Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 711.15 - Reporting information to EPA.

Any person who must report under this part, as described in § 711.8, must submit the information described in this section for each chemical substance described in § 711.5 that the person manufactured (including imported) for commercial purposes in an amount of 25,000 lb (11,340 kg) or more (or in an amount of 2,500 lb (1,134 kg) or more for chemical substances subject to the rules, orders, or actions described in § 711.8(b)) at any one site during any calendar year since the last principal reporting year (e.g., for the 2020 submission period, consider calendar years 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019, because 2015 was the last principal reporting year). The principal reporting year for each submission period is the previous calendar year (e.g., the principal reporting year for the 2020 submission period is calendar year 2019). For all submission periods, a separate report must be submitted for each chemical substance at each site for which the submitter is required to report. A submitter of information under this part must report information as described in this section to the extent that such information is known to or reasonably ascertainable by that person.

(a) Reporting information to EPA. Any person who reports information to EPA must complete a Form U using the e-CDRweb reporting tool provided by EPA at the address set forth in § 711.35. The submission must include all information described in paragraph (b) of this section. Persons must submit the chemical reports on a separate single Form U for each site for which the person is required to report. The e-CDRweb reporting tool is described in the instructions available from EPA at the website set forth in § 711.35.

(b) Information to be reported. The information described in paragraphs (b)(1) through (4) of this section must be reported for each chemical substance manufactured (including imported) in an amount of 25,000 lb (11,340 kg) or more (or in an amount of 2,500 lb (1,134 kg) or more for chemical substances subject to the rules, orders, or actions described in § 711.8(b)) at any one site during any calendar year since the last principal reporting year. The requirement to report information described in paragraph (b)(4) of this section is subject to exemption as described in § 711.6.

(1) A certification statement signed and dated by an authorized official of the submitter company. The authorized official must certify that the submitted information has been completed in compliance with the requirements of this part and that the confidentiality claims made on the Form U are true and correct. The certification must be signed and dated by the authorized official for the submitter company, and provide that person's name, official title, and email address.

(2) Company and site information. The following currently correct parent company and site information at the date of CDR submission must be reported for each site at which a reportable chemical substance is manufactured (including imported) above the applicable production volume threshold, as described in this section (see § 711.3 for the “site” for importers and special situations).

(i) The legal name, address, and Dun and Bradstreet D-U-N-S® (D&B) number for the highest-level parent company located in the United States and, if one exists, for the highest-level foreign-based parent company. A submitter under this part must obtain a D&B number for the parent company if none exists and must report using the standardized conventions for the naming of a parent company as provided in the CDR Instructions for Reporting identified in § 711.35.

(ii) The name of a person who will serve as technical contact for the submitter company who will be able to answer questions about the information submitted by the company to EPA, and that technical contact person's full mailing address, telephone number, and email address.

(iii) The legal name and full street address of each site. A submitter under this part must include the appropriate D&B number for each site reported, and the county or parish (or other jurisdictional indicator) in which the site is located. A submitter under this part must obtain a D&B number for the site reported if none exists. For a co-manufacturing situation in which the contracting company initiates the report, the contracting company must report both the site controlling the contract and the producing company's site information.

(iv) The six-digit NAICS code for the site. A submitter under this part must include the appropriate six-digit NAICS code for each site reported.

(3) Chemical-specific information. The following chemical-specific information must be reported for each reportable chemical substance manufactured (including imported) above the applicable production volume threshold, as described in paragraph (b) of this section:

(i) The specific, currently correct CA Index name as used to list the chemical substance on the TSCA Inventory and the correct corresponding CASRN for each reportable chemical substance at each site. Submitters who wish to report chemical substances listed on the confidential portion of the TSCA Inventory will need to report the chemical substance using the corresponding TSCA Accession Number that is listed on the public portion of the Inventory. In addition to reporting the chemical identifying number itself, submitters must specify the type of number they are reporting by selecting from among the codes in Table 1 to paragraph (b)(3)(i).

Table 1 to Paragraph (b)(3)(i)—Codes To Specify Type of Chemical Identifying Number

Code Number type
ATSCA Accession Number.
CChemical Abstracts Service Registry Number (CASRN).

(A) If an importer submitting a report cannot provide the information specified in this paragraph (b)(3)(i) because it is unknown to the importer and claimed as confidential by the supplier of the chemical substance or mixture, the importer must use e-CDRweb to ask the supplier to provide the correct chemical identity and, in the case of a mixture, the percentage of formulation and chemical function information directly to EPA in a joint submission. Such request must include instructions for submitting chemical identity information electronically, using e-CDRweb and CDX (see § 711.35), and for clearly referencing the importer's submission. Contact information for the supplier, a trade name or other designation for the chemical substance or mixture, and a copy of the request to the supplier must be included with the importer's submission.

(B) If a manufacturer submitting a report cannot provide the information specified in this paragraph (b)(3)(i) because the reportable chemical substance is manufactured using a reactant having a specific chemical identity that is unknown to the manufacturer and claimed as confidential by its supplier, the manufacturer must use e-CDRweb to ask the supplier of the confidential reactant to provide the correct chemical identity of the confidential reactant directly to EPA in a joint submission. Such request must include instructions for submitting chemical identity information electronically using e-CDRweb and CDX (see § 711.35), and for clearly referencing the manufacturer's submission. Contact information for the supplier, a trade name or other designation for the chemical substance, and a copy of the request to the supplier must be included with the importer's submission.

(C) EPA will accept only joint submissions that are submitted electronically using e-CDRweb and CDX (see § 711.35) and that clearly reference the primary submission to which they refer.

(ii) For the principal reporting year only, a statement indicating, for each reportable chemical substance at each site, whether the chemical substance is manufactured in the United States, imported into the United States, or both manufactured in the United States and imported into the United States.

(iii) For the principal reporting year only, the total annual volume (in pounds) of each reportable chemical substance domestically manufactured or imported at each site. The total annual domestically manufactured volume (not including imported volume) and the total annual imported volume must be separately reported. These amounts must be reported to two significant figures of accuracy. In addition, the total annual volume (domestically manufactured plus imported volumes in pounds) of each reportable chemical substance at each site for each complete calendar year since the last principal reporting year.

(iv) For the principal reporting year only, the volume used on site and the volume directly exported of each reportable chemical substance domestically manufactured or imported at each site. These amounts must be reported to two significant figures of accuracy.

(v) For the principal reporting year only, a designation indicating, for each imported reportable chemical substance at each site, whether the imported chemical substance is physically present at the reporting site.

(vi) For the principal reporting year only, a designation indicating, for each reportable chemical substance at each site, whether the chemical substance is being recycled or otherwise used for a commercial purpose instead of being disposed of as a waste or included in a waste stream.

(vii) For the principal reporting year only, the total number of workers reasonably likely to be exposed to each reportable chemical substance at each site. For each reportable chemical substance at each site, the submitter must select from among the ranges of workers listed in Table 2 to paragraph (b)(3)(vii) and report the corresponding code (i.e., W1 through W8):

Table 2 to Paragraph (b)(3)(vii)—Codes for Reporting Number of Workers Reasonably Likely To Be Exposed

Code Range
W1Fewer than 10 workers.
W2At least 10 but fewer than 25 workers.
W3At least 25 but fewer than 50 workers.
W4At least 50 but fewer than 100 workers.
W5At least 100 but fewer than 500 workers.
W6At least 500 but fewer than 1,000 workers.
W7At least 1,000 but fewer than 10,000 workers.
W8At least 10,000 workers.

(viii) For the principal reporting year only, the maximum concentration, measured by percentage of weight, of each reportable chemical substance at the time it is sent off-site from each site. If the chemical substance is site-limited, you must report the maximum concentration, measured by percentage of weight of the reportable chemical substance at the time it is reacted on-site to produce a different chemical substance. This information must be reported regardless of the physical form(s) in which the chemical substance is sent off-site/reacted on-site. For each chemical substance at each site, select the maximum concentration of the chemical substance from among the ranges listed in Table 3 to paragraph (b)(3)(viii) and report the corresponding code (i.e., M1 through M5):

Table 3 to Paragraph (b)(3)(viii)—Codes for Reporting Maximum Concentration of Chemical Substance

Code Concentration range
(percent weight)
M1Less than 1 percent by weight.
M2At least 1 but less than 30 percent by weight.
M3At least 30 but less than 60 percent by weight.
M4At least 60 but less than 90 percent by weight.
M5At least 90 percent by weight.

(ix) For the principal reporting year only, the physical form(s) of the reportable chemical substance as it is sent off-site from each site. If the chemical substance is site-limited, you must report the physical form(s) of the reportable chemical substance at the time it is reacted on-site to produce a different chemical substance. For each chemical substance at each site, the submitter must report as many physical forms as applicable from among the physical forms listed in this Unit:

(A) Dry powder.

(B) Pellets or large crystals.

(C) Water- or solvent-wet solid.

(D) Other solid.

(E) Gas or vapor.

(F) Liquid.

(x) For the principal reporting year only, submitters must report the percentage, rounded off to the closest 10 percent, of total production volume of the reportable chemical substance, reported in response to paragraph (b)(3)(iii) of this section, that is associated with each physical form reported under paragraph (b)(3)(ix) of this section.

(4) Chemical-specific information related to processing and use. The following chemical-specific information must be reported for each reportable chemical substance manufactured (including imported) above the applicable production volume threshold, as described in this section. Persons subject to paragraph (b)(4) of this section must report the information described in paragraphs (b)(4)(i) and (ii) of this section for each reportable chemical substance at sites under their control and at sites that receive a reportable chemical substance from the submitter directly or indirectly (including through a broker/distributor, from a customer of the submitter, etc.). Information reported in response to this paragraph must be reported for the principal reporting year only and only to the extent that it is known to or reasonably ascertainable by the submitter. Information required to be reported under this paragraph is limited to domestic (i.e., within the customs territory of the United States) processing and use activities. If information responsive to a given data requirement under this paragraph, including information in the form of an estimate, is not known or reasonably ascertainable, the submitter is not required to respond to the requirement.

(i) Industrial processing and use information. (A) A designation indicating the type of industrial processing or use operation(s) at each site that receives a reportable chemical substance from the submitter site directly or indirectly (whether the recipient site(s) are controlled by the submitter site or not). For each chemical substance, report the letters which correspond to the appropriate processing or use operation(s) listed in Table 4 to paragraph (b)(4)(i)(A). A particular designation may need to be reported more than once, to the extent that a submitter reports more than one sector (under paragraph (b)(4)(i)(B) of this section) that applies to a given designation under this paragraph.

Table 4 to Paragraph (b)(4)(i)(A)—Codes for Reporting Type of Industrial Processing or Use Operation

Designation Operation
PCProcessing as a reactant.
PFProcessing—incorporation into formulation, mixture, or reaction product.
PAProcessing—incorporation into article.
UUse—non-incorporative activities.

(B) A code indicating the sector(s) that best describe the industrial activities associated with each industrial processing or use operation reported under paragraph (b)(4)(i)(A) of this section. For each chemical substance, report the code that corresponds to the appropriate sector(s) listed in Table 5 to paragraph (b)(4)(i)(B). A particular sector code may need to be reported more than once, to the extent that a submitter reports more than one function code (under paragraph (b)(4)(i)(C) of this section) that applies to a given sector code under this paragraph.

Table 5 to Paragraph (b)(4)(i)(B)—Codes for Reporting Industrial Sectors

Code Sector description
IS1Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting.
IS2Oil and gas drilling, extraction, and support activities.
IS3Mining (except oil and gas) and support activities.
IS6Food, beverage, and tobacco product manufacturing.
IS7Textiles, apparel, and leather manufacturing.
IS8Wood product manufacturing.
IS9Paper manufacturing.
IS10Printing and related support activities.
IS11Petroleum refineries.
IS12Asphalt paving, roofing, and coating materials manufacturing.
IS13Petroleum lubricating oil and grease manufacturing.
IS14All other petroleum and coal products manufacturing.
IS15Petrochemical manufacturing.
IS16Industrial gas manufacturing.
IS17Synthetic dye and pigment manufacturing.
IS18Carbon black manufacturing.
IS19All other basic inorganic chemical manufacturing.
IS20Cyclic crude and intermediate manufacturing.
IS21All other basic organic chemical manufacturing.
IS22Plastics material and resin manufacturing.
IS23Synthetic rubber manufacturing.
IS24Organic fiber manufacturing.
IS25Pesticide, fertilizer, and other agricultural chemical manufacturing.
IS26Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing.
IS27Paint and coating manufacturing.
IS28Adhesive manufacturing.
IS29Soap, cleaning compound, and toilet preparation manufacturing.
IS30Printing ink manufacturing.
IS31Explosives manufacturing.
IS32Custom compounding of purchased resins.
IS33Photographic film, paper, plate, and chemical manufacturing.
IS34All other chemical product and preparation manufacturing.
IS35Plastics product manufacturing.
IS36Rubber product manufacturing.
IS37Non-metallic mineral product manufacturing (includes cement, clay, concrete, glass, gypsum, lime, and other non-metallic mineral product manufacturing).
IS38Primary metal manufacturing.
IS39Fabricated metal product manufacturing.
IS40Machinery manufacturing.
IS41Computer and electronic product manufacturing.
IS42Electrical equipment, appliance, and component manufacturing.
IS43Transportation equipment manufacturing.
IS44Furniture and related product manufacturing.
IS45Miscellaneous manufacturing.
IS46Wholesale and retail trade.
IS48Other (requires additional information).

(C) For each sector reported under paragraph (b)(4)(i)(B) of this section, the applicable code(s) from Table 6 to paragraph (b)(4)(i)(C) must be selected to designate the function category(ies) that best represents the specific manner in which the chemical substance is used. For the 2020 submission period:

(1) Use column A in Table 6 to paragraph (b)(4)(i)(C) for chemical substances designated in 2019 as high priority for risk evaluation (those chemicals listed in Table 7 to paragraph (b)(4)(i)(C)); and

(2) Use either column A or B in Table 6 to paragraph (b)(4)(i)(C) for chemical substances not listed in Table 7 to paragraph (b)(4)(i)(C). For the 2024 and future submission periods, use only column A in Table 6 to paragraph (b)(4)(i)(C). A particular function category may need to be reported more than once, to the extent that a submitter reports more than one industrial processing or use operation/sector combination (under paragraphs (b)(4)(i)(A) and (B) of this section) that applies to a given function category under this paragraph. If more than 10 unique combinations of industrial processing or use operations/sector/function categories apply to a chemical substance, submitters need only report the 10 unique combinations for the chemical substance that cumulatively represent the largest percentage of the submitter's production volume for that chemical substance, measured by weight. If none of the listed function categories accurately describes a use of a chemical substance, the category “Other” may be used, and must include a description of the use.

Table 6 to Paragraph (b)(4)(i)(C)—Codes for Reporting Function Categories

Column A Column B
Code Category Code Category
F002Etching agent
F003Adhesion/cohesion promoterU002Adhesives and sealant chemicals.
F005Flux agent
F006Sealant (barrier)
F007AbsorbentU003Adsorbents and absorbents.
F009Dehydrating agent (desiccant)
F012Soil amendments (fertilizers)U004Agricultural chemicals (non-pesticidal).
F013Anti-adhesive/cohesiveU005Anti-adhesive agents.
F014Dusting agent
F015Bleaching agentU006Bleaching agents.
F017Anti-scaling agentU007Corrosion inhibitors and anti-scaling agents.
F018Corrosion inhibitor
F020Fixing agent (mordant)
F023Anti-static agentU010Finishing agents.
F024Softener and conditioner
F025Swelling agent
F026Tanning agents not otherwise specified
F027Waterproofing agent
F028Wrinkle resisting agent
F029Flame retardantU011Flame retardants.
F030Fuel agentsU012Fuels and fuel additives.
F032Heat transferring agentU013Functional fluids (closed systems).
F033Hydraulic fluids
F036Anti-freeze agentU014Functional fluids (open systems).
F039Ion exchange agentU016Ion exchange agents.
F040Anti-slip agentU017Lubricants and lubricant additives.
F041Lubricating agent
F042DeodorizerU018Odor agents.
F044Oxidizing agentU019Oxidizing/reducing agents.
F045Reducing agent
F046Photosensitive agentU020Photosensitive chemicals.
F048Semiconductor and photovoltaic agent
F049UV stabilizer
F053Plating agentU023Plating agents and surface treating agents.
F054CatalystU024Process regulators.
F055Chain transfer agent
F056Chemical reaction regulator
F057Crystal growth modifiers (nucleating agents)
F058Polymerization promoter
F060Processing aids, specific to petroleum productionU025Processing aids, specific to petroleum production.
F061AntioxidantU026Processing aids, not otherwise listed.
F062Chelating agent
F064pH regulating agent
F065Processing aids not otherwise specified
F066Energy Releasers (explosives, motive propellant)U027Propellants and blowing agents.
F068Propellants, non-motive (blowing agents)
F069Cloud-point depressantU028Solids separation agents.
F070Flocculating agent
F071Flotation agent
F072Solids separation (precipitating) agent, not otherwise specified
F073Cleaning agentU029Solvents (for cleaning or degreasing).
F074DiluentU030Solvents (which become part of product formulation or mixture).
F076Surfactant (surface active agent)U031Surface active agents.
F078Thickening agentU032Viscosity adjustors.
F079Viscosity modifiers
F080Laboratory chemicalsU033Laboratory chemicals.
F081Dispersing agentU034Paint additives and coating additives not described by other categories.
F082Freeze-thaw additive
F083Surface modifier
F084Wetting agent (non-aqueous)
F085Aerating and deaerating agentsU999Other (specify).
F086Explosion inhibitor
F087Fire extinguishing agent
F088Flavoring and nutrient
F089Anti-redeposition agent
F090Anti-stain agent
F091Anti-streaking agent
F092Conductive agent
F093Incandescent agent
F094Magnetic element
F095Anti-condensation agent
F096Coalescing agent
F097Film former
F099Stabilizing agent
F101Density modifier
F103Flow promoter
F104Sizing agent
F105Solubility enhancer
F106Vapor pressure modifiers
F107Embalming agent
F108Heat stabilizer
F110Anti-caking agent
F112Dust suppressant
F113Impregnation agent
F114Leaching agent
F116X-ray absorber

For the 2020 submission period: (1) Use column A for chemical substances designated in 2019 as high priority for risk evaluation (those chemicals listed in Table 7 to paragraph(b)(4)(i)(C) and (2) use either column A or B for chemical substances not listed in Table 7 to paragraph (b)(4)(i)(C).

For the 2024 and future submission periods, use only column A.

Table 7 to Paragraph (b)(4)(i)(C)—CASRNs of Chemical Substances Designated as High Priority for Risk Evaluation Under TSCA Section 6(b) on December 30, 2019

CASRN Chemical substance
84-74-2Dibutyl phthalate (DBP) (1,2-Benzene-dicarboxylic acid, 1,2-dibutyl ester).
85-68-7Butyl benzyl phthalate (BBP)—1,2-Benzene-dicarboxylic acid, 1-butyl 2(phenylmethyl) ester.
117-81-7Di-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP)—(1,2-Benzene-dicarboxylic acid, 1,2-bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester).
84-69-5Di-isobutyl phthalate (DIBP)—(1,2-Benzene-dicarboxylic acid, 1,2-bis-(2methylpropyl) ester).
84-61-7Dicyclohexyl phthalate.
79-94-74,4′-(1-Methylethylidene)bis[2,6-dibromophenol] (TBBPA).
115-96-8Tris(2-chloroethyl) phosphate (TCEP).
115-86-6Phosphoric acid, triphenyl ester (TPP).
106-93-4Ethylene dibromide.
1222-05-51,3,4,6,7,8-Hexahydro-4,6,6,7,8,8-hexamethylcyclopental[g]-2-benzopyran (HHCB).
85-44-9Phthalic anhydride.

(D) The estimated percentage, rounded off to the closest 10 percent, of total production volume of the reportable chemical substance associated with each combination of industrial processing or use operation, sector, and function category. Where a particular combination of industrial processing or use operation, sector, and function category accounts for less than 5 percent of the submitter's site's total production volume of a reportable chemical substance, the percentage must not be rounded off to 0 percent if the production volume attributable to that industrial processing or use operation, sector, and function category combination is 25,000 lb (11,340 kg) or more during the reporting year. Instead, in such a case, submitters must report the percentage, rounded off to the closest 1 percent, of the submitter's site's total production volume of the reportable chemical substance associated with the particular combination of industrial processing or use operation, sector, and function category.

(E) For each combination of industrial processing or use operation, sector, and function category, the submitter must estimate the number of sites at which each reportable chemical substance is processed or used. For each combination associated with each chemical substance, the submitter must select from among the ranges of sites listed in Table 8 to paragraph (b)(4)(i)(E) and report the corresponding code (i.e., S1 through S7):

Table 8 to Paragraph (b)(4)(i)(E)—Codes for Reporting Numbers of Sites

Code Range
S1Fewer than 10 sites.
S2At least 10 but fewer than 25 sites.
S3At least 25 but fewer than 100 sites.
S4At least 100 but fewer than 250 sites.
S5At least 250 but fewer than 1,000 sites.
S6At least 1,000 but fewer than 10,000 sites.
S7At least 10,000 sites.

(F) For each combination of industrial processing or use operation, sector, and function category, the submitter must estimate the number of workers reasonably likely to be exposed to each reportable chemical substance. For each combination associated with each chemical substance, the submitter must select from among the worker ranges listed in paragraph (b)(3)(vii) of this section and report the corresponding code (i.e., W1 though W8).

(ii) Consumer and commercial use information. (A) Using the applicable codes listed in Table 9 to paragraph (b)(4)(ii)(A), submitters must designate the consumer and commercial product category(ies) that best describe the consumer and commercial products in which each reportable chemical substance is used (whether the recipient site(s) are controlled by the submitter site or not). For the 2020 submission period:

(1) Use column A in Table 9 to paragraph (b)(4)(ii)(A) for chemical substances designated in 2019 as high priority for risk evaluation (those chemicals listed in Table 7 to paragraph (b)(4)(i)(C); and

(2) Use either column A or B in Table 9 to paragraph (b)(4)(ii)(A) for chemical substances not listed in Table 7 to paragraph (b)(4)(i)(C). For the 2024 and future submission periods, use only column A in Table 9 to paragraph (b)(4)(ii)(A). If more than 10 codes apply to a chemical substance, submitters need only report the 10 codes for the chemical substance that cumulatively represent the largest percentage of the submitter's production volume for that chemical, measured by weight. If none of the listed consumer and commercial product categories accurately describes the consumer and commercial products in which each reportable chemical substance is used, the category “Other” may be used, and must include a description of the use.

Table 9 to Paragraph (b)(4)(ii)(A)—Codes for Reporting Consumer and Commercial Product Categories

Column A Column B
Code Category Code Category
Chemical Substances in Furnishing, Cleaning, Treatment Care Products
CC101Construction and building materials covering large surface areas including stone, plaster, cement, glass and ceramic articles; fabrics, textiles, and apparelC101Floor coverings.
CC102Furniture & furnishings including plastic articles (soft); leather articlesC102Foam seating and bedding products.
CC103Furniture & furnishings including stone, plaster, cement, glass and ceramic articles; metal articles; or rubber articlesC103Furniture and furnishings not covered elsewhere.
CC104Leather conditionerC104Fabric, textile, and leather products not covered elsewhere.
CC105Leather tanning, dye, finishing, impregnation and care products
CC106Textile (fabric) dyes
CC107Textile finishing and impregnating/surface treatment products
CC108All-purpose foam spray cleanerC105Cleaning and furnishing care products.
CC109All-purpose liquid cleaner/polish
CC110All-purpose liquid spray cleaner
CC111All-purpose waxes and polishes
CC112Appliance cleaners
CC113Drain and toilet cleaners (liquid)
CC114Powder cleaners (floors)
CC115Powder cleaners (porcelain)
CC116Dishwashing detergent (liquid/gel)C106Laundry and dishwashing products.
CC117Dishwashing detergent (unit dose/granule)
CC118Dishwashing detergent liquid (hand-wash)
CC119Dry cleaning and associated products
CC120Fabric enhancers
CC121Laundry detergent (unit-dose/granule)
CC122Laundry detergent (liquid)
CC123Stain removers
CC124Ion exchangersC107Water treatment products.
CC125Liquid water treatment products
CC126Solid/Powder water treatment products
CC127Liquid body soapC108Personal care products.
CC128Liquid hand soap
CC129Solid bar soap
CC130Air fresheners for motor vehiclesC109Air care products.
CC131Continuous action air fresheners
CC132Instant action air fresheners
CC133Anti-static sprayC110Apparel and footwear care products.
CC134Apparel finishing, and impregnating/surface treatment products
CC135Insect repellent treatment
CC136Pre-market waxes, stains, and polishes applied to footwear
CC137Post-market waxes, and polishes applied to footwear (shoe polish)
CC138Waterproofing and water-resistant sprays
Chemical Substances in Construction, Paint, Electrical, and Metal Products
CC201Fillers and puttiesC201Adhesives and sealants.
CC202Hot-melt adhesives
CC203One-component caulks
CC205Single-component glues and adhesives
CC206Two-component caulks
CC207Two-component glues and adhesives
CC208Adhesive/Caulk removersC202Paints and coatings.
CC209Aerosol spray paints
CC210Lacquers, stains, varnishes and floor finishes
CC211Paint strippers/removers
CC212Powder coatings
CC213Radiation curable coatings
CC214Solvent-based paint
CC216Water-based paint
CC217Construction and building materials covering large surface areas, including wood articlesC203Building/construction materials—wood and engineered wood products.
CC218Construction and building materials covering large surface areas, including paper articles; metal articles; stone, plaster, cement, glass and ceramic articlesC204Building/construction materials not covered elsewhere.
CC219Machinery, mechanical appliances, electrical/electronic articlesC205Electrical and electronic products.
CC220Other machinery, mechanical appliances, electronic/electronic articles
CC221Construction and building materials covering large surface areas, including metal articlesC206Metal products not covered elsewhere.
CC222Electrical batteries and accumulatorsC207Batteries.
Chemical Substances in Packaging, Paper, Plastic, Toys, Hobby Products
CC990Non-TSCA useC301Food packaging.
CC301Packaging (excluding food packaging), including paper articlesC302Paper products.
CC302Other articles with routine direct contact during normal use, including paper articles
CC303Packaging (excluding food packaging), including rubber articles; plastic articles (hard); plastic articles (soft)C303Plastic and rubber products not covered elsewhere.
CC304Other articles with routine direct contact during normal use including rubber articles; plastic articles (hard)
CC305Toys intended for children's use (and child dedicated articles), including fabrics, textiles, and apparel; or plastic articles (hard)C304Toys, playground, and sporting equipment.
CC306Adhesives applied at elevated temperaturesC305Arts, crafts, and hobby materials.
CC308Crafting glue
CC309Crafting paint (applied to body)
CC310Crafting paint (applied to craft)
CC311Fixatives and finishing spray coatings
CC312Modelling clay
CC313Correction fluid/tapeC306Ink, toner, and colorant products.
CC314Inks in writing equipment (liquid)
CC315Inks used for stamps
CC316Toner/Printer cartridge
CC317Liquid photographic processing solutionsC307Photographic supplies, film, and photochemicals.
Chemical Substances in Automotive, Fuel, Agriculture, Outdoor Use Products
CC401Exterior car washes and soapsC401Automotive care products.
CC402Exterior car waxes, polishes, and coatings
CC403Interior car care
CC404Touch up auto paint
CC405DegreasersC402Lubricants and greases.
CC406Liquid lubricants and greases
CC407Paste lubricants and greases
CC408Spray lubricants and greases
CC409Anti-freeze liquidsC403Anti-freeze and de-icing products.
CC410De-icing liquids
CC411De-icing solids
CC412Lock de-icers/releasers
CC413Cooking and heating fuelsC404Fuels and related products.
CC414Fuel additives
CC415Vehicular or appliance fuels
CC416Explosive materialsC405Explosive materials.
CC417Agricultural non-pesticidal productsC406Agricultural products (non-pesticidal).
CC418Lawn and garden care productsC407Lawn and garden care products.
Chemical Substances in Products not Described by Other Codes
CC980Other (specify)C909Other (specify).
CC990Non-TSCA useC980Non-TSCA use.

For the 2020 submission period: (1) Use column A for chemical substances designated in 2019 as high priority for risk evaluation (those chemicals listed in Table 7 to paragraph (b)(4)(i)(C) and (2) use either column A or B for chemical substances not listed in Table 7 to paragraph (b)(4)(i)(C).

For the 2024 and future submission periods, use only column A.

(B) For each consumer and commercial product category reported under paragraph (b)(4)(ii)(A) of this section, the applicable code(s) described in paragraph (b)(4)(i)(C) of this section must be selected to designate the function category(ies) that best represents the specific manner in which the chemical substance is used. For the 2020 submission period:

(1) Use column A in Table 6 to paragraph (b)(4)(i)(C) for chemical substances designated in 2019 as high priority for risk evaluation (those chemicals listed in Table 7 to paragraph (b)(4)(i)(C); and

(2) Use either column A or B in Table 6 to paragraph (b)(4)(i)(C) for chemical substances not listed in Table 7 to paragraph (b)(4)(i)(C). For the 2024 and future submission periods, use only column A in Table 6 to paragraph (b)(4)(i)(C). A particular function category may need to be reported more than once, to the extent that a submitter reports more than one consumer or commercial product category (under paragraph (b)(4)(ii)(A) of this section) that applies to a given function category under this paragraph. If none of the listed function categories accurately describes a use of a chemical substance, the category “Other” may be used, and must include a description of the use.

(C) An indication, within each consumer and commercial product category reported under paragraph (b)(4)(ii)(A) of this section, whether the use is a consumer or a commercial use.

(D) Submitters must determine, within each consumer and commercial product category reported under paragraph (b)(4)(ii)(A) of this section, whether any amount of each reportable chemical substance manufactured (including imported) by the submitter is present in (for example, a plasticizer chemical substance used to make pacifiers) or on (for example, as a component in the paint on a toy) any consumer products intended for use by children age 14 or younger, regardless of the concentration of the chemical substance remaining in or on the product. Submitters must select from the following options: The chemical substance is used in or on any consumer products intended for use by children; the chemical substance is not used in or on any consumer products intended for use by children; or information as to whether the chemical substance is used in or on any consumer products intended for use by children is not known to or reasonably ascertainable by the submitter.

(E) The estimated percentage, rounded off to the closest 10 percent, of the submitter's site's total production volume of the reportable chemical substance associated with each consumer and commercial product category. Where a particular consumer and commercial product category accounts for less than 5 percent of the total production volume of a reportable chemical substance, the percentage must not be rounded off to 0 percent if the production volume attributable to that commercial and consumer product category is 25,000 lb (11,340 kg) or more during the reporting year. Instead, in such a case, submitters must report the percentage, rounded off to the closest 1 percent, of the submitter's site's total production volume of the reportable chemical substance associated with the particular consumer and commercial product category.

(F) Where the reportable chemical substance is used in consumer or commercial products, the estimated typical maximum concentration, measured by weight, of the chemical substance in each consumer and commercial product category reported under paragraph (b)(4)(ii)(A) of this section. For each chemical substance in each commercial and consumer product category reported under paragraph (b)(4)(ii)(A) of this section, submitters must select from among the ranges of concentrations listed in Table 3 to paragraph (b)(3)(viii) of this section and report the corresponding code (i.e., M1 through M5).

(G) Where the reportable chemical substance is used in a commercial product, the submitter must estimate the number of commercial workers reasonably likely to be exposed to each reportable chemical substance. For each combination associated with each substance, the submitter must select from among the worker ranges listed in Table 2 to paragraph (b)(3)(vii) of this section and report the corresponding code (i.e., W1 though W8).

[85 FR 20139, Apr. 9, 2020]
authority: 15 U.S.C. 2607(a)
source: 76 FR 54933, Sept. 6, 2011, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 40 CFR 711.15