Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 63.1430 - Process vent reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

(a) [Reserved]

(b) Records to demonstrate compliance. The owner or operator complying with the process vent control requirements in § 63.1425(b), (c), or (d) shall keep the following records, as applicable, readily accessible:

(1) When using a flare to comply with the process vent control requirements in § 63.1425(b)(2)(i), (c)(1)(i), (c)(3)(i), or (d)(1):

(i) The flare design (i.e., steam-assisted, air-assisted, or non-assisted);

(ii) All visible emission readings, heat content determinations, flow rate determinations, and exit velocity determinations made during the flare specification determination required by § 63.1437(c); and

(iii) All periods during the flare specification determination required by § 63.1437(c) when all pilot flames are absent.

(2) The following information when using a combustion, recovery, or recapture device (other than a flare) to achieve compliance with the process vent control requirements in § 63.1425(b), (c), or (d):

(i) For a combustion, recovery, or recapture device being used to comply with a percent reduction requirement of § 63.1425(b)(1)(i), (b)(2)(ii), (c)(1)(ii), (c)(3)(ii), or (d)(2), or the annual epoxide emission limitation in § 63.1425(b)(1)(iii) or (b)(2)(iv), the percent reduction of organic HAP or TOC achieved, as determined using the procedures specified in the process vent requirements in § 63.1426;

(ii) For a combustion device being used to comply with an outlet concentration limitation of § 63.1425(b)(1)(ii) or (b)(2)(iii), the concentration of organic HAP or TOC outlet of the combustion device, as determined using the procedures specified in the process vent requirements in § 63.1426;

(iii) For a boiler or process heater, a description of the location at which the process vent stream is introduced into the boiler or process heater;

(iv) For a boiler or process heater with a design heat input capacity of less than 44 megawatts and where the process vent stream is introduced with combustion air or is used as a secondary fuel and is not mixed with the primary fuel, the percent reduction of organic HAP or TOC achieved, as determined using the procedures specified in § 63.1426.

(c) Records related to the establishment of parameter monitoring levels. For each parameter monitored according to the process vent monitoring requirements in § 63.1429(a) and Table 5 of this subpart, or for alternate parameters and/or parameters for alternate control techniques monitored according to the alternative parameter monitoring reporting requirements in § 63.1439(f) as allowed under § 63.1429(b), maintain documentation showing the establishment of the level that indicates that the combustion, recovery, or recapture device is operated in a manner to ensure compliance with the provisions of this subpart, as required by the process vent monitoring requirements in § 63.1429(d).

(d) Records to demonstrate continuous compliance. The owner or operator that uses a combustion, recovery, or recapture device to comply with the process vent control requirements in § 63.1425(b), (c), or (d) shall keep the following records readily accessible:

(1) Continuous records of the equipment operating parameters specified to be monitored under the process vent monitoring requirements in § 63.1429(a) as applicable, and listed in Table 5 of this subpart, or specified by the Administrator in accordance with the alternative parameter monitoring reporting requirements in § 63.1439(f), as allowed under § 63.1429(b). These records shall be kept as specified under § 63.1439(d), except as specified in paragraphs (d)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section.

(i) For flares, the records specified in Table 5 of this subpart shall be maintained in place of continuous records.

(ii) For carbon adsorbers used for process vents from batch unit operations, the records specified in Table 5 of this subpart shall be maintained in place of daily averages.

(2) Records of the daily average value for process vents from continuous unit operations or batch unit operations of each continuously monitored parameter, except as provided in paragraphs (d)(2)(i) and (ii) of this section.

(i) Monitoring data recorded during periods of monitoring system breakdowns, repairs, calibration checks, and zero (low-level) and high-level adjustments shall not be included in computing the daily averages. In addition, monitoring data recorded during periods of non-operation of the process (or specific portion thereof) resulting in cessation of organic HAP emissions shall not be included in computing the daily averages.

(ii) If all recorded values for a monitored parameter during an operating day are above the minimum or below the maximum parameter monitoring level established in accordance with the process vent monitoring requirements in § 63.1429(d), the owner or operator may record that all values were above the minimum or below the maximum level established, rather than calculating and recording a daily average for that operating day.

(3) Hourly records of whether the flow indicator for bypass lines specified under § 63.1429(c)(1) was operating and whether a diversion was detected at any time during the hour. Also, records of the time(s) of all periods when the process vent was diverted from the combustion, recovery, or recapture device, or the flow indicator specified in § 63.1429(c)(1) was not operating.

(4) Where a seal or closure mechanism is used to comply with the process vent monitoring requirements for bypass lines in § 63.1429(c)(2), hourly records of flow are not required. For compliance with § 63.1429(c)(2), the owner or operator shall record whether the monthly visual inspection of the seals or closure mechanism has been done, and shall record the occurrence of all periods when the seal mechanism is broken, the bypass line valve position has changed, or the key for a lock-and-key type configuration has been checked out, and records of any car-seal that has been broken.

(5) Records specifying the times and duration of periods of monitoring system breakdowns, repairs, calibration checks, and zero (low-level) and high level adjustments. In addition, records specifying any other periods of process or combustion, recovery, or recapture device operation when monitors are not operating.

(e) Records related to the group determination for process vents that are associated with the use of nonepoxide organic HAP to make or modify the product—(1) Process vents from batch unit operations. Except as provided in paragraphs (e)(1)(vi) and (vii) of this section, the owner or operator of an affected source shall maintain the records specified in paragraphs (e)(1)(i) through (v) of this section for each PMPU that uses a nonepoxide organic HAP to make or modify the product in batch unit operations. The records required to be maintained by this paragraph are limited to the information developed and used to make the group determination under the process vent requirements for processes using a nonepoxide organic HAP to make or modify the product in § 63.1428(a) through (e), as appropriate. If an owner or operator did not need to develop certain information (e.g., annual average flow rate) to determine the group status, the owner or operator is not required to develop additional information. The owner or operator may elect Group 1 status for process vents without making a Group 1/Group 2 determination. In such event, none of the records specified in paragraphs (e)(1)(i) through (v) are required.

(i) A description of, and an emission estimate for, each batch emission episode, and the total emissions associated with one batch cycle for each unique product class made in the PMPU.

(ii) Total annual uncontrolled TOC or nonepoxide organic HAP emissions from the combination of process vents from batch unit operations associated with the use of nonepoxide organic HAP to make or modify the product, as determined in accordance with the process vent requirements for group determinations in § 63.1428(b).

(iii) The annual average flow rate for the combination of process vents from batch unit operations associated with the use of organic HAP to make or modify the product, as determined in accordance with the process vent requirements for group determinations in § 63.1428(d).

(iv) The cutoff flow rate, determined in accordance with the process vent requirements for group determinations in § 63.1428(e).

(v) The results of the PMPU group determination (i.e., whether the combination of process vents is Group 1 or Group 2).

(vi) If the combination of all process vents from batch unit operations associated with the use of an organic HAP to make or modify the product is subject to the Group 1 batch process vent control requirements for nonepoxide HAP emissions from making or modifying the product in § 63.1425((c)(1), none of the records in paragraphs (e)(1)(i) through (v) of this section are required.

(vii) If the total annual emissions from the combination of process vents from batch unit operations associated with the use of an organic HAP to make or modify the product are less than 11,800 kg per year, only the records in paragraphs (e)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section are required.

(2) Process vents from continuous unit operations. The owner or operator of an affected source that uses nonepoxide organic HAP to make or modify the product in continuous unit operations shall keep records regarding the measurements and calculations performed to determine the TRE index value of each process vent stream. The owner or operator of Group 1 continuous process vents that are subject to the control requirements of § 63.1425(c)(3) is not required to keep these records.

(f) Records for Group 2 process vents that are associated with the use of nonepoxide organic HAP to make or modify the product. The following records shall be maintained for PMPUs with a Group 2 combination of batch process vents and/or one or more Group 2 continuous process vents.

(1) Process vents from batch unit operations—emission records. The owner or operator shall maintain records of the combined total annual nonepoxide organic HAP emissions from process vents associated with the use of nonepoxide organic HAP to make or modify the product for each PMPU where the combination of these process vents is classified as Group 2.

(2) Process vents from continuous unit operations—monitoring records for vents with TRE between 1.0 and 4.0. The owner or operator using a recovery device or other means to achieve and maintain a TRE index value greater than 1.0 but less than 4.0 as specified in the HON process vent requirements in § 63.113(a)(3) or § 63.113(d) shall keep the following records readily accessible:

(i) Continuous records of the equipment operating parameters specified to be monitored under § 63.114(b) and listed in Table 5 of this subpart or specified by the Administrator in accordance with § 63.114(c) and § 63.117(e); and

(ii) Records of the daily average value of each continuously monitored parameter for each operating day determined according to the procedures specified in § 63.152(f). If carbon adsorber regeneration stream flow and carbon bed regeneration temperature are monitored, the records specified in Table 5 of this subpart shall be kept instead of the daily averages.

(3) Process vents from continuous unit operations—records related to process changes. The owner or operator subject to the provisions of this subpart who has elected to demonstrate compliance with the TRE index value greater than 4.0 under § 63.113(e) or greater than 1.0 under § 63.113(a)(3) or § 63.113(d) shall keep readily accessible records of:

(i) Any process changes as defined in § 63.115(e); and

(ii) Any recalculation of the TRE index value pursuant to § 63.115(e).

(4) Process vents from continuous unit operations—records for vents with a flow rate less than 0.005 standard cubic meter per minute. The owner or operator who elects to comply by maintaining a flow rate less than 0.005 standard cubic meter per minute under § 63.113(f), shall keep readily accessible records of:

(i) Any process changes as defined in § 63.115(e) that increase the process vent stream flow rate;

(ii) Any recalculation or measurement of the flow rate pursuant to § 63.115(e); and

(iii) If the flow rate increases to 0.005 standard cubic meter per minute or greater as a result of the process change, the TRE determination performed according to the procedures of § 63.115(d).

(5) Process vents from continuous unit operations—records for vents with an organic HAP concentration less than 50 parts per million. The owner or operator who elects to comply by maintaining an organic HAP concentration less than 50 parts per million by volume organic HAP concentration under § 63.113(g) shall keep readily accessible records of:

(i) Any process changes as defined in § 63.115(e) that increase the organic HAP concentration of the process vent stream;

(ii) Any recalculation or measurement of the concentration pursuant to § 63.115(e); and

(iii) If the organic HAP concentration increases to 50 parts per million by volume or greater as a result of the process change, the TRE determination performed according to the procedures of § 63.115(d).

(g) Notification of Compliance Status. The owner or operator of an affected source shall submit the information specified in paragraphs (g)(1) through (3) of this section, as appropriate, as part of the Notification of Compliance Status specified in § 63.1439(e)(5).

(1) For the owner or operator complying with the process vent control requirements in § 63.1425(b), (c)(1), (c)(3), or (d), the information specified in paragraph (b) of this section related to the compliance demonstration, and the information specified in paragraph (c) of this section related to the establishment of parameter monitoring levels,

(2) For each PMPU where the combination of process vents from batch unit operations that are associated with the use of nonepoxide organic HAP to make or modify the product is Group 2, the information related to the group determination specified in paragraph (e)(1) of this section.

(3) For each process vent from a continuous unit operation that is associated with the use of nonepoxide organic HAP to make or modify the product that is Group 2, the information related to the group determination specified in paragraph (e)(2) of this section.

(h) Periodic Reports. The owner or operator of an affected source shall submit Periodic Reports of the recorded information specified in paragraphs (h)(1) through (6) of this section, as appropriate, according to the schedule for submitting Periodic Reports in § 63.1439(e)(6)(i).

(1) Reports of daily average values of monitored parameters for all operating days when the daily average values recorded under paragraph (d)(2) of this section were above the maximum, or below the minimum, level established in the Notification of Compliance Status or operating permit.

(2) Reports of the duration of periods when monitoring data are not collected for each excursion caused by insufficient monitoring data as defined in § 63.1438(f)(1)(iv), (f)(2)(i)(B), or (f)(3)(ii).

(3) Reports of the times and durations of all periods recorded under paragraph (d)(3) of this section when the process vent stream is diverted from the combustion, recovery, or recapture device through a bypass line.

(4) Reports of all periods recorded under paragraph (d)(4) of this section in which the seal mechanism is broken, the bypass line valve position has changed, or the key to unlock the bypass line valve was checked out.

(5) Reports of the times and durations of all periods recorded under paragraph (d)(1)(i) of this section in which all pilot flames of a flare were absent.

(6) Reports of all carbon bed regeneration cycles during which the parameters recorded under paragraph (d)(1)(ii) of this section were above the maximum, or below the minimum, levels established in the Notification of Compliance Status or operating permit.

(i) Reports of process changes. Whenever a process change, as defined in § 63.1420(g)(3), is made that causes a Group 2 combination of batch process vents at a PMPU that are associated with the use of nonepoxide organic HAP to make or modify the product to become Group 1, the owner or operator shall submit a report within 180 days after the process change is made or the information regarding the process change is known to the owner or operator. This report may be included in the next Periodic Report or in a separate submittal to the Administrator, as specified in § 63.1439(e)(6)(iii)(D)(1). A description of the process change shall be submitted with the report.

(j) Reporting requirements for Group 2 continuous process vents. (1) Whenever a process change, as defined in § 63.1420(g)(3), is made that causes a Group 2 continuous process vent with a TRE greater than 4.0 to become a Group 2 continuous process vent with a TRE less than 4.0, the owner or operator shall submit a report within 180 calendar days after the process change is made or the information regarding the process change is known, unless the flow rate is less than 0.005 standard cubic meters per minute. The report may be submitted as part of the next periodic report. The report shall include:

(i) A description of the process change;

(ii) The results of the recalculation of the TRE index value required under § 63.1428(h)(2), and recorded under paragraph (f)(3) of this section; and

(iii) A statement that the owner or operator will comply with the process vent monitoring requirements specified in § 63.1429, as appropriate.

(2) Whenever a process change, as defined in § 63.1420(g)(3), is made that causes a Group 2 continuous process vent with a flow rate less than 0.005 standard cubic meters per minute to become a Group 2 continuous process vent with a flow rate of 0.005 standard cubic meters per minute or greater, the owner or operator shall submit a report within 180 calendar days after the process change is made or the information regarding the process change is known, unless the organic HAP concentration is less than 50 ppmv. The report may be submitted as part of the next periodic report. The report shall include:

(i) A description of the process change;

(ii) The results of the calculation of the TRE index value required under § 63.1428(h)(2), and recorded under paragraph (f)(3) of this section; and

(iii) A statement that the owner or operator will comply with the process vent monitoring requirements specified in § 63.1429, as appropriate.

(3) Whenever a process change, as defined in § 63.1420(g)(3), is made that causes a Group 2 continuous process vent with an organic HAP concentration less than 50 ppmv to become a Group 2 continuous process vent with an organic HAP concentration of 50 ppmv or greater and a TRE index value less than 4.0, the owner or operator shall submit a report within 180 calendar days after the process change is made or the information regarding the process change is known, unless the flow rate is less than 0.005 standard cubic meters per minute. The report may be submitted as part of the next periodic report. The report shall include:

(i) A description of the process change;

(ii) The results of the calculation of the TRE index value required under § 63.1428(h)(2), and recorded under paragraph (f)(3) of this section; and

(iii) A statement that the owner or operator will comply with the process vent monitoring requirements specified in § 63.1429, as appropriate.

(k) Alternative requests. If an owner or operator uses a combustion, recovery, or recapture device other than those specified in the process vent monitoring requirements in § 63.1429(a)(1) through (7) and listed in Table 5 of this subpart; requests approval to monitor a parameter other than those specified in § 63.1429(a)(1) through (7) and listed in Table 5 of this subpart; or uses ECO and requests to monitor a parameter other than those listed in § 63.1427(i)(1)(i) through (iii), as allowed under § 63.1427(i)(1)(iv), the owner or operator shall submit a description of planned reporting and recordkeeping procedures, as specified in § 63.1439(f)(3), as part of the Precompliance Report as required under § 63.1439(e)(4), or to the Administrator as a separate submittal. The Administrator will specify appropriate reporting and recordkeeping requirements as part of the review of the Precompliance Report.

[64 FR 29439, June 1, 1999, as amended at 65 FR 26501, May 8, 2000; 79 FR 17378, Mar. 27, 2014]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401
source: 57 FR 61992, Dec. 29, 1992, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 40 CFR 63.1430