Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Nov 14, 2025
Appendix - Table 2 to Subpart VVVV of Part 63—Alternative Organic HAP Content Requirements for Open Molding Resin and Gel Coat Operations

As specified in §§ 63.5701(b), 63.5704(b)(2), and 63.5713(a), (b), and (d), you must comply with the requirements in the following table:

For this operation— And this application method— You must not exceed this weighted-average organic HAP content (weight percent) requirement—
1. Production resin operationsAtomized (spray)28 percent.
2. Production resin operationsNonatomized (nonspray)35 percent.
3. Pigmented gel coat operationsAny method33 percent.
4. Clear gel coat operationsAny method48 percent
5. Tooling resin operationsAtomized (spray)30 percent.
6. Tooling resin operationsNonatomized (nonspray)39 percent.
7. Tooling gel coat operationsAny method40 percent.
authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401
source: 57 FR 61992, Dec. 29, 1992, unless otherwise noted.