Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Nov 13, 2025
§ 180.716 - Fluindapyr; tolerances for residues.

(a) General. (1) Tolerances are established for residues of the fungicide fluindapyr, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the commodities in Table 1 of this section. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified in Table 1 is to be determined by measuring only fluindapyr, 3-(difluoromethyl)-N-(7-fluoro-1,1,3-trimethyl-2,3-dihydro-1H-inden-4-yl)-1-methyl-1H-pyrazole-4-carboxamide, in or on the commodity.

Table 1 to Paragraph (a)(1)

Commodity Parts per
Almond, hulls15
Cattle, fat0.03
Cattle, meat0.01
Corn, field, grain0.01
Corn, sweet, kernel plus cob with husks removed0.01
Corn, sweet, stover20
Goat, fat0.03
Goat, meat0.01
Grain, aspirated fractions20
Grain, cereal, forage, fodder, and straw, group 16, forage, except rice15
Grain, cereal, forage, fodder, and straw, group 16, hay, except rice8
Grain, cereal, forage, fodder, and straw, group 16, stover, except rice4
Grain, cereal forage, fodder, and straw, group 16, straw, except rice20
Grain, cereal group 15, except rice and corn0.8
Hog, fat0.01
Hog, meat0.01
Horse, fat0.03
Horse, meat0.01
Nut, tree, group 14-120.04
Poultry, fat0.01
Poultry, meat0.01
Sheep, fat0.03
Sheep, meat0.01
Soybean, forage15
Soybean, hay30
Soybean, hulls0.6
Soybean, seed0.2

(2) Tolerances are established for residues of the fungicide fluindapyr, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the commodities in Table 2 of this section. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified in Table 2 is to be determined by measuring the sum of fluindapyr, 3-(difluoromethyl)-N-(7-fluoro-1,1,3-trimethyl-2,3-dihydro-1H-inden-4-yl)-1-methyl-1H-pyrazole-4-carboxamide, and 3-(difluoromethyl)-N-(7-fluoro-1-hydroxymethyl-1,3-dimethyl-2,3-dihydro-lH-inden-4-yl)-1-methyl-lH-pyrazole-4-carboxamide, calculated as the stoichiometric equivalent of fluindapyr, in or on the commodity.

Table 2 to Paragraph (a)(2)

Commodity Parts per
Cattle, meat byproducts0.3
Goat, meat byproducts0.3
Horse, meat byproducts0.3
Hog, meat byproducts0.01
Poultry, meat byproducts0.01
Sheep, meat byproducts0.3

(b)-(d) [Reserved]

[86 FR 13465, Mar. 8, 2021, as amended at 89 FR 88660, Nov. 8, 2024]
authority: 21 U.S.C. 321(q), 346a and 371
source: 36 FR 22540, Nov. 25, 1971, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 40 CFR 180.716