnight or another continuous 24-hour period. The operating block may be used as an averaging period only for vents from batch operations, and is limited to a period of time that is, at a maximum, equal to the time from the beginning to end of a series of consecutive batch operations.

(iii) Monitoring values taken during periods in which the control devices are not controlling HAP from an emission stream subject to the standards in § 63.1362, as indicated by periods of no flow or periods when only streams that are not subject to the standards in § 63.1362 are controlled, shall not be considered in the averages. Where flow to the device could be intermittent, the owner or operator shall install, calibrate and operate a flow indicator at the inlet or outlet of the control device to identify periods of no flow.

(3) Procedures for setting parameter levels for control devices used to control emissions from process vents. (i) Small control devices. Except as provided in paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section, for devices controlling less than 10 tons/yr of HAP for which a performance test is not required, the parameteric levels shall be set based on the design evaluation required in § 63.1365(c)(3)(i)(A). If a performance test is conducted, the monitoring parameter level shall be established according to the procedures in paragraph (b)(3)(ii) of this section.

(ii) Large control devices. For devices controlling greater than or equal to 10 tons/yr of HAP for which a performance test is required, the parameter level must be established as follows:

(A) If the operating parameter level to be established is a maximum or minimum, it must be based on the average of the average values from each of the three test runs.

(B) The owner or operator may establish the parametric monitoring level(s) based on the performance test supplemented by engineering assessments and/or manufacturer's recommendations. Performance testing is not required to be conducted over the entire range of expected parameter values. The rationale for the specific level for each parameter, including any data and calculations used to develop the level(s) and a description of why the level indicates proper operation of the control device shall be provided in the Precompliance plan. Determination of the parametric monitoring level using these procedures is subject to review and approval by the Administrator.

(iii) Parameter levels for control devices controlling batch process vents. For devices controlling batch process vents alone or in combination with other streams, the level(s) shall be established in accordance with paragraph (b)(3)(iii)(A) or (B) of this section.

(A) A single level for the batch process(es) shall be calculated from the initial compliance demonstration.

(B) The owner or operator may establish separate levels for each batch emission episode or combination of emission episodes selected to be controlled. If separate monitoring levels are established, the owner or operator must provide a record indicating at what point in the daily schedule or log of processes required to be recorded per the requirements of § 63.1367(b)(7), the parameter being monitored changes levels and must record at least one reading of the new parameter level, even if the duration of monitoring for the new parameter level is less than 15 minutes.

(4) Requesting approval to monitor alternative parameters. The owner or operator may request approval to monitor parameters other than those required by paragraphs (b)(1)(ii) through (xiii) of this section. The request shall be submitted according to the procedures specified in § 63.8(f) of subpart A of this part or in the Precompliance report (as specified in § 63.1368(e)).

(5) Monitoring for the alternative standards. (i) For control devices that are used to comply with the provisions of § 63.1362(b)(6) and (c)(4), the owner or operator shall monitor and record the outlet TOC concentration and the outlet total HCl and chlorine concentration at least once every 15 minutes during the period in which the device is controlling HAP from emission streams subject to the standards in § 63.1362. A TOC monitor meeting the requirements of Performance Specification 8 or 9 of appendix B of 40 CFR part 60 shall be installed, calibrated, and maintained, according to § 63.8. The owner or operator need not monitor the total HCl and chlorine concentration if the owner or operator determines that the emission stream does not contain HCl or chlorine. The owner or operator need not monitor for TOC concentration if the owner or operator determines that the emission stream does not contain organic compounds.

(ii) If supplemental gases are introduced before the control device, the owner or operator must either correct for supplemental gases as specified in § 63.1365(a)(7) or, if using a combustion control device, comply with the requirements of paragraph (b)(5)(ii)(A) of this section. If the owner or operator corrects for supplemental gases as specified in § 63.1365(a)(7)(ii) for non-combustion control devices, the flow rates must be evaluated as specified in paragraph (b)(5)(ii)(B) of this section.

(A) Provisions for combustion devices. As an alternative to correcting for supplemental gases as specified in § 63.1365(a)(7), the owner or operator may monitor residence time and firebox temperature according to the requirements of paragraphs (b)(5)(ii)(A)(1) and (2) of this section. Monitoring of residence time may be accomplished by monitoring flow rate into the combustion chamber.

(1) If complying with the alternative standard instead of achieving a control efficiency of 95 percent or less, the owner or operator must maintain a minimum residence time of 0.5 seconds and a minimum combustion chamber temperature of 760 °C.

(2) If complying with the alternative standard instead of achieving a control efficiency of 98 percent, the owner or operator must maintain a minimum residence time of 0.75 seconds and a minimum combustion chamber temperature of 816 °C.

(B) Flow rate evaluation for non-combustion devices. To demonstrate continuous compliance with the requirement to correct for supplemental gases as specified in § 63.1365(a)(7)(ii) for non-combustion devices, the owner or operator must evaluate the volumetric flow rate of supplemental gases, Vs, and the volumetric flow rate of all gases, Va, each time a new operating scenario is implemented based on process knowledge and representative operating data. The procedures used to evaluate the flow rates, and the resulting correction factor used in Equation 8 of this subpart, must be included in the Notification of Compliance Status report and in the next Periodic report submitted after an operating scenario change.

(6) Exceedances of operating parameters. An exceedance of an operating parameter is defined as one of the following:

(i) If the parameter level, averaged over the operating day or block, is below a minimum value established during the initial compliance demonstration.

(ii) If the parameter level, averaged over the operating day or block, is above the maximum value established during the initial compliance demonstration.

(iii) A loss of all pilot flames for a flare during an operating day or block. Multiple losses of all pilot flames during an operating day constitutes one exceedance.

(iv) Each operating day or block for which the time interval between replacement of a nonregenerative carbon adsorber exceeds the interval established in paragraph (b)(1)(v) of this section.

(v) Each instance in which procedures to initiate the response to a bag leak detector alarm within 1 hour of the alarm as specified in the corrective action plan.

(7) Excursions. Excursions are defined by either of the two cases listed in paragraph (b)(7)(i) or (ii) of this section. An excursion also occurs if the periodic verification for a small control device is not conducted as specified in paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section.

(i) When the period of control device operation is 4 hours or greater in an operating day or block and monitoring data are insufficient to constitute a valid hour of data, as defined in paragraph (b)(7)(iii) of this section, for at least 75 percent of the operating hours.

(ii) When the period of control device operation is less than 4 hours in an operating day or block and more than 1 of the hours during the period of operation does not constitute a valid hour of data due to insufficient monitoring data.

(iii) Monitoring data are insufficient to constitute a valid hour of data, as used in paragraphs (b)(7)(i) and (ii) of this section, if measured values are unavailable for any of the required 15-minute periods within the hour.

(8) Violations. Exceedances of parameters monitored according to the provisions of paragraphs (b)(1)(ii), (b)(1)(iv) through (ix), and (b)(5) of this section, or excursions as defined by paragraphs (b)(7)(i) and (ii) of this section, constitute violations of the operating limit according to paragraphs (b)(8)(i) and (ii) of this section. Exceedances of the temperature limit monitored according to the provisions of paragraph (b)(1)(iii) of this section or exceedances of the outlet concentrations monitored according to the provisions of paragraph (b)(1)(x) of this section constitute violations of the emission limit according to paragraphs (b)(8)(i) and (ii) of this section. Exceedances of the outlet concentrations monitored according to the provisions of paragraph (b)(5) of this section constitute violations of the emission limit according to the provisions of paragraph (b)(8)(iii) of this section.

(i) For episodes occurring more than once per day, exceedances of established parameter limits or excursions will result in no more than one violation per operating day for each monitored item of equipment utilized in the process.

(ii) For control devices used for more than one process in the course of an operating day, exceedances or excursions will result in no more than one violation per operating day, per control device, for each process for which the control device is in service.

(iii) Exceedances of the 20 or 50 ppmv TOC outlet emission limit, averaged over the operating day, will result in no more than one violation per day per control device. Exceedances of the 20 or 50 ppmv HCl and chlorine outlet emission limit, averaged over the operating day, will result in no more than one violation per day per control device.

(c) Monitoring for uncontrolled emission rates. The owner or operator shall demonstrate continuous compliance with the emission limit in § 63.1362 (b)(2)(i) or (b)(4)(i) by calculating daily a 365-day rolling summation of uncontrolled emissions based on the uncontrolled emissions per emission episode, as calculated using the procedures in § 63.1365(c)(2), and records of the number of batches produced. Each day that the summation for a process exceeds 0.15 Mg/yr is considered a violation of the emission limit.

(d) Monitoring for equipment leaks. The standard for equipment leaks is based on monitoring. All monitoring requirements for equipment leaks are specified in § 63.1363.

(e) Monitoring for heat exchanger systems. The standard for heat exchanger systems is based on monitoring. All monitoring requirements for heat exchanger systems are specified in § 63.1362(f).

(f) Monitoring for the pollution prevention alternative standard. The owner or operator of an affected source that chooses to comply with the requirements of § 63.1362(g) (2) or (3) shall calculate annual rolling average values of the HAP and VOC factors in accordance with the procedures specified in paragraph (f)(1) of this section. If complying with § 63.1362(g)(3), the owner or operator shall also comply with the monitoring requirements specified in paragraph (b) of this section for the applicable add-on air pollution control device.

(1) Annual factors. The annual HAP and VOC factors shall be calculated in accordance with the procedures specified in paragraphs (f)(1) (i) through (iii) of this section.

(i) The consumption of both total HAP and total VOC shall be divided by the production rate, per process, for 12-month periods at the frequency specified in either paragraph (f)(1) (ii) or (iii) of this section, as applicable.

(ii) For continuous processes, the annual factors shall be calculated every 30 days for the 12-month period preceding the 30th day (annual rolling average calculated every 30 days). A process with both batch and continuous operations is considered a continuous process for the purposes of this section.

(iii) For batch processes, the annual factors shall be calculated every 10 batches for the 12-month period preceding the 10th batch (annual rolling average calculated every 10 batches). Additional annual factors shall be calculated every 12 months during the period before the 10th batch if more than 12 months elapse before the 10th batch is produced.

(2) Violations. Each rolling average that exceeds the target value established in § 63.1365(g)(3) is considered a violation of the emission limit.

(g) Monitoring for emissions averaging. The owner or operator of an affected source that chooses to comply with the requirements of § 63.1362(h) shall meet all monitoring requirements specified in paragraph (b) of this section, as applicable, for all processes, storage tanks, and waste management units included in the emissions average.

(h) Leak inspection provisions for vapor suppression equipment. (1) Except as provided in paragraphs (h)(9) and (10) of this section, for each vapor collection system, closed-vent system, fixed roof, cover, or enclosure required to comply with this section, the owner or operator shall comply with the requirements of paragraphs (h)(2) through (8) of this section.

(2) Except as provided in paragraphs (h)(6) and (7) of this section, each vapor collection system and closed-vent system shall be inspected according to the procedures and schedule specified in paragraphs (h)(2)(i) and (ii) of this section and each fixed roof, cover, and enclosure shall be inspected according to the procedures and schedule specified in paragraph (h)(2)(iii) of this section.

(i) If the vapor collection system or closed-vent system is constructed of hard-piping, the owner or operator shall:

(A) Conduct an initial inspection according to the procedures in paragraph (h)(3) of this section, and

(B) Conduct annual visual inspections for visible, audible, or olfactory indications of leaks.

(ii) If the vapor collection system or closed-vent system is constructed of ductwork, the owner or operator shall:

(A) Conduct an initial inspection according to the procedures in paragraph (h)(3) of this section,

(B) Conduct annual inspections according to the procedures in paragraph (h)(3) of this section, and

(C) Conduct annual visual inspections for visible, audible, or olfactory indications of leaks.

(iii) For each fixed roof, cover, and enclosure, the owner or operator shall:

(A) Conduct an initial inspection according to the procedures in paragraph (h)(3) of this section, and

(B) Conduct semiannual visual inspections for visible, audible, or olfactory indications of leaks.

(3) Each vapor collection system, closed-vent system, fixed roof, cover, and enclosure shall be inspected according to the procedures specified in paragraphs (h)(3)(i) through (vi) of this section.

(i) Inspections shall be conducted in accordance with Method 21 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A.

(ii) Detection instrument performance criteria. (A) Except as provided in paragraph (h)(3)(ii)(B) of this section, the detection instrument shall meet the performance criteria of Method 21 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, except the instrument response factor criteria in section 3.1.2(a) of Method 21 shall be for the average composition of the process fluid not each individual VOC in the stream. For process streams that contain nitrogen, air, or other inerts which are not organic HAP or VOC, the average stream response factor shall be calculated on an inert-free basis.

(B) If no instrument is available at the plant site that will meet the performance criteria specified in paragraph (h)(3)(ii)(A) of this section, the instrument readings may be adjusted by multiplying by the average response factor of the process fluid, calculated on an inert-free basis as described in paragraph (h)(3)(ii)(A) of this section.

(iii) The detection instrument shall be calibrated before use on each day of its use by the procedures specified in Method 21 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A.

(iv) Calibration gases shall be as follows:

(A) Zero air (less than 10 parts per million hydrocarbon in air); and

(B) Mixtures of methane in air at a concentration less than 10,000 parts per million. A calibration gas other than methane in air may be used if the instrument does not respond to methane or if the instrument does not meet the performance criteria specified in paragraph (h)(2)(ii)(A) of this section. In such cases, the calibration gas may be a mixture of one or more of the compounds to be measured in air.

(v) An owner or operator may elect to adjust or not adjust instrument readings for background. If an owner or operator elects to not adjust readings for background, all such instrument readings shall be compared directly to the applicable leak definition to determine whether there is a leak. If an owner or operator elects to adjust instrument readings for background, the owner or operator shall measure background concentration using the procedures in § 63.180(b) and (c). The owner or operator shall subtract background reading from the maximum concentration indicated by the instrument.

(vi) The arithmetic difference between the maximum concentration indicated by the instrument and the background level shall be compared with 500 parts per million for determining compliance.

(4) Leaks, as indicated by an instrument reading greater than 500 parts per million above background or by visual inspections, shall be repaired as soon as practicable, except as provided in paragraph (h)(5) of this section.

(i) A first attempt at repair shall be made no later than 5 calendar days after the leak is detected.

(ii) Repair shall be completed no later than 15 calendar days after the leak is detected.

(5) Delay of repair of a vapor collection system, closed-vent system, fixed roof, cover, or enclosure for which leaks have been detected is allowed if the repair is technically infeasible without a shutdown, as defined in § 63.1361, or if the owner or operator determines that emissions resulting from immediate repair would be greater than the fugitive emissions likely to result from delay of repair. Repair of such equipment shall be complete by the end of the next shutdown.

(6) Any parts of the vapor collection system, closed-vent system, fixed roof, cover, or enclosure that are designated, as described in § 63.1367(f)(1), as unsafe-to-inspect are exempt from the inspection requirements of paragraphs (h)(2)(i), (ii), and (iii) of this section if:

(i) The owner or operator determines that the equipment is unsafe-to-inspect because inspecting personnel would be exposed to an imminent or potential danger as a consequence of complying with paragraph (h)(2)(i), (ii), or (iii) of this section; and

(ii) The owner or operator has a written plan that requires inspection of the equipment as frequently as practicable during safe-to-inspect times. Inspection is not required more than once annually.

(7) Any parts of the vapor collection system, closed-vent system, fixed roof, cover, or enclosure that are designated, as described in § 63.1367(f)(2), as difficult-to-inspect are exempt from the inspection requirements of paragraphs (h)(2)(i), (ii), and (iii)(A) of this section if:

(i) The owner or operator determines that the equipment cannot be inspected without elevating the inspecting personnel more than 2 meters above a support surface; and

(ii) The owner or operator has a written plan that requires inspection of the equipment at least once every 5 years.

(8) Records shall be maintained as specified in § 63.1367(f).

(9) If a closed-vent system subject to this section is also subject to the equipment leak provisions of § 63.1363, the owner or operator shall comply with the provisions of § 63.1363 and is exempt from the requirements of this section.

(10) For any closed-vent system that is operated and maintained under negative pressure, the owner or operator is not required to comply with the requirements specified in paragraphs (h)(2) through (8) of this section.

[64 FR 33589, June 23, 1999, as amended at 67 FR 59352, Sept. 20, 2002; 68 FR 37358, June 23, 2003; 71 FR 20460, Apr. 20, 2006; 79 FR 17374, Mar. 27, 2014]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401
source: 57 FR 61992, Dec. 29, 1992, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 40 CFR 63.1366