Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 06, 2025

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Feb 06, 2028
§ 98.486 - Data reporting requirements.

In addition to the information required by § 98.3(c), the annual report shall contain the following information, as applicable:

(a) The annual quantity of associated storage in metric tons of CO2 (mstored).

(b) The density of CO2 if volumetric units are converted to mass in order to be reported for annual quantity of CO2 stored.

(c) The annual quantity of CO2 input (minput) and the information in paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) of this section.

(1) The annual total mass of CO2 received at the custody transfer meter by the CO2-EOR project, including CO2 transferred from another CO2-EOR project (mreceived).

(2) The annual mass of native CO2 produced and captured in the CO2-EOR project (mnative).

(d) The annual mass of CO2 that is recycled and reinjected into the EOR complex.

(e) The annual total mass of CO2 loss from project operations (mloss operations), and the information in paragraphs (e)(1) through (4) of this section.

(1) Loss of CO2 due to leakage from production, handling, and recycling CO2-EOR facilities (infrastructure including wellheads) (mloss leakage facilities).

(2) Loss of CO2 from venting/flaring from production operations (mloss vent/flare).

(3) Loss of CO2 due to entrainment within produced gas/oil/water when this CO2 is not separated and reinjected (mloss entrained).

(4) Loss of CO2 due to any transfer of CO2 outside the CO2-EOR project (mloss transfer).

(f) The total mass of CO2 loss from the EOR complex (mloss EOR complex).

(g) Annual documentation that contains the following components as described in Clause 4.4 of CSA/ANSI ISO 27916:19 (incorporated by reference, see § 98.7):

(1) The formulas used to quantify the annual mass of associated storage, including the mass of CO2 delivered to the CO2-EOR project and losses during the period covered by the documentation (see Clause 8 and Annex B of CSA/ANSI ISO 27916:19 (incorporated by reference, see § 98.7)).

(2) The methods used to estimate missing data and the amounts estimated as described in Clause 9.2 of CSA/ANSI ISO 27916:19 (incorporated by reference, see § 98.7).

(3) The approach and method for quantification utilized by the operator, including accuracy, precision, and uncertainties (see Clause 8 and Annex B of CSA/ANSI ISO 27916:19 (incorporated by reference, see § 98.7)).

(4) A statement describing the nature of validation or verification including the date of review, process, findings, and responsible person or entity.

(5) Source of each CO2 stream quantified as associated storage (see Clause 8.3 of CSA/ANSI ISO 27916:19 (incorporated by reference, see § 98.7)).

(6) A description of the procedures used to detect and characterize the total CO2 leakage from the EOR complex.

(7) If only the mass of anthropogenic CO2 is considered for mstored, a description of the derivation and application of anthropogenic CO2 allocation ratios for all the terms described in Clauses 8.1 to 8.4.6 of CSA/ANSI ISO 27916:19 (incorporated by reference, see § 98.7).

(8) Any documentation provided by a qualified independent engineer or geologist, who certifies that the documentation provided, including the mass balance calculations as well as information regarding monitoring and containment assurance, is accurate and complete.

(h) Any changes made within the reporting year to containment assurance and monitoring approaches and procedures in the EOR operations management plan.

source: 74 FR 56374, Oct. 30, 2009, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 40 CFR 98.486