Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Nov 13, 2025
§ 180.718 - Picarbutrazox; tolerances for residues.

(a) General. Tolerances are established for residues of the fungicide picarbutrazox, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the commodities to Table 1 of this section. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified in Table 1 is to be determined by measuring only picarbutrazox (1,1-dimethylethyl N-[6-[[[(Z)-[(1-methyl-1H-tetrazol-5-yl)phenylmethylene]amino]oxy]methyl]-2-pyridinyl]carbamate in or on the commodity.

Table 1 to Paragraph (a)

Commodity Parts per
Cotton, gin byproducts0.01
Cotton, undelinted seed0.01
Grain, cereal, except rice, group 150.01
Grain, cereal, forage, fodder, and straw, group 160.01
Herb group 250.01
Rapeseed subgroup 20A0.01
Spice group 260.01
Vegetable, Brassica, head and stem, group 5-160.01
Vegetable, bulb, group 3-070.01
Vegetable, cucurbit, group 90.01
Vegetable, foliage of legume, group 70.01
Vegetable, fruiting, group 8-100.01
Vegetable, leafy, group 4-160.01
Vegetable, leaves of root and tuber, group 20.01
Vegetable, legume, group 60.01
Vegetable, stalk, stem, and leaf petiole group 220.01
Vegetable, root, subgroup 1A0.01
Vegetable, tuberous and corm, except potato, subgroup 1D0.01

(b)-(d) [Reserved]

[86 FR 12833, Mar. 5, 2021, as amended at 87 FR 34206, June 6, 2022]
authority: 21 U.S.C. 321(q), 346a and 371
source: 36 FR 22540, Nov. 25, 1971, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 40 CFR 180.718