Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Nov 13, 2025
§ 63.7834 - How do I demonstrate continuous compliance with the operation and maintenance requirements that apply to me?

(a) For each capture system and control device subject to an operating limit in § 63.7790(b), you must demonstrate continuous compliance with the operation and maintenance requirements in § 63.7800(b) by meeting the requirements of paragraphs (a)(1) through (4) of this section:

(1) Making monthly inspections of capture systems and initiating corrective action according to § 63.7800(b)(1) and recording all information needed to document conformance with these requirements;

(2) Performing preventative maintenance according to § 63.7800(b)(2) and recording all information needed to document conformance with these requirements;

(3) Initiating and completing corrective action for a baghouse equipped with a bag leak detection system or COMS according to § 63.7800(b)(4) and recording all information needed to document conformance with these requirements, including the time you initiated corrective action, the corrective action(s) taken, and date on which corrective action was completed.

(4) Initiating and completing corrective action for a venturi scrubber equipped with a CPMS or an electrostatic precipitator equipped with a COMS according to § 63.7833(g) and recording all information needed to document conformance with these requirements, including the time you initiated corrective action, the corrective action(s) taken within the first 24 hours according to § 63.7833(g)(1) and whether they were successful, the corrective action(s) taken within the second 24 hours according to § 63.7833(g)(2) and whether they were successful, and the date on which corrective action was completed.

(b) You must maintain a current copy of the operation and maintenance plan required in § 63.7800(b) onsite and available for inspection upon request. You must keep the plans for the life of the affected source or until the affected source is no longer subject to the requirements of this subpart.

[68 FR 27663, May 20, 2003, as amended at 71 FR 39588, July 13, 2006]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401
source: 57 FR 61992, Dec. 29, 1992, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 40 CFR 63.7834