Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 98.127 - Records that must be retained.

In addition to the records required by § 98.3(g), you must retain the dated records specified in paragraphs (a) through (l) of this section, as applicable.

(a) Process information records. (1) Identify all products and processes subject to this subpart. Include the unit identification as appropriate, the generic process identification reported for the process under § 98.126(a)(2)(i) through (iii), and the product with which the process is associated.

(2) Monthly and annual records, as applicable, of all analyses and calculations conducted as required under § 98.123, including the data monitored under § 98.124, and all information reported as required under § 98.126.

(3) Identify all fluorinated GHGs with emissions of 1,000 metric tons CO2e or more from production and transformation processes, summed across the facility as a whole, and identify all fluorinated GHGs with total emissions less than 1,000 metric tons CO2e from production and transformation processes, summed across the facility as a whole.

(4) Calculations used to determine the total GWP-weighted emissions of fluorinated GHGs by fluorinated GHG group for each process, in metric tons CO2e.

(b) Scoping speciation. Retain records documenting the information collected under § 98.124(a).

(c) Mass balance method. Retain the following records for each process for which the mass balance method was used to estimate emissions in reporting years 2011, 2012, 2013, or 2014. If you used an element other than fluorine in the mass balance equation pursuant to the former § 98.123(b)(3) as included in paragraph 1 of Appendix A of this subpart for the former mass balance method, substitute that element for fluorine in the recordkeeping requirements of this paragraph.

(1) The data and calculations used to estimate the absolute and relative errors associated with use of the mass-balance approach.

(2) The data and calculations used to estimate the mass of fluorine emitted from the process.

(3) The data and calculations used to determine the fractions of the mass emitted consisting of each reactant (FERd), product (FEP), and by-product (FEBk), including the preliminary calculations in the former § 98.123(b)(8)(i).

(d) Emission factor and emission calculation factor method. Retain the following records for each process for which the emission factor or emission calculation factor method was used to estimate emissions.

(1) Identify all continuous process vents with emissions of fluorinated GHGs that are less than 10,000 metric tons CO2e per year and all continuous process vents with emissions of 10,000 metric tons CO2e per year or more. Include the data and calculation used to develop the preliminary estimate of emissions for each process vent.

(2) Identify all batch process vents.

(3) For each vent, identify the method used to develop the factor (i.e., emission factor by emissions test or emission calculation factor).

(4) The emissions test data and reports (see § 98.124(c)(5)) and the calculations used to determine the process-vent-specific emission factor, including the actual process-vent-specific emission factor, the average hourly emission rate of each fluorinated GHG from the process vent during the test and the process feed rate, process production rate, or other process activity rate during the test.

(5) The process-vent-specific emission calculation factor and the calculations used to determine the process-vent-specific emission calculation factor.

(6) The annual process production quantity or other process activity information in the appropriate units, along with the dates and time period during which the process was operating and dates and time periods the process vents are vented to the destruction device. As an alternative to date and time periods when process vents are vented to the destruction device, a facility may track dates and time periods that process vents by-pass the destruction device.

(7) Calculations used to determine annual emissions of each fluorinated GHG for each process and the total fluorinated GHG emissions for all processes, i.e., total for facility.

(e) Destruction efficiency testing. A fluorinated GHG production facility that destroys fluorinated GHGs and reflects this destruction in § 98.123 must retain the emissions performance testing reports (including revised reports) for each destruction device. The emissions performance testing report must contain all information and data used to derive the destruction efficiency for each fluorinated GHG whose destruction the facility reflects in § 98.123, as well as the key process and device conditions during the test. This information includes the following:

(1) Destruction efficiency (DE) determined for each fluorinated GHG whose destruction the facility reflects in § 98.123, in accordance with § 98.124(g)(1)(i) through (iv).

(2) Chemical identity of the fluorinated GHG(s) used in the performance test conducted to determine destruction efficiency, including surrogates, and information on why the surrogate is sufficient to demonstrate destruction efficiency for each fluorinated GHG, consistent with requirements in § 98.124(g)(1)(i) through (iv), vented to the destruction device.

(3) Mass flow rate of the stream containing the fluorinated GHG(s) or surrogate into the device during the test.

(4) Concentration (mass fraction) of each fluorinated GHG or surrogate in the stream flowing into the device during the test.

(5) Concentration (mass fraction) of each fluorinated GHG or surrogate at the outlet of the destruction device during the test.

(6) Mass flow rate at the outlet of the destruction device during the test.

(7) Test methods and analytical methods used to determine the mass flow rates and fluorinated GHG (or surrogate) concentrations of the streams flowing into and out of the destruction device during the test.

(8) Destruction device conditions that are normally monitored for device control, such as temperature, total mass flow rates into the device, and CO or O2 levels.

(9) Name of all applicable Federal or State regulations that may apply to the destruction process.

(f) Equipment leak records. If you are subject to § 98.123(d) of this subpart, you must maintain information on the number of each type of equipment; the service of each piece of equipment (gas, light liquid, heavy liquid); the concentration of each fluorinated GHG in the stream; each piece of equipment excluded from monitoring requirement; the time period each piece of equipment was in service, and the emission calculations for each fluorinated GHG for all processes. Depending on which equipment leak monitoring approach you follow, you must maintain information for equipment on the associated screening data concentrations for greater than or equal to 10,000 ppmv and associated screening data concentrations for less than 10,000 ppmv; associated actual screening data concentrations; and associated screening data and leak rate data (i.e., bagging) used to develop a unit-specific correlation. If you developed and follow a site-specific leak detection approach, provide the records for monitoring events and the emissions estimation calculations, as appropriate, consistent with the approach for equipment leak emission estimation in your GHG Monitoring Plan.

(g) Container heel records. If you vent residual fluorinated GHGs from containers, maintain the following records of the measurements and calculations used to estimate emissions of residual fluorinated GHGs from containers.

(i) If you measure the contents of each container, maintain records of these measurements and the calculations used to estimate emissions of each fluorinated GHG from each container size and type.

(ii) If you develop and apply container heel factors to estimate emissions, maintain records of the measurements and calculations used to develop the heel factor for each fluorinated GHG and each container size and type and of the number of containers of each fluorinated GHG and of each container size and type returned to your facility.

(h) Missing data records. Where missing data have been estimated pursuant to § 98.125, you must record the reason the data were missing, the length of time the data were missing, the method used to estimate the missing data, and the estimates of those data.

(i) All facilities. Dated records documenting the initial and periodic calibration of all analytical equipment used to determine the concentration of fluorinated GHGs, including but not limited to gas chromatographs, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS), gas chromatograph-electron capture detector (GC/ECD), fourier transform infrared (FTIR), and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) devices, and all mass measurement equipment such as weigh scales, flowmeters, and volumetric and density measures used to measure the quantities reported under this subpart, including the industry standards or manufacturer directions used for calibration pursuant to § 98.124(e), (f), (g), (m), and (n).

(j) GHG Monitoring Plans, as described in § 98.3(g)(5), must be completed by April 1, 2011.

(k) For fluorinated GHGs whose GWPs are not listed in Table A-1 to subpart A of this part, maintain records of the GWPs used to calculate facility-wide CO2e emissions under § 98.127(j). Where you used your best estimate of the GWP, maintain records of the data and analysis used to develop that GWP, including the data elements at § 98.123(c)(1)(vi)(A)(1)through (3). If you have used QSARs to estimate the GWP, include information documenting the level of accuracy of the QSAR-derived GWP, including information on how the structure of the “target” fluorinated GHG is similar to the structures of the fluorinated GHGs used to model the radiative forcing and/or reaction rate of the “target” fluorinated GHG, the quality and quantity of the measurements of the radiative forcings and/or reaction rates of the fluorinated GHGs used to model these parameters for the “target” fluorinated GHG, any estimated uncertainties of the modeled forcings and/or reaction rates, and descriptions and results of any efforts to validate the QSAR model(s).

(l) Verification software records. For reporting year 2015 and thereafter, you must enter into verification software specified in § 98.5(b) the data specified in paragraphs (l)(1) through (15) of this section. The data specified in paragraphs (l)(1) through (11) must be entered for each process and each process vent, as applicable. The data specified in paragraphs (l)(1) through (15) must be entered for each fluorinated GHG, as applicable. You must keep a record of the file generated by the verification software specified in § 98.5(b) for the applicable data specified in paragraphs (l)(1) through (15) of this section. Retention of this file satisfies the recordkeeping requirement for the data in paragraphs (l)(1) through (15) of this section.

(1) The identity of the process vent (e.g., name or number assigned by the facility).

(2) The equation used to estimate emissions from the process vent (Equations L-21, L-22, L-26, or L-27).

(3) The type of process activity used to estimate emissions from the process vent (e.g., product of process or reactant consumed by process) (Activity, ActivityC, or ActivityU) (Equations L-21, L-22, L-26, L-27, L-35).

(4) The quantities of the process activity used to estimate controlled and uncontrolled emissions, respectively, for the process vent, Activity, ActivityU, or ActivityC, (e.g. kg product) (Equations L-21, L-22, L-26, L-27, L-35).

(5) The site-specific, process-vent-specific emission factor, EFPV-C, for the process vent, measured after the destruction device (kg fluorinated GHG emitted per kg activity) (Equation L-21).

(6) The site-specific, process-vent-specific emission calculation factor, ECFPV-U, for the process vent, for periods not vented to destruction device (kg fluorinated GHG emitted per kg activity) (Equations L-21, L-35).

(7) The site-specific, process-vent-specific emission factor(s), EFPV-U, for the process vent, measured before the destruction device (kg fluorinated GHG emitted per kg activity) (Equations L-22, L-35).

(8) The site-specific, process-vent-specific emission calculation factor for the process vent, ECFPV (kg fluorinated GHG emitted per kg of activity) (Equations L-26, L-27, L-35).

(9) Destruction efficiency, DE, of each destruction device for each fluorinated GHG whose destruction the facility reflects in § 98.123, in accordance with § 98.124(g)(1)(i) through (iv) (weight fraction) (Equations L-22, L-27, L-31).

(10) Emissions of each fluorinated GHG for equipment pieces for the process, EELf (metric ton/yr) (98.123(d)(3)).

(11) The mass of the fluorinated GHG previously produced and fed into the destruction device, RED, (metric tons) (Equation L-31).

(12) If applicable, the heel factor, hfj, calculated for each container size and type (decimal fraction) (Equation L-34).

(13) If applicable, the number of containers of size and type j returned to the fluorinated gas production facility, Nfj, (Equation L-34).

(14) If applicable, the full capacity of containers of size and type j containing fluorinated GHG f, Ffj, (metric tons) (Equation L-34).

(15) For fluorinated GHGs that do not have a chemical-specific GWP on Table A-1 of subpart A of this part, the fluorinated GHG group of which the fluorinated GHG is a member, as applicable (to permit look-up of global warming potential, GWPf, or GWPi, for that fluorinated GHG in Table A-1 of subpart A of this part (Equation A-1 of subpart A of this part, Equation L-35)).

[75 FR 74831, Dec. 1, 2010, as amended at 77 FR 51490, Aug. 24, 2012; 79 FR 73788, Dec. 11, 2014]
source: 74 FR 56374, Oct. 30, 2009, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 40 CFR 98.127