AB | Advanced biofuel.
APHA | American Public Health Association.
API | American Petroleum Institute.
ASTM | ASTM International.
BBD | Biomass-based diesel.
BMP | Best management practices.
BOB | Gasoline before oxygenate blending.
CAA | Clean Air Act.
CB | Cellulosic biofuel.
CBOB | Conventional gasoline before oxygenate blending.
CF | Converted fraction.
CG | Conventional gasoline.
CHP | Combined heat and power.
CNG | Compressed natural gas.
CPI-U | Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers.
ECA | Emission Control Area.
EDRR | Early detection and rapid response.
EIA | Energy Information Administration.
EMTS | EPA Moderated Transaction System.
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency.
EqV | Equivalence value.
ERVO | Exporter renewable volume obligation.
FE | Feedstock energy.
FFA | Free-fatty acid.
GC | Gas chromatography.
GHG | Greenhouse gas.
GTAB | Gasoline treated as blendstock.
HACCP | Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point.
HHV | Higher heating value.
IBR | Incorporation by reference.
ID | Identification.
kWh | Kilowatt-hour.
LE | Limited exemption.
LHV | Lower heating value.
LNG | Liquified natural gas.
MSW | Municipal solid waste.
MVNRLM | Motor vehicle, nonroad, locomotive, or marine.
NARA | National Archives and Records Administration.
NTDF | Non-transportation 15 ppm distillate fuel.
PIR | Potentially invalid RIN.
PM10 | Particulate matter generally 10 micrometers or smaller.
PM2.5 | Particulate matter generally 2.5 micrometers or smaller.
PTD | Product transfer document.
QAP | Quality assurance plan.
RBOB | Reformulated gasoline before oxygenate blending.
RCO | Responsible corporate officer.
RF | Renewable fuel.
RFS | Renewable Fuel Standard.
RFS-FRRF | RFS foreign refiner renewable fuel.
RIN | Renewable identification number.
RNG | Renewable natural gas.
RVO | Renewable volume obligation.
STP | Standard temperature and pressure.
U.S. | United States.
ULSD | Ultra-low-sulfur diesel fuel.
USDA | United States Department of Agriculture.
UTC | Coordinated Universal Time.
VCSB | Voluntary consensus standards body. |