Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 80.135 - Registration.

(a) Applicability. The following parties must register using the procedures specified in this section, § 80.1450 and 40 CFR 1090.800:

(1) Biogas producers.

(2) RNG producers.

(3) RNG importers.

(4) Biogas closed distribution system RIN generators.

(5) RNG RIN separators.

(6) Renewable fuel producers using biogas as a biointermediate or RNG as a feedstock.

(b) General registration requirements. Parties must submit applicable information for companies and facilities as specified in 40 CFR 1090.805.

(1) New registrants. (i) Parties required to register under this subpart must have an EPA-accepted registration prior to engaging in regulated activities under this subpart.

(ii) Registration information must be submitted at least 60 days prior to engaging in regulated activities under this subpart.

(iii) Parties may engage in regulated activities under this subpart once EPA has accepted their registration and they have met all other applicable requirements under this subpart.

(2) Existing renewable CNG/LNG registrations. (i) Parties listed in paragraph (a) of this section must submit updated registration information that complies with the applicable requirements of this section for any company or facility covered by a registration accepted under § 80.1450(b) for the generation of RINs under § 80.1426(f)(10)(ii) or (11)(ii) no later than October 1, 2024.

(ii) A biogas closed distribution system RIN generator or biogas producer does not need to submit an updated engineering review for any facility in the biogas closed distribution system as specified in § 80.1450(d)(1) before the next three-year engineering review update is due as specified in § 80.1450(d)(3).

(3) Engineering reviews. (i) Any party required to register a facility under this section must undergo all the following:

(A) A third-party engineering review as specified in § 80.1450(b)(2).

(B) Three-year engineering review updates as specified in § 80.1450(d)(3).

(ii) Third-party engineering reviews and three-year engineering review updates required under paragraph (b)(3)(i) of this section must evaluate all applicable registration information submitted under this section as well as all applicable requirements in § 80.1450(b).

(iii) A party may arrange for an independent third-party engineer to conduct a single site visit and submit a single engineering review report for a facility that performs multiple activities (e.g., a facility that both produces biogas and upgrades it to RNG) under this subpart as long as the site visit and engineering review report includes all the requirements for each activity performed.

(4) Registration updates. (i) Parties registered under this section must submit updated registration information to EPA within 30 days when any of the following occur:

(A) The registration information previously supplied becomes incomplete or inaccurate.

(B) Facility information is updated under § 80.1450(d)(1), as applicable.

(C) A change of ownership is submitted under 40 CFR 1090.820.

(ii) Parties registered under this section must submit updated registration information to EPA within 7 days when any facility information is updated under § 80.1450(d)(2).

(iii) Parties that register a facility under this section must update their registration information and undergo a three-year engineering review update as specified in § 80.1450(d)(3).

(5) Registration deactivations. EPA may deactivate the registration of a party registered under this section as specified in § 80.1450(h), 40 CFR 1090.810, or 40 CFR 1090.815, as applicable.

(c) Biogas producer. In addition to the information required under paragraph (b) of this section, a biogas producer must submit all the following information for each biogas production facility:

(1) Information describing the biogas production capacity for the biogas production facility, in Btu HHV, including the following:

(i) Information regarding the permitted capacity in the most recent applicable air permits issued by EPA, a state, a local air pollution control agency, or a foreign governmental agency that governs the biogas production facility, if available.

(ii) Documents demonstrating the biogas production facility's nameplate capacity.

(iii) Information describing the biogas production facility's biogas production for each of the last three calendar years prior to the registration submission, if available.

(2) Whether the biogas will be used to produce RNG, renewable CNG/LNG, or biointermediate and information identifying the facility that will be supplied.

(3) The following information related to biogas measurement:

(i) A description of how biogas will be measured under § 80.155(a), including the specific standards under which the meters are operated.

(ii) A description of the biogas production process, including a process flow diagram that includes metering type(s) and location(s).

(iii) For an alternative measurement protocol under § 80.155(a)(3), all the following:

(A) A description of why the biogas producer is unable to use meters that comply with the requirements specified in § 80.155(a)(1) and (2), as applicable.

(B) A description of how measurement is conducted.

(C) Any standards or specifications that apply.

(D) A description of all routine maintenance and the frequency that such maintenance will be conducted.

(E) A description of the frequency of all measurements and how often such measurements will be recorded under the alternative measurement protocol.

(F) A comparison between the accuracy, precision, and reliability of the alternative measurement protocol and the requirements specified in § 80.155(a)(1) and (2), as applicable, including any supporting data.

(4) For biogas used to produce renewable CNG/LNG in a biogas closed distribution system, all the following additional information:

(i) A process flow diagram of each step of the physical process from feedstock entry to the point where the renewable CNG/LNG is dispensed as transportation fuel. This includes all the following:

(A) Feedstock processing.

(B) Biogas production.

(C) Biogas processing.

(D) Renewable CNG/LNG production.

(E) Points where non-renewable natural gas may be added.

(F) Dispensing stations.

(G) Measurement locations and equipment.

(H) Major equipment (e.g., tanks, pipelines, flares, separation equipment, compressors, and dispensing infrastructure).

(I) Any other process-related information as requested by EPA.

(ii) A description of losses of heating content going from biogas to renewable CNG/LNG and an explanation of how such losses would be accounted for.

(iii) A description of the physical process from biogas production to dispensing of renewable CNG/LNG as transportation fuel, including the biogas closed distribution system.

(iv) A description of the vehicle fleet and dispensing stations that are expected to use and distribute the renewable CNG/LNG as transportation fuel.

(5) For biogas used as a biointermediate, all the information specified in § 80.1450(b)(1)(ii)(B).

(6) For biogas used to produce RNG, all the following additional information:

(i) The RNG producer that will upgrade the biogas.

(ii) A process flow diagram of the physical process from biogas production to entering the RNG production facility, including major equipment (e.g., tanks, pipelines, flares, separation equipment).

(iii) A description of the physical process from biogas production to entering the RNG production facility, including an explanation of how the biogas reaches the RNG production facility.

(7) For biogas produced in an agricultural digester, all the following information:

(i) A separated yard waste plan specified in § 80.1450(b)(1)(vii)(A), as applicable.

(ii) Crop residue information specified in § 80.1450(b)(1)(xv), as applicable.

(iii) A process flow diagram of the physical process from feedstock entry to biogas production, including major equipment (e.g., feedstock preprocessing equipment, tanks, digesters, pipelines, flares).

(8) For biogas produced in a municipal wastewater treatment facility digester, a process flow diagram of the physical process from feedstock entry to biogas production, including major equipment (e.g., feedstock preprocessing equipment, tanks, digesters, pipelines, flares).

(9) For biogas produced in a separated MSW digester, all the following information:

(i) Separated MSW plan specified in § 80.1450(b)(1)(viii).

(ii) A process flow diagram of the physical process from feedstock entry to biogas production, including major equipment (e.g., feedstock preprocessing equipment, tanks, digesters, pipelines, flares).

(10) For biogas produced in other waste digesters, all the following information, as applicable:

(i) A separated MSW plan specified in § 80.1450(b)(1)(viii).

(ii) A separated yard waste plan specified in § 80.1450(b)(1)(vii)(A).

(iii) Crop residues information specified in § 80.1450(b)(1)(xv).

(iv) A separated food waste plan or biogenic waste oils/fats/greases plan specified in § 80.1450(b)(1)(vii)(B).

(v) A process flow diagram of each step of the physical process from feedstock entry to the point where the biogas either leaves the facility or is used to produce RNG, biointermediate, or biogas-derived renewable fuel. This includes all the following:

(A) Feedstock processing.

(B) Biogas production.

(C) Biogas processing.

(D) Major equipment (e.g., feedstock preprocessing equipment, tanks, digesters, pipelines, flares).

(E) Measurement locations and equipment.

(F) Any other process-related information as requested by EPA.

(vi) For biogas produced in a mixed digester, all the following:

(A) For biogas producers using a value under § 80.105(j)(2)(iv)(E), all the following:

(1) The cellulosic converted fraction (CF) for each cellulosic biogas feedstock that will be used in § 80.105(j)(2)(iii), in Btu HHV/lb feedstock, rounded to the nearest whole number.

(2) Data supporting the cellulosic CF from each cellulosic biogas feedstock. Data must be derived from processing of cellulosic biogas feedstock(s) in anaerobic digesters without simultaneous conversion under similar conditions as will be run in the simultaneously converted process. Data must be either from the facility when it was processing solely the feedstock that does have a minimum 75% adjusted cellulosic content or from a representative sample of other representative facilities processing the feedstock that does have a minimum 75% adjusted cellulosic content.

(3) A description of how the cellulosic CF was determined, including any calculations demonstrating how the data were used.

(4) A list of ranges of processing conditions, including temperature, solids mean residence time, and hydraulic mean residence time, for which the cellulosic CF is accurate and a description of how such processing conditions will be measured by the facility.

(5) A demonstration that no biogas generated from non-cellulosic biogas feedstocks could be used to generate RINs for a batch of renewable fuel with a D code of 3 or 7. EPA may reject this demonstration if it is not sufficiently protective.

(B) A description of the meters used to determine the mass of cellulosic biogas feedstock.

(C) The location of feedstock sampling, additive (e.g., water) addition, and mass measurement for use in § 80.105(j)(2)(iii) included in the process flow diagram required under paragraph (c)(10)(v) of this section.

(D) For facilities using composite sampling under § 80.155(c)(3), a composite sampling plan, including all the following:

(1) A description of when and where the samples will be collected.

(2) A description of how the samples will be stored prior to testing.

(3) A description of how daily representative samples will be mixed, including how the ratio of each sample will be determined.

(4) A description of how often testing will occur.

(5) A description of how the plan complies with § 80.155(c)(2).

(d) RNG producer. In addition to the information required under paragraph (b) of this section, an RNG producer must submit all the following information for each RNG production facility:

(1) All applicable information in § 80.1450(b)(1)(ii).

(2) Information to establish the RNG production capacity for the RNG production facility, in Btu LHV, including all the following, as applicable:

(i) Information regarding the permitted capacity in the most recent applicable air permits issued by EPA, a state, a local air pollution control agency, or a foreign governmental agency that governs the RNG production facility, if available.

(ii) Documents demonstrating the RNG production facility's nameplate capacity.

(iii) Information describing the RNG production facility's RNG production for each of the last three calendar years prior to the registration submission, if available.

(3) The following information related to RNG measurement:

(i) A description of how RNG will be measured under § 80.155(a), including the specific standards under which the meters are operated.

(ii) A description of the RNG production process, including a process flow diagram that includes metering type(s) and location(s).

(iii) For an alternative measurement protocol under § 80.155(a)(3), all the following:

(A) A description of why the RNG producer is unable to use meters that comply with the requirements specified in § 80.155(a)(1) and (2), as applicable.

(B) A description of how measurement is conducted.

(C) Any standards or specifications that apply.

(D) A description of all routine maintenance and the frequency that such maintenance will be conducted.

(E) A description of the frequency of all measurements and how often such measurements will be recorded under the alternative measurement protocol.

(F) A comparison between the accuracy, precision, and reliability of the alternative measurement protocol and the requirements specified in § 80.155(a)(1) and (2), as applicable, including any supporting data.

(4) The natural gas commercial pipeline system name and pipeline interconnect location into which the RNG will be injected.

(5) A description of the natural gas specifications for the natural gas commercial pipeline system into which the RNG will be injected, including information on all parameters regulated by the pipeline (e.g., hydrogen sulfide, total sulfur, carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, heating content, moisture, siloxanes, and any other available data related to the gas components).

(6) For three-year registration updates, information related to RNG quality, including all the following:

(i) A certificate of analysis—including the major and minor gas components—from an independent laboratory for a representative sample of the biogas produced at the biogas production facility as specified in § 80.155(b).

(ii) A certificate of analysis—including the major and minor gas components—from an independent laboratory for a representative sample of the RNG prior to addition of non-renewable components as specified in § 80.155(b).

(iii) If the RNG is blended with non-renewable components prior to injection into a natural gas commercial pipeline system, a certificate of analysis from an independent laboratory for a representative sample of the RNG after blending with non-renewable components as specified in § 80.155(b).

(iv) A summary table with the results of the certificates of analysis required under paragraphs (d)(6)(i) through (iii) of this section and the natural gas specifications required under paragraph (d)(5) of this section converted to the same units.

(v) EPA may approve an RNG producer's request of an alternative analysis in lieu of the certificates of analysis and summary table required under paragraphs (d)(6)(i) through (iv) of this section if the RNG producer demonstrates that the alternative analysis provides information that is equivalent to that provided in the certificates of analysis and that the RNG will meet all natural gas specifications required under paragraph (d)(5) of this section.

(7) A RIN generation protocol that includes all the following information:

(i) The procedure for allocating RNG injected into the natural gas commercial pipeline system to each RNG production facility and each biogas production facility, including how discrepancies in meter values will be handled.

(ii) A diagram showing the locations of flow meters, gas analyzers, and in-line GC meters used in the allocation procedure.

(iii) A description of when RINs will be generated (e.g., receipt of monthly pipeline statement, etc).

(8) For an RNG production facility that injects RNG at a pipeline interconnect that also has RNG injected from other sources, a description of how the RNG producers will allocate RINs to ensure that all facilities comply with the requirements specified in § 80.125(b)(7).

(9) For a foreign RNG producer, all the following additional information:

(i) The applicable information specified in § 80.160.

(ii) Whether the foreign RNG producer will generate RINs for their RNG.

(iii) For non-RIN generating foreign RNG producers, the name and EPA-issued company and facility IDs of the contracted importer under § 80.160(e).

(e) RNG importer. In addition to the information required under paragraph (b) of this section, an RNG importer must submit all the following information:

(1) The name and EPA-issued company and facility IDs of the contracted non-RIN generating foreign RNG producer under § 80.160(e).

(2) The name and contact information for the independent third party specified in § 80.160(h).

(f) RNG RIN separator. In addition to the information required under paragraph (b) of this section, an RNG RIN separator must submit a list of locations of any dispensing stations where the RNG RIN separator supplies or intends to supply renewable CNG/LNG for use as transportation fuel.

(g) Renewable fuel producer using biogas as a biointermediate. In addition to the information required under paragraph (b) of this section, a renewable fuel producer using biogas as a biointermediate must submit all the following:

(1) All applicable information in § 80.1450(b).

(2) Documentation demonstrating a direct connection between the biogas production facility and the renewable fuel production facility.

source: 38 FR 1255, Jan. 10, 1973, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 40 CFR 80.135