(a) Deadlines for applicable requirements pursuant to a reclassification as Moderate, Serious, or Severe that are 18 months or more after the effective date of reclassification will apply to such reclassified area as though the area were initially designated at that classification.
(b) Deadlines for applicable requirements pursuant to a reclassification as Moderate, Serious, or Severe, where the deadline that would have applied had the area been initially classified at the new classification level at the time of initial nonattainment area designations is less than 18 months after the effective date of reclassification.
(1) SIP submission deadlines. (i) For all SIP revisions required pursuant to reclassification (except SIPs addressing CAA section 185 fee programs), the SIP revision deadline is 18 months after the effective date of the relevant reclassification or January 1 of the attainment year, whichever is earlier, unless the Administrator establishes a different deadline in a separate action.
(ii) For SIP revisions addressing CAA section 185 fee programs required pursuant to reclassification, the SIP revision deadline is 36 months after the effective date of the relevant reclassification or January 1 of the attainment year, whichever is earlier, unless the Administrator establishes a different deadline in a separate action.
(2) Control measure implementation deadlines. (i) For RACT required pursuant to reclassification, the state shall provide for implementation of such RACT as expeditiously as practicable, but no later than 18 months after the RACT SIP submittal deadline or the beginning of the attainment year ozone season associated with the area's new attainment deadline, whichever is earlier, unless the Administrator establishes a different deadline in a separate action.
(ii) For the required I/M program pursuant to reclassification, the state shall provide for full implementation of such I/M program as expeditiously as practicable, but no later than 4 years after the effective date of the relevant reclassification, unless the I/M program is needed for attainment by the attainment date or RFP, in which case the state shall provide for full implementation of such I/M program no later than the beginning of the attainment year ozone season.