Regulations last checked for updates: Jan 30, 2025

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Nov 08, 2025
§ 63.2380 - What are my requirements for certain flares?

(a) Beginning no later than the compliance dates specified in § 63.2342(e), if you reduce organic HAP emissions by venting emissions through a closed vent system to a steam-assisted, air-assisted, or non-assisted flare to control emissions from a storage tank, low throughput transfer rack, or high throughput transfer rack that is subject to control based on the criteria specified in Tables 2 or 2b to this subpart, then the flare requirements specified in § 63.11(b); subpart SS of this part; the provisions specified in items 7.a through 7.d of Table 3 to this subpart; Table 8 to this subpart; and the provisions specified in items 1.a.iii and 2.a.iii, and items 7.a through 7.d.2 of Table 9 to this subpart no longer apply. Instead, you must meet the applicable requirements for flares as specified in §§ 63.670 and 63.671, including the provisions in Tables 12 and 13 to subpart CC of this part, except as specified in paragraphs (b) through (m) of this section. For purposes of compliance with this paragraph, the following terms are defined in § 63.641: Assist air, assist steam, center steam, combustion zone, combustion zone gas, flare, flare purge gas, flare supplemental gas, flare sweep gas, flare vent gas, lower steam, net heating value, perimeter assist air, pilot gas, premix assist air, total steam, and upper steam.

(b) The following phrases in § 63.670(c) do not apply:

(1) “Specify the smokeless design capacity of each flare and”; and

(2) “And the flare vent gas flow rate is less than the smokeless design capacity of the flare.”

(c) The phrase “and the flare vent gas flow rate is less than the smokeless design capacity of the flare” in § 63.670(d) does not apply.

(d) Section 63.670(j)(6)(ii) does not apply. Instead submit the information required by § 63.670(j)(6)(ii) with the Notification of Compliance Status according to § 63.2382(d)(2)(ix).

(e) Section 63.670(o) does not apply.

(f) Substitute “pilot flame or flare flame” or each occurrence of “pilot flame.”

(g) Substitute “affected source” for each occurrence of “petroleum refinery.”

(h) Each occurrence of “refinery” does not apply.

(i) You may elect to comply with the alternative means of emissions limitation requirements specified in § 63.670(r)in lieu of the requirements in § 63.670(d) through (f), as applicable. However, instead of complying with § 63.670(r)(3)(iii), you must also submit the alternative means of emissions limitation request to the following address: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Sector Policies and Programs Division, U.S. EPA Mailroom (E143-01), Attention: Organic Liquids Distribution Sector Lead, 109 T.W. Alexander Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711. Electronic copies in lieu of hard copies may also be submitted to [email protected].

(j) If you choose to determine compositional analysis for net heating value with a continuous process mass spectrometer, then you must comply with the requirements specified in paragraphs (j)(1) through (7) of this section.

(1) You must meet the requirements in § 63.671(e)(2). You may augment the minimum list of calibration gas components found in § 63.671(e)(2) with compounds found during a pre-survey or known to be in the gas through process knowledge.

(2) Calibration gas cylinders must be certified to an accuracy of 2 percent and traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standards.

(3) For unknown gas components that have similar analytical mass fragments to calibration compounds, you may report the unknowns as an increase in the overlapped calibration gas compound. For unknown compounds that produce mass fragments that do not overlap calibration compounds, you may use the response factor for the nearest molecular weight hydrocarbon in the calibration mix to quantify the unknown component's NHVvg.

(4) You may use the response factor for n-pentane to quantify any unknown components detected with a higher molecular weight than n-pentane.

(5) You must perform an initial calibration to identify mass fragment overlap and response factors for the target compounds.

(6) You must meet applicable requirements in Performance Specification (PS) 9 (40 CFR part 60, appendix B) for continuous monitoring system acceptance including, but not limited to, performing an initial multi-point calibration check at three concentrations following the procedure in Section 10.1 of PS 9 and performing the periodic calibration requirements listed for gas chromatographs in Table 13 to subpart CC of this part, for the process mass spectrometer. You may use the alternative sampling line temperature allowed under Net Heating Value by Gas Chromatograph in Table 13 to subpart CC of this part.

(7) The average instrument calibration error (CE) for each calibration compound at any calibration concentration must not differ by more than 10 percent from the certified cylinder gas value. The CE for each component in the calibration blend must be calculated using the following equation:

Where: Cm = Average instrument response (ppm) Ca = Certified cylinder gas value (ppm)

(k) If you use a gas chromatograph or mass spectrometer for compositional analysis for net heating value, then you may choose to use the CE of NHV measured versus the cylinder tag value NHV as the measure of agreement for daily calibration and quarterly audits in lieu of determining the compound-specific CE. The CE for NHV at any calibration level must not differ by more than 10 percent from the certified cylinder gas value. The CE for must be calculated using the following equation:

Where: NHVmeasured = Average instrument response (Btu/scf) NHVa = Certified cylinder gas value (Btu/scf)

(l) Instead of complying with § 63.670(p), you must keep the flare monitoring records specified in § 63.2390(h).

(m) Instead of complying with § 63.670(q), you must comply with the reporting requirements specified in § 63.2382(d)(2)(ix) and § 63.2386(d)(5).

[85 FR 40766, July 7, 2020]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401
source: 57 FR 61992, Dec. 29, 1992, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 40 CFR 63.2380