Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Nov 13, 2025
§ 97.22 - Information requirements for NOX Budget permit applications.

A complete NOX Budget permit application shall include the following elements concerning the NOX Budget source for which the application is submitted, in a format prescribed by the permitting authority:

(a) Identification of the NOX Budget source, including plant name and the ORIS (Office of Regulatory Information Systems) or facility code assigned to the source by the Energy Information Administration, if applicable;

(b) Identification of each NOX Budget unit at the NOX Budget source and whether it is a NOX Budget unit under § 97.4(a) or under subpart I of this part;

(c) The standard requirements under § 97.6; and

(d) For each NOX Budget opt-in unit at the NOX Budget source, the following certification statements by the NOX authorized account representative:

(1) “I certify that each unit for which this permit application is submitted under subpart I of this part is not a NOX Budget unit under 40 CFR 97.4(a) and is not covered by an exemption under 40 CFR 97.4(b) or 97.5 that is in effect.”

(2) If the application is for an initial NOX Budget opt-in permit, “I certify that each unit for which this permit application is submitted under subpart I of 40 CFR part 97 is operating, as that term is defined under 40 CFR 97.2.

source: 65 FR 2727, Jan. 18, 2000, unless otherwise noted. 71 FR 25396, 25422, and 25443, Apr. 28, 2006
cite as: 40 CFR 97.22